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Engagement for researchers in NFDI4Earth

News from Jul 06, 2022

More than 50 Earth system research institutions in Germany are organised in the NFDI4Earth to establish and further develop existing and new data infrastructures and analysis tools for the community. NFDI4Earth thrives above all on the commitment of the scientists in the participating institutions. Various projects are also being worked on at the Department of Geosciences at the FU (see here).

Here we point out different possibilities to engage with the NFDI4Earth community and to develop projects and ideas for data management and analysis with the NFDI4Earth (possibly with NFDI4Earth funding). Please contact me (Andreas Hübner) for further information or in case of questions.

Educational Pilots
This program supports the development of educational and training materials. Topics may relate to all aspects of the NFDI4Earth, in particular, Research Data Management (RDM), data literacy, and data science. Submission Deadline: August 15, 2022. The funding of the projects will be according to the DFG personnel rate and could be used, e.g., professional media production or assistant scientists. To meet individual needs, NFDI4Earth has decided against a financial ceiling per application. However, please be aware that the total budget for this call is limited to 25.000 Euros.

NFDI4Earth Academy
The NFDI4Earth Academy supports young scientists in developing skills and mindsets for open and data-driven science across disciplinary boundaries. If you are working on your PhD or PostDoc-project and want to integrate Data Science methods or want to connect to other early career researchers with similar interests, you may apply to become a NFDI4Earth Academy fellow. The 1st call is open (application deadline 30 September) and the Academy program will start in November 2022.

Pilot Projects
Pilots are up-to-one-year-long, NFDI4Earth-funded projects that leverage ideas and specific methods in research data management and transforming them into concrete action. In a first application round in 2020 14 pilots were selected and started to work in April 2022. The next call is planned for mid 2023.

lncubator Lab
The lncubator Lab funds projects which fosters novel data science developments. Funding of each project is limited to 6 months for one full-time-researcher. The first application round had 24 submissions, 5 proposals were selected for funding (see this presentation, page 12). The next call will be announced in 2023.

Interest Groups
An Interest Group (IG) is a temporary or permanent forum for acommunity or stakeholder group to identify, discuss and communicate requirements, jointly advance NFDI4Earth-related concepts, technologies and processes or implement NFDI4Earth principles. Open for everyone to join or to start a new topical IG.
The following interest groups are under review or already endorsed:

  • Geology & Geophysics
  • High-performance Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Research Software
  • FAIR Data
  • Standardisation of Geochemical Analysis Data

NFDI4Earth is the consortium for the Earth system sciences within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). The NFDI systematically opens up research data, secures them sustainably, makes them accessible and connects them (inter)nationally. The NFDI consists of self-responsible consortia that have been working together as a networked structure since 2020. The NFDI4Earth consortium started its work in 2021.

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