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Research Data Publication: how to do it FAIR and open

News from Nov 23, 2021

The upcoming online - colloquium of the Institute of Geological Sciences will be held by Andreas Hübner (Earth Science Library, FU Berlin) on 25 November 2021.

The video of the talk (~ 36 min.) is available online already now for you to look at. Live-discussion with Andreas Hübner will start online at 5 pm. Please participate via videoconference: https://bbb.planet.fu-berlin.de/b/geo-gzn-j9j-yc4 

The talk deals with current standards in data publication, explains researchers´ role in making data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), and covers legal aspects including data licensing. While data repositories, publishers and institutions all have their own roles in enabling “FAIR and open” publishing, this talk focuses on the perspective and core tasks of researchers for best practice in research data publication.

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