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Recommendation to wear a FFP2 mask

News from May 22, 2022

We recommend wearing an FFP2 mask when using the libraries. Thank you very much for your support!

For more than seven weeks now, the summer semester has largely taken place in presence. Above all, wearing FFP2 masks indoors has proven to be highly effective in protecting against infection, whether in the libraries, group study rooms, PC pools, or offices. On behalf of the University Library, we thank you for your great dedication, thoughtfulness, and also your patience during this time.

The current federal SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance, which is the basis for Freie Universität's Framework Hygiene Plan and thus also for the FFP2 mask requirement anchored therein, was only valid until May 25, 2022. The expiration of the Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance means that Freie Universität's Framework Hygiene Plan has also expired: this means that the requirement to wear an FFP2 mask of May 26, 2022 has been replaced by our urgent recommendation to continue wearing an FFP2 mask in the indoor rooms of the libraries. Despite falling infection numbers, the pandemic is still not over.

Voluntary, proven measures - such as following 3G criteria (vaccinated, recovered, tested), taking advantage of testing services, using the Robert Koch Institute's Corona Warning app, washing hands, and regularly ventilating rooms and keeping your distance - also serve to protect health. We appeal to you to continue to advocate for your own safety and the safety of others as the summer semester progresses.

We continue to wish you all the best for the summer semester and thank you very much for your support!

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