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Terms of use from April 2022

News from Mar 31, 2022

FFP2 mask requirement in enclosed spaces remains, 3G controls and presence detection are eliminated.

With the changes in the legal regulations for protection against the coronavirus, the libraries of Freie Universität are also adjusting their terms of use as of April 1, 2022:

Access rules and attendance recording

The 3G checks at the entrances to the libraries are no longer required. Attendance is no longer to be documented until further notice. The use of Freie Universität's open source web application for digital attendance recording a.nwesen.de is suspended.

Mouth-nose protection

In the rooms of the libraries, the obligation to wear an FFP2 mask remains, also at the reading room workstation. Please continue to maintain distances and show consideration for each other, including the protection needs of employees!

Group workrooms

The two large group study rooms will continue to be reserved through the room booking system.

In addition, the lending conditions are reset to pre-pandemic levels

  1. Overdue fines and interlibrary loan fees (performance notices) are reinstated.
  2. Automatic loan period extension only for FU internal users. External users please extend their loan period independently in the Primo user account or by telephone or e-mail.
  3. Special terms of use are withdrawn in individual subject libraries.

In view of the pandemic, the general conditions for university operations are regularly coordinated and adjusted between the Berlin universities and the Senate Administration. The information presented on principles and individual aspects therefore applies at Freie Universität Berlin subject to changes in planning and operational requirements under federal or state law.

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