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Invitation to the first Campus Lankwitz Summer Party on 11.07.2024

News from Jul 02, 2024

Dear campus community, dear members of the Department of Geosciences, After many years of peaceful coexistence, we would like to organize a joint summer party this year to finally get to know each other better, to promote exchange across the various work and subject groups and to experience the diversity of our campus community. To make the party a great success, we need the support and creativity of each and every one of you! We would be delighted if as many facilities and institutions as possible could take part in the festival, be it with their own activities (e.g. games & sports) or individual support with food and drink sales, because where better to get into conversation than at a joint stand shift? How can you get involved?

  1. There is an organizing team that welcomes any support, new ideas and lively exchanges. (See below for contact details)
  2. Promote the event! If you don't know about the festival, you won't come. 
  3. Think as a team about what contribution your institution can make to the festival and report this to the organizing team.
  4. Sign up for stand shifts, e.g. setting up and clear up, selling food and drinks and/or donate a cake or salad for sale (everything can be entered in this online table)

What we have planned so far

  • Food and drink stands: Cakes, grilled food and various drinks
  • Campus karaoke: As a special highlight we offer "blind duet" 
  • Music and dancing: music will be playing in the inner courtyard of House G
  • Games, activities and information: there is also room for your ideas

 The profits from the sale of food and drinks will be used for a community-promoting project on campus.  We look forward to seeing you! With best regardsThe organization team


Contact organizing team:

Bernd Wallrodt: bernd.wallrodt@fu-berlin.de

Jonas Ernst: jonas.ernst@fu-berlin.de

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