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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment

3-Volume Set



Link zum Volltext (Einzel Lizenz, Freigeschaltet am 11.07.24)

Through a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed articles, the Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment presents an authoritative overview of the role and impacts of agriculture on the natural and human environments, from its origins historically to current praxis and outlooks. It examines the major themes of global and regional environmental change, the evolution of agriculture, historical styles of agriculture, famine, agricultural pollutants, research needs in agriculture, and the future of agriculture. The collection includes expert perspectives on specific important crops, soil science, land abuse and stewardship, methods of irrigation, experimental agricultures, patterns of farming, history and agro-archaeology, current agricultural trends, and contemporary public policy. It is curated by an international panel of scholars led by Editor in Chief Richard W. Hazlett, along with Associate Editors Peter Bogucki, Marc Los Huertos, Attila Nemes, and Giuseppe Provenzano.

  • Offers comprehensive coverage, through a collection of peer-reviewed articles, that spans both time (the early history of human settlements to the near future), and space (from regional to global perspectives)
  • Builds important bridges between science, scholarship, and practice, and integrates hard sciences with social sciences and culture, an interdisciplinary approach that is essential for grasping this theme and for promoting better environmental stewardship
  • Includes a wide range of scholarly international voices on a field of study much in need of deeper consideration and synthesis, given current environmental trends