M.Sc. Marielle Geppert

Institute for Geographical Sciences
Applied Physical Geography, Environmental Hydrology and Resource Management
Room H027
12249 Berlin
Scientific education
07/2017 – present
Freie Universität Berlin – Ph.D. Earth Sciences
Topic: Reconstruction of a palaeo-lake system at the Tsodilo Hills UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kalahari, Botswana
Nanjing University– M.Sc. Environmental Earth Sciences
Semester abroad in Nanjing, China
10/2014 – 03/2017
Freie Universität Berlin – M.Sc. Environmental Earth Sciences
Thesis: Process-related variations in sediment dynamics of Lake Kuhai, NE Tibetan Plateau, China.
10/2010 – 09/2014
Universität-Potsdam – B.Sc. Geoecology
Thesis: Depositional Characteristics of Glacial Kettle Holes at Kraatz and Rittgarten, NE Brandenburg, Germany.
Previous research employments
08/2013 – 04/2014
Universität Potsdam – Institute of Geosciences
Student assistant – Sample preparation for CNS elemental analysis
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Student assistant – Review, evaluation and preparation of literature sources in the project “Innovationsnetzwerk Klimaanpassung Brandenburg Berlin” (Innovation Network Climate Adaptation)
Scientific activities abroad
2019 – 2 weeks:
Paleolake Tsodilo + Molopo and Okwa River (Botswana)
field work: sediment sample collection (pits), drone survey
2018 – 3 weeks:
Paleolake Tsodilo (Botswana)
field work: sediment sample collection (pits and surface), differential GPS survey
2017 – 2 weeks:
Paleolake Tsodilo + Molopo River (Botswana)
field work: surface sediment sample collection
2015 – 2 weeks:
Lake Kuhai (Qinghai Province, China)
field work: sediment sample collection (surface), core drilling, measuring of different water parameters
Awards and Achievements
- Best Poster Award; Geo.X Annual Meeting 2020
- Scholarship of Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V. (doctoral scholarship)
- Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship (doctoral scholarship)
2018 - 2021
Field practical course: Theory and practice of physical-geographical methodology –topics: soil + catena („Theorie und Praxis der physisch-geographischen Methodik“, B.Sc. Geography)
2017 & 2019
Laboratory practical course: Theory and Practice of Physical Geographical Methodology - Introduction to Physical Geographical Laboratory Methods („Theorie und Praxis der physisch-geographischen Methodik – Einführung in physisch geographische Labormethoden“, B.Sc. Geography)
2017 - 2019
Seminar: Introduction to Statistics („Einführung in die Statistik“, B.Sc. Geography) (Substitute lessons)
2019 present
Participation in the Certificate Programme for Higher Education Didactics at Dahlem Center for Academic Teaching (DCAT) “SUPPORT für die Lehre”
Students advised
Undergraduate supervision as additional advisor:
- “Processes of soil formation in the Kalahari: an example from the Tsodilo Hills, north-western Botswana” (Hannah Ackermann; graded by Dr. Kai Hartmann and Dr. Tilman Rost) – Completed
- “Sources of moisture for precipitation in southern Africa” (preliminary working title; Florian Cordt, supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfahl and Dr. Ingo Kirchner ) – Ongoing
- Environmental reconstructions
- Palaeoclimatology
- Lake sediments
Peer-reviewed papers:
- Geppert, M., Hartmann, K., Riedel, F., Struck, U. (2022). Stable water isotopes of precipitation and different surface waters in southern Africa, sampled from 2016 to 2021. PANGEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.944811
- Geppert, M., Hartmann, K., Kirchner, I., Pfahl, S., Struck, U., Riedel, F. (2022). Precipitation over southern Africa: Moisture sources and isotopic composition. JGR-Atmosphere, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037005.
- Geppert, M., Riedel, F., Gummersbach, V.S., Gutjahr, S., Hoelzmann, P., Reyes Garzón, M.D., Shemang, E.M. & Hartmann, K. Late Pleistocene hydrological settings at world heritage Tsodilo Hills (NW Kalahari, Botswana), a site of ancient human occupation. Quaternary Science Advances 3 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qsa.2021.100022.
- Kleeberg, A., Neyen, M., Schkade, U.K., Kalettka T. & Lischeid, G. Sediment cores from kettle holes in NE Germany reveal recent impacts of agriculture. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23, 7409–7424 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-015-5989-y
- Kleeberg, A., Neyen, M. & Kalettka, T. Element-specific downward fluxes impact the metabolism and vegetation of kettle holes. Hydrobiologia 766, 261–274 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-015-2460-5
Conference contributions
- Geppert, M., Riedel, F., Gummersbach, V.S., Gutjahr, S., Hoelzmann, P., Reyes Garzón, M.D., Shemang, E.M. & Hartmann, K. Environmental conditions at a paleo lake system on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tsodilo Hills, Kalahari Botswana, during the Last Glacial Maximum – Arbeitskreis Wüstenrandforschung, online, 08.02.2021. (Oral presentation)
- Geppert, M., Pfahl, S., Struck, U, Ingo Kirchner, Shemang, E.M., Hartmann, K. & Riedel, F., Identification of source-sink relationships in southern Africa by stable water isotopes analysis and Lagrangian moisture source diagnostics – EGU General Assembly, online, 4.-8.5.2020(Poster)
- Neyen, M., Hartmann, K., Gummersbach, V.S., Reyes Garzón, Gutjahr, S., M.D., Shemang, E.M. & Riedel, F. Late Pleistocene lake-level fluctuations and relief inversion at Paleolake Tsodilo, Kalahari, NW Botswana – EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 7.-12.4.2019 (Poster)
- Neyen, M., Hartmann, K., Gummersbach, V.S., Reyes Garzón, Gutjahr, S., M.D., Shemang, E.M. & Riedel, F. Late Pleistocene lake-level fluctuations and relief inversion at Paleolake Tsodilo, Kalahari, NW Botswana – Arbeitskreis Wüstenrandforschung, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 08.-09.02.2019 (Poster)
- Neyen, M., Hartmann, K., Bayer, V.S., Reyes Garzón, Gutjahr, S., Ramotoroko, C., M.D., Shemang, E.M. & Riedel, F. Geomorphological features derived by wavelet-based analysis of high-resolution TanDEM-X digital elevation models at Late Quaternary Paleo-lake Tsodilo, Kalahari, NW Botswana – Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, 23.-27.9.2018. (Oral Presentation)
- Neyen, M., Bayer, V.S., Wiese, R., Reyes Garzón, M.D., Shemang, E.M., Hartmann, K. & Riedel, F. Reconstruction of the Palaeo-lake system Tsodilo, Kalahari, Botsuana– Arbeitskreis Wüstenrandforschung, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, 09.-10.02.2018 (Oral Presentation)
- Neyen, M., Schkade, U. K., Kalettka, T., & Kleeberg, A. Besonderheiten der Sedimentation und Stoffakkumulation in glazial geprägten Ackerhohlformen (Söllen) der Uckermark (Nordost-Brandenburg). Conference of the German Limnological Society, Magdeburg, Germany, 29.09.-02.10.2014 (Oral Presentation).
Die Vermessung der Erde (2/2) – mit Harald Lesch: Von Kolumbus bis ins All (ZDF, 2019)
specific part: Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Die Vermessung der Erde" ZDF (2019)
complete docu: https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/terra-x/die-vermessung-der-erde-mit-harald-lesch-von-kolumbus-bis-ins-all-100.html