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Coffee lectures in the Earth Sciences Library (summer semester 2023)

News from Apr 14, 2023

In the summer semester 2023 we offer the following Coffee Lectures.

  • Thurdays 3:15 - 3:45 pm in the Earth Sciences Library in Lankwitz and simultaneously online.
  • To participate online, simply use the meeting link. The online stream will not be recorded.
  • Without registration.
  • We have space for about 20 people in the library: first come, first served. Of course there will be fresh coffee free of charge.
  • The presentations will be held in German or English.
  • Presentation slides will be continously made available on this website.


20.04.2023 Basics: Open Access publishing (in English)

We adress the advantages of open access publishing and explain the most important things about open-access journals and how to open up your research articles which are published behind paywalls. We will also show how to publish your research output in open access without commercial publishers. Presentation slides


27.04.2023 Publication charges for open access publishing: what is paid by Freie Universität Berlin? (in English)

When publishing journal articles in Open Access, authors usually face costs. We explain which costs are covered directly by the Freie Universität and how this works in practice. Presentation slides

04.05.2023 Recherchestrategie (in German) -CANCELLED-

We explain the most important strategies for literature research and introduce the central research tool at the FU (Primo).


11.05.2023 Mehr als PRIMO: wenig bekannte Rechercheinstrumente an der Freien Universität Berlin (in German)

We briefly introduce useful research tools and show what the special features are: the database information system (DBIS) of the FU Berlin, the Web of Science, the KOBV portal and the search portal GEO-LEO. Presentation slides


25.05.2023 Geo.X - Geoscientists working together in Berlin and Potsdam (in English)

With more than 10 institutions (universities and non-university) active in the field of geo and planetary sciences in the Berlin-Potsdam region, the Geo.X network provides the platform for cross-institutional collaboration in this geoscientific hotspot. We'll give you a brief overview of the Geo.X network activities and will specifically address the benefits for early career researchers (PhD students/Postdocs). 


01.06.2023 Abschlussarbeiten im Refubium publizieren (in German)

The University Library offers students at Freie Universität the opportunity to publish theses such as Bachelor's or Master's theses free of charge on the publication server Refubium. We show you step-by-step how the publication process works and which formal things you have to consider. Presentation slides


08.06.2023 Zitierregeln und Verweise (in German)

Citation is a central aspect of "good scientific practice" that all students and researchers must follow: it is considered plagiarism to take over foreign content without acknowledging the source. We explain the most important basic rules. Presentation slides


15.06.2023 New open access publisher „Berlin Universities Publishing“ (in English)

Berlin Universities Publishing is an open access publisher with a non-commercial, scholar-owned infrastructure funded by the Berlin University Alliance. BerlinUP enables you to publish high-quality scholarly books in open access, supports the publishing of open access journals, and advises members of the Berlin University Alliance on all aspects of scientific publishing. Presentation slides


22.06.2023 Die Kartensammlung in der Geowissenschaftlichen Bibliothek (in German)

We give an overview of what is available in the map collection and what possibilities there are to borrow maps or have them digitised.


29.06.2023 Legal aspects of the re-use of image material (in English)

When re-using copyrighted images, photos or graphics, there is often uncertainty as to which uses are permitted. We explain the basics of German copyright law and the special permissions (facilitations) that apply to the domain of research and teaching. Presentation slides


06.07.2023 Quality of open access journals (in English) -CANCELLED-

In principle, the quality of open access journals is just as good (or bad) as that of "traditional" journals. But there is a difference: the business model on which most open access journals for the sciences are based can tempt publishers to deliver poor quality (predatory publishing). We explain the mechanism and present our position on this.


13.07.2023 Basics: publishing research data (in English) -CANCELLED-

We explain where and how to publish research data: among others, we will adress the advantages of community-accepted data repositories over supplementary materials published along with journal articles, the importance of rich data documentation and the role of data availability statements.

20.07.2023 Explaining ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) (in English)

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, strives to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their research output, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals. We explain why it is great to have an ORCID and point out three important things to implement in your ORCID profile to get the most out of it. Presentation slides

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