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Who has what rights to research data at the university?

News from Nov 02, 2022

The webinar series 'forschungsdaten.info live' will address the question „Wer hat an der Universität welche Rechte an Forschungsdaten?" (engl.: Who has what rights to research data at the university?) on 24 January 2023 (in German). The interplay of copyright law, employment law and good scientific practice will be presented in a practical and understandable way for laypersons. The different rights of different status groups at universities (professors, research assistants and doctoral students) will also be addressed.

Submit your questions in advance:

After an introduction, the focus of the event will be on the discussion of case studies. You are invited to bring your own cases to the consideration and discussion. Deadline for submission of case studies: 27 November 2022. Please send to: kontakt@forschungsdaten.info.
Requirements: Case description (1 page DIN A4 max.), PDF format, anonymisation of sensitive (personal) data. Please note that data protection issues can also be very relevant when dealing with research data, but due to the limited duration of the webinar, they will only be discussed in a cursory manner at this time.

Date of the webinar: 24 January 2023, 10-11.30 a.m.
Participation weblink for the event (without registration): https://bbb.uni-konstanz.de/b/liv-uxu-9nv

Prof. Anne Lauber-Rönsberg, Professor of Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law, in particular Copyright Law, and Media and Data Protection Law, TU Dresden
Felix Magin, subject specialist Law, Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum, Universität Konstanz

Website: https://forschungsdaten.info/praxis-kompakt/forschungsdateninfo-live/#c802811

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