Geophysical Methods
Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies
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This book includes a complete background on geophysical methods of exploration, practices, and case histories for a better understanding of the subject of geophysics and its applicability in diverse fields of exploration. It details both conventional and advanced geophysical techniques, with descriptions of the physics involved in different methodologies. Divided into 16 chapters, the book includes detailed discussions of the theory of individual methods, the operation of specific instruments, the presentation of results, and their interpretation.
- Discusses potential geophysical methods and applications in mineral exploration
- Reviews natural hazard risk mitigation using geophysical methods
- Covers surface, air, marine, and well logging geophysical applications in natural resource exploration
- Includes electrical, electromagnetic, seismic, and radioactive geophysical methods supported by successful case histories
- Strengthens mathematical and problem-solving skills covering all the geophysical aspects
This book is aimed at graduate and post-graduate students in applied geophysics, exploration geophysics, marine geophysics, engineering, and environmental geophysics.
Table of Content
1.Geophysical Methods: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies 2. Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 3.Potential Field Methods (Gravity and Magnetic) 4. Magnetic Method 5. Direct Current (DC) Resistivity Method 6. Natural Potentials and Currents 7. Induced Polarization (IP) Method 8. Electromagnetic (EM) Methods 9. Magnetotelluric (MT) Method 10. Seismic Method and Seismic Tomography 11. Radioactivity Method 12. Geophysical Well Logging or Borehole Logging 13. Airborne Geophysics 14. Remote Sensing Techniques, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 15. Marine Geophysics 16. A Comparative Overview of Geophysical Methods with Equation Dictionaries, Field Layouts, and Instrumental Setups