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Research Data Management courses during the Love Data Week

News from Feb 10, 2023

The international "Love Data Week" provides in the upcoming week a lot of opportunities and formats to learn about research data management (RDM). Have a look at  the full programme from German institutions and the international programme

Especially interesting for geoscientists may be a short intro to the GFZ Data Publishing Services:

  • 14.02.2023 |12:30 – 13:00  Make your data count: Publishing your ESS [Earth System Sciences] data via GFZ Data Services (Link)

Consider also this: the RDM-Team of Freie Universität Berlin offers the following during the Love Data Week:

  • 15.02.2023 | 14:00 s.t. - 15:00  Offene Sprechstunde Forschungsdatenmanagement/ Ask us anything (Link)
  • 16.02.2023 | 10:30 - 12:30  A short introduction to research data management (Link)
  • 16.02.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30  Let's play Lego®! Reproduzierbare Forschung ganz praktisch erleben (Link)
  • 17.02.2023 | 10:00 - 12:00  OpenRefine als Werkzeug im Forschungsdatenmanagement (Link, completely booked, waiting list available)
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