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The Department of Earth Sciences signs the NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment

News from Feb 25, 2025

The Department of Earth Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin has become the first university department to sign the NFDI4Earth FAIRness and Openness Commitment. This is a clear statement of the department's commitment to FAIR and open research data. The topic will play an increasingly important role at the department in the future and concrete measures will be implemented to achieve the goals of the commitment. 

Scientists at the Department of Earth Sciences and the University Library of Freie Universität are already involved in NFDI4Earth. Contact persons are Harry Becker (Geochemistry), Ingo Kirchner (Meteorology) and Andreas Hübner (University Library).

NFDI4Earth engages with the community – be it student, service provider or scientist. Our measures guarantee that the development of NFDI4Earth is entirely driven by the community’s needs and requirements. Take a look at the participation opportunities in NFDI4Earth.

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