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Coordinate Systems of the World

Datums and Grids



Link zum Volltext (Lizenz gekauft, September 2024)

A comprehensive consolidation of data for the world, this book gives a short precis of each nation, each nation’s history, its topography and a chronology of the development of geodetic surveying and coordinate systems for that specific nation. This book is a starting point of information for understanding the world’s datums and grids. Based on the details available for each nation, the reader is given an overall view that can answer questions regarding the sources of spatial information available, their limitations, and the critical things to be aware. The topographic maps compiled over the centuries represent the mixes of technology specifically to that nation. The book provides information and clues regarding existing maps and how those maps and coordinate systems were created.


  • Provides concise history of the foundations of each country’s geodetic Datums
  • Includes coordinates of every known geodetic Datum Origin in the world
  • Explains transformation parameters from native Datums to WGS84 for many countries
  • Offers Grid parameters for most of the native Grid Systems of the world
  • Provides guidance on Grid System math models specific to individual countries

This book is intended for readers that have a solid foundation in cartography and mapping sciences such as graduate students with an interest in these subjects, as well as land surveyors, geodesists, mineral exploration professionals, cartographers, GIS specialists, remote sensing professionals, military intelligence specialists, as well as archeologists, biblical scholars, cadastral researchers, diplomats of boundary treaties, and technical professionals travelling to every foreign country in the world that intends to use local paper maps.