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Training on the anti-plagiarism software ‘Identific’ at the GeoCampus Lankwitz (in English)

News from Nov 29, 2024

22 January 2025, 10.00 - 11.30, house G, room 202 (lecture hall), GeoCampus Lankwitz

Online participation with Webex is also possible: Meetinglink

Trainer: Dr Armin Glatzmeier (University Library, Stabsstelle Kompetenzentwicklung Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten)

The software ‘Identific’ is now available at Freie Universität to support the investigation of possible plagiarism in written examinations. The software is still in trial operation, but can be used in full by interested employees. During the trial phase, user accounts are created manually by the University Library. After the trial period, it is planned to log in using the usual single sign-on procedure.

The provision of the software is intended in particular for all lecturers, examiners and persons responsible for examinations, but not for students and doctoral candidates. If you would like to use the software, please contact plagiat@ub.fu-berlin.de. You are also welcome to use this functional e-mail address of the University Library for further questions concerning the use and handling of the plagiarism software, interpretation of examination reports and documentation of manifest cases of plagiarism.

This training course on the anti-plagiarism software ‘Identific’ on the GeoCampus is organised by the Earth Sciences Library.

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