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19 May Coffee Lecture: Elsevier journals: can the FU do without them?

News from May 16, 2022

19 May: Elsevier journals: can the FU do without them?

The FU, like many other universities and research institutions in Germany, terminated its contract with Elsevier in summer 2017. This was to increase the pressure on the publisher to achieve fair prices and, at the same time, worldwide free access (open access). To date, this has not been implemented. We report on the current state of negotiations with Elsevier and talk about experiences with 5 years without an Elsevier contract.

1:15 - 1:45 pm in the Earth Sciences Library in Lankwitz. Without registration. We have space for about 20 people: first come, first served. The lectures will be held in German. Fresh coffee available.

Please have a look at full Coffee Lectures program for the 2022 summer semester.

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