Dr. Andrei Dörre

Lecturer, Researcher
Room K 169
12249 Berlin
Office hours
My office hours are on Thursday, 14-15 o'clock. Please contact me by email or phone to make an appointment.
Since September 2019, I have been a team member in the Working Group ‘Globalization, Transformation, Gender’ at the Institute of Geographical Sciences working as a lecturer (Lehrkraft fuer besondere Aufgaben). My teaching portfolio includes introductory courses in human geography and courses on specific and integrative geographic topics, as well as exercises in empirical research methods for students in the undergraduate Geographical Sciences program. I additionally offer seminars on human-environment relations and regional geographies, as well as study projects in Central Asia for students of the graduate program Geographical Development Research.
My research interest focuses on societal change and human-environmental interactions in High Asia and the former socialist region of Central Asia. My earlier studies were devoted to the change of animal husbandry practices in Kyrgyzstan (doctoral thesis) and the interplay of international intervention, security promotion, and development activities in Afghanistan. Currently, I am dealing with the overarching issues of collaborative resource management and societal development in marginalized regions, focusing on small-scale irrigation agriculture and the problem of food provision in the Pamirs of Tajikistan.
Since July 2021, I have been a member of the spokesperson team of the High Mountains Working Group in the German Geographical Society (DGfG). I am also an associate editor of two journals: Pastoralism. Research, Policy and Practice (SpringerOpen) and Central Asian Journal of Water Research (CAJWR).
Winter term 2024/25
- V 24219001 "Introduction to Geographies of Global Inequalities" (M.Sc. Geographies of Global Inequalities)
- S 24219001 "Political Ecology: Perspectives, Themes, Applications " (M.Sc. Geographies of Global Inequalities)
- S 24201711 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201811 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201911 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24207311 "Spezielle Themen: Sozioökologische Themen in Gebirgen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24207811 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24208237 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24207351 "Kolloquium - Spezielle Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Summer term 2024
- S 24205211 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205311 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205411 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24210811 "Regionale Themen der Humangeographie: Seidenstraßen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24210851 "Kolloquium - Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften
- PjS 24209812 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Soziale und ökologische Themen im Elbsandsteingebirge" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- LFP 24209827 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Soziale und ökologische Themen im Elbsandsteingebirge" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Winter term 2023/24
- S 24201711 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201811 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201911 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24202011 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24202111 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24207811 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24208237 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24207351 "Kolloquium - Spezielle Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Summer term 2023
- S 24205211 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205311 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24210811 "Regionale Themen der Humangeographie: Seidenstraßen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24211411 "Integrative Betrachtung geographischer Themen: Sozioökologische Themen in Gebirgen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24210851 "Kolloquium - Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften
- PjS 24209812 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Soziökologische Themen im Elbsandsteingebirge" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- LFP 24209827 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Soziökologische Themen im Elbsandsteingebirge" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Winter term 2022/23
- S 24201711 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201811 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201911 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24207811 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24208237 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Foodscapes in the City" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24207351 "Kolloquium - Spezielle Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24216111 "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S 24218011 "Nachbereitung: Spaces of Guwahati: Rural-urban Linkages and Social Economies in the Capital of Assam, India" (gemeinsam mit Stefan Schütte; M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer term 2022
- S 24205211 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205311 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205411 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205511 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24211411 "Integrative Betrachtung geographischer Themen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24210851 "Kolloquium - Spezielle Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24216511 "Spaces of Guwahati: Rural-urban Linkages and Social Economies in the Capital of Assam, India" (together with Stefan Schütte; M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- LFP 24216527 "Spaces of Guwahati: Rural-urban Linkages and Social Economies in the Capital of Assam, India" (together with Stefan Schütte; M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Winter term 2021/22
- S 24201711 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24201911 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24202011 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24207811 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Geographien des Essens" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24208437 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik: Geographien des Essens" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24207351 "Kolloquium - Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GK 24213225 "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S 24216111 "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (together with colleagues from the institute; M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- PjS 24217912 "Institutionen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Berlin" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer term 2021
- S 24205311 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205411 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24205511 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24210811 "Regionale Themen der Anthropogeographie: Seidenstraßen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- PjS 24210112 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Urbane Mobilität im Wandel" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- LFP 24210127 "Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Urbane Mobilität im Wandel" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24211411 "Integrative Betrachtung geographischer Themen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24210851 "Bachelorkolloquium" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24217911 "Projekt II: Social Change and Development" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Winter term 2020/21
- S 24401b1 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24401b2 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24401b3 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24401b4 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- SG 24401c2 "Geographien der Globalisierung: Koloniale Spuren in Berlin" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- SG 24401c3 "Geographien der Globalisierung: Globalisierung in Berlin/Berlin in der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24414a4 "Bachelor-Kolloquium" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24687b "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S 24687b2 "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- LFP 24689b1 "Social Change and Development" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer Term 2020
- S 24405b2 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24405b4 "Geographien der Differenzen" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- C 24415a4 "Bachelor-Kolloquium" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- V 24690a "Regionale Studien: Regionale Geographie Zentralasiens" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S 24690b "Regionale Studien: Regionale Geographie Zentralasiens" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S 24689a1 "Development and human-environment relations in the Walnut Fruit Forest Region, Kyrgyzstan" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Winter Term 2019/20
- S 24401b3 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24401b4 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24401b5 "Geographien der Globalisierung" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24409a1 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24409a4 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24409b1 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- GP 24409b4 "Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methodik" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S 24687b "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer Term 2019 (University of Vienna, Austria)
- VL-Ü "Mensch-Umweltbeziehungen in Zentral - und Hochasien" (M.A. International Development)
- S "Politische und regionale Geographien von und in Zentralasien" (M.A. International Development)
- S "The ‘Silk Roads’ in the Past and Present. Mobility, Migration, and Exchange in Central Asia and Beyond" (M.A. International Development)
- S "Social Change and Development in Central Asia: Interventions and Transitions" (M.A. International Development)
Winter Term 2018/19
- S Nachbereitung LFP "Aspects of regional development in Khorog, Tajikistan" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung) mit Stefan Schütte
Summer Term 2018
- S Seminar "Zentral- und Hochasien" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung) with Hermann Kreutzmann
- S Seminar "Vorbereitung LFP" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung) with Stefan Schütte
- LFP Lehrforschungsprojekt "Aspects of regional development in Khorog, Tajikistan" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung) with Stefan Schütte
Winter Term 2017/18
- S Seminar im Gelände "Berlin in der Globalisierung - Globalisierung in Berlin" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S Seminar "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- VL "Angewandte und regionale Geographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) with other lecturers of the institute
Summer Term 2017
- PS "Integrative Betrachtung gesamtgeographischer Themen" together with other lecturers of the institute (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Winter Term 2016/17
S Nachbereitung "The rural-urban nexus and its impact on exchange relations in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan" (M.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) with Stefan Schütte
S "Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
S "Einführung in geographisches und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) together with other lecturers of the institute
VL "Angewandte und regionale Geographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) together with other lecturers of the institute
Summer Term 2016
- HS Preparation "The rural-urban nexus and its impact on exchange relations in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan" (M.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) together with Stefan Schütte
- SG "The rural-urban nexus and its impact on exchange relations in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan" (M.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften) together with Stefan Schütte
Winter Term 2015/16
- S "Natürliche Ressourcen und ihr Management" (M.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- S "Einführung in die Anthropogeographie I" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Summer Term 2015
- PS "Integrative Betrachtung gesamtgeographischer Themen" mit Lehrenden des Instituts (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften
Winter Term 2014/15
- S "Natürliche Ressourcen und ihr Management" mit Hermann Kreutzmann und Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforachung)
- HS "Projektauswertung: Lebenssicherung im West-Pamir, Tadschikistan" mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S "Spezielle Themen der Geographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Summer Term 2014
- S "Projektvorbereitung: Lebenssicherung im West-Pamir, Tadschikistan" mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwickungsforschung)
- GP "Empirische Entwicklungsforschung: Lebenssicherung im West-Pamir, Tadschikistan"mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwickungsforschung)
- PS "Integrative Betrachtung gesamtgeographischer Themen" mit Lehrenden des Instituts (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Winter Term 2013/14
- HS "Projektauswertung: Nutzung und Management von Naturressourcen in Kirgistan" mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- S "Spezielle Themen der Geographie" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Summer Term 2013
- S "Projektvorbereitung: Nutzung und Management von Naturressourcen in Kirgistan" mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
- GP "Empirische Entwicklungsforschung: Nutzung und Management von Naturressourcen in Kirgistan" mit Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographisch Entwicklungsforschung)
- VL "Regionale Geographie Süd- und Zentralasiens" mit Thomas Loy, Matthias Schmidt und Stefan Schütte (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Winter Term 2012/13
- PS Proseminar "Einführung in geographisches und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
SG Seminar im Gelände "Institutionen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer Term 2012
- S Einführung in die Anthropogeographie II (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
Winter Term 2011/12
- SG Einführung in die Anthropogeographie I: Erinnerungsorte in Berlin (B.Sc. Geographische Wissenschaften)
- SG Seminar im Gelände "Institutionen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (M.Sc. Geographische Entwicklungsforschung)
Summer Term 2008
ES Einführung in die Inhalte, Ergebnisse und Anwendung der Anthropogeographie, LV-Nr. 24 401, Di 9-10
ES Einführung in die Inhalte, Ergebnisse und Anwendung der Anthropogeographie, LV-Nr. 24 402, Di 10-11
ES Einführung in die Inhalte, Ergebnisse und Anwendung der Anthropogeographie, LV-Nr. 24 403, Di 11-12
MK Wedding, LV-Nr. 24 406b, Vorbesprechung Fr, 09.05.2008, 12:00 Uhr ct, Block im Juli 2008
Research Topics
- Development geography and transformation studies
- Political geography and political ecology
- Geograhies of food and human-environment-relations
- Regional focus: Central Asia, High Asia
Research Project
- „Land, Water, and Foodscapes in High Asia" (funded by the Geo.X Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam, the Cross Cultural Program des Instituts für Auslandsbeziehungen, the Centre for Development Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and own resources; running project)
- „Natural Resource Management in Central Asia" (funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2015-2017)
- „Menschliche Sicherheit und Entwicklung in Afghanistan oder welches Umfeld braucht Entwicklung? Regionale Analysen und Entwicklungschancen in den Provinzen Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Kunduz und Takhar" (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2008-2012)
- Dissertation “Animal husbandry and pasture economy in transformation. Postsoviet transformation processes in southern Kyrgyzstan“ as a part of the project “The impact of the transformation process on human-environmental interactions in Southern Kyrgyzstan“, financed by the Volkswagen foundation
November 2024: 5th Annual Central Asia Study Network in Germany (CASNiG) Conference "Human-Environment Relations in Central Asia: Flows, Frictions, and Frontiers", Leibniz-Zentrum-Moderner-Orient (ZMO), Berlin: Food security and Dietary Patterns in the Tajik Pamirs
October 2024: DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies CEECON 2024, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin: Food security and Dietary Patterns in the Pamirs, Tajikistan
October 2023: Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, University of Pittsburgh, Center for Governance and Markets, Pittsburgh, PA (USA): Food security and Dietary Patterns in the Pamirs, Tajikistan
June 2023: Annual meeting of the Working Group High Mountains, Hirschegg (Austria): Food Security in the Pamirs, Tajikistan
October 2022: Seminar on "New Research on History, Environment, Society and Developmental Changes in the Pamirs," Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Central Asia, Khorog (Tajikistan): Special Economic Zones in Remote Mountain Regions. Guarantee of Success for Economic Development?
November 2021: International Hybrid Conference "Трансграничные Регионы в Условиях Глобальных Изменений: Coвременные Вызовы и Перспективы Развития," Gorno-Altaisk (Russian Federation): Особые экономические зоны в Таджикистане – Инструмент экономической политики для развития? (Special Economic Zones in Tajikistan – An Economic Policy Instrument for Development?)
November 2021: International Conference "Eurasia in Transition: Geopolitics, Connections and Challenges," Zurich (Switzerland): Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
October 2021: Joint International Grassland & International Rangeland Virtual Congress, Kenya 2021: User-based Pasture Management in Kyrgyzstan: Achievements, Challenges, and Trends
- September 2021: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie Digital Conference: Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
April 2021: Virtual annual meeting of the working group High Mountains: Sonderwirtschaftszonen. Erfolgsinstrument für Entwicklung im Hochgebirge?
March 2021: Central Asia Study Network in Germany (CASNiG) Annual (Virtual) Workshop "Beyond Post-Soviet: Path Dependencies and New Trajectories of Change in Central Asia", Eberswalde: Special Economic Zones in the Periphery. Guarantee of Success for Economic Development?
December 2020: L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (Séminaire EHESS L'Asie centrale dans tous ses Etats: questions et méthodes): Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
October 2020: Meeting of the Section 'Geography' of the German Association for East European Studies "Status Quo Vadis? Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunft der geographischen Osteuropa-Forschung" (Virtual Conference): Vom Osten Lernen? Gemeinschaftsgüter und kollaboratives Handeln in Zeiten des Globalen Wandels
September 2020: The Third Biennial Conference of the Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) "Contested Natures: Power, Possibility, Prefiguration" (Virtual conference): Collaborative Resource Management in Peripheral Mountain Regions. Small-scale Irrigation Arrangements in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan
July 2020: Digital Symposium 'COVID-19 als Zäsur? Geographische Perspektiven auf Räume, Gesellschaften und Technologien in der Pandemie': Ernährungssicherung in peripher(isiert)en Gebirgsregionen in Zeiten von COVID-19
- July 2020: Sinofon Borderlands. Interaction at the Edges Project, Palacký University Olomouc, Guest Lecture: Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- February, 2020: Workshop 'Agricultural Innovations, Rural Development and Globalization Processes in Central Asia', Halle: Special Economic Zones in the Periphery: Guarantee of Success for Rural Development?
- February, 2020: Workshop 'Transformations After the Transformation.Central Asia in the Focus of Human Geography and Social Sciences', Augsburg: Learning from the South (and East)? The Commons and Collaborative Action in Times of Global Change
- September 2019: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Kiel: Local Knowledge-Based Water Management and Irrigation in the Western Pamirs
- September 2019: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Kiel: Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- September 2019: International Mountains Conference 2019, Innsbruck (Austria): Small-scale Irrigation Self-Governance in the Pamirs, Tajikistan
- August 2019: Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London (UK): Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- July 2019: Freie Universitaet Berlin: Colloquium of the Institute of Geographical Sciences: Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- February 2019: University of Augsburg: Annual Meeting of the working group High Mountains, Augsburg: Feeding the Mountains. Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- February 2019: Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: New Cultural Geography XVI 2019 “More Than Human Geographies", Eichstätt: Feeding the Mountains. Shifting Foodscapes in High Asia
- October 2018: University of Central Asia, Mountain Societies Research Institute: Silk Roads Conference 2018 “Anticipating Social and Environmental Impacts of China’s Belt & Road Initiative in the Mountains of Central Asia”, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan): Regional Development Through International Trade? GBAO and the trade between China and Tajikistan
- October 2018: World Mountain Forum, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan): Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in the Context of Social Transition and Ecological Change
- June 2018: International Geographical Union Thematic Conference "Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges", Moskow (Russia), Session "Mountains 21 – New Challenges. Role and Responsibility of Geography": "Feeding the Mountains: Shifting Foodscapes in the Tajik Pamirs"
- June 2018: International Geographical Union Thematic Conference "Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges", Moskow (Russia), Session "Sustainable Land Management Practices: Experiences and Evaluation": "Local Knowledge–Based Water Management and Irrigation in the Western Pamirs"
- June 2018: Meeting "Probleme und Zukunftsfragen der Hochgebirgsforschung" of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung, Altenberg a.d. Rax (Österreich), "Lokales Wissen und hydrosoziale Arrangements in West-Pamir von Tadschikistan"
- April 2018: Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (USA): “Sustainable Hydrosocial Arrangements in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan”
- April 2018: AAG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (USA): “Sustainable Hydrosocial Arrangements in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan”
- March 2018: University of Central Asia, Khorog (Tajikistan): "Community-Based Resource Management in Mountain Regions of Central Asia"
- February 2018: Annual meeting of the working group Rural Space, Kiel - "Potentials and Constraints of Local Hydrosocial Arrangements in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan"
- September 2017: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Tübingen - "Understanding society-nature relations through a nexus perspective on resources"
- June 2017: 4th International Conference "Water & Society", Sevilla (Spain) - “Local Knowledge-Based Water Management and Irrigation in the Western Pamirs”
- November 2016: Sankt Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (Russia) – “Pastoralism and pasture management in Kyrgyzstan”
- November 2016: Sankt Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg (Russia) – “Small-scale irrigation agriculture in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan”
- June 2016: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen - "Naturressourcennutzung im Kontext struktureller Unsicherheiten. Kirgistans Weideländer aus politisch-ökologischer Perspektive"
- June 2016: Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall, Wien - "Kirgisistans Weideländer – Naturressourcennutzung im Kontext struktureller Unsicherheiten"
- May 2016: Annual Meeting of the working group High Mountains (together with Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung), Berchtesgaden -"Commodification - Privatization - User-based Management. Neoliberal Developments in the Pasture Sector of Kyrgyzstan"
- January 2016: Central Asian Workshop "Persistence and Change of Institutions in Natural Resources Management in Central Asian Context", Berlin - "Resource Management in Local Practice in Mountain Regions of Central Asia"
- December 2015: Annual meeting of the Austrian Geographical Society, Vienna (Austria) - "Naturressourcennutzung im Kontext struktureller Unsicherheiten"
- October 2015: Perth III: Mountains of Our Future Earth, Perth (UK) - "Changes in the Relationship between Borders and Pastoral Mobility in Mountain Regions of Central Asia"
- October 2015: Perth III: Mountains of Our Future Earth, Perth (UK) - "Promises and Realities of Community-Based Pasture Management. Observations from Kyrgyzstan"
- October 2015: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin - "Anspruch und Wirklichkeit gemeinschaftsbasierten Weidemanagements. Beobachtungen aus Kirgistan"
- June 2015: Kyrgyz National Agrarian University "Skryabin", Bishkek - German-Kyrgyz Symposium "Forest- and Pasture Management" - "Naturressourcennutzung im Kontext struktureller Unsicherheiten. Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlicher Betrachtungen des Weidemanagements in Kirgistan"
- June 2015: Kyrgyz National Agrarian University "Skryabin", Bishkek - German-Kyrgyz Symposium "Forest- and Pasture Management" - "Wie Weidemanagement studieren? Reflektionen zu bestehenden und künftigen Ansätzen"
- Mai 2015: Tashkent Institute for Irrigation and Melioration - Workshop "Natural Resource Management in Central Asia" - "Small Scale Irrigation Farming in Panj Valley of the Western Pamir, Tajikistan"
- January 2015: Institut für Geographie, Universität Hamburg - Jahrestagung des AK Hochgebirge (DGfG) - "Anspruch und Wirklichkeit gemeinschafts-/ nutzerbasierten Weidemanagements. Beobachtungen aus Kirgistan"
- November 2014: IAMO - Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development and and Transition Economies, Halle (Saale), Germany "International Conference Regional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia: Agricultural Production and Trade" - "Pasture–related Legislation and Socio–ecological Challenges in Kyrgyzstan"
- September 2014: Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Tropentag "Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources" - "Cooperation Between German Universities and GIZ in the Walnut-Fruit Forest Area of Southwestern Kyrgyzstan: Experiences on Integrating Research Findings into a Development Project on Biodiversity Preservation and Poverty Reduction" (together with Peter Borchardt, Universität Hamburg, and Ute Fischer-Zujkov, GIZ)
- August 2014: Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), Annual International Conference 2014 in London - "‘Containment of Chaotic Land Use’ and ‘Nationalisation of the Means of Production’: Central Asia’s Pastoralists in the Focus of Colonial and Socialist Development Projects"
- June 2014: Jahrestagung der ARGE Vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung und des AK Hochgebirge (DGfG), Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern - "Über das Verhältnis neuer Grenzziehungen und mobiler Viehwirtschaft in Zentralasien"
- May 2014: Lecture series "Paradigmen der Humangeographie", Universität Bayreuth - "Vom "Sprung ins kalte Wasser" zu einer Politischen Ökologie der Weideländer Kirgistans"
- October 2013: Deutscher Geographentag 2013, University of Passau - "Kirgistans sozio-oekologische Herausforderungen. Eine politisch-oekologische Annaeherung"
- October 2013: International Conference and Young Researchers Forum "Natural Resource Use in Central Asia: Institutional Challenges and the Contribution of Capacity Building" at the Center for international Development and Environmental Research (ZEU), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen - "Legal Arrangements and Pasture-related Socio-ecological Challenges in Kyrgyzstan"
- September 2013: Hamburger Zentralasientag 2013, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University Hamburg - "Zentralasien in Forschung und Lehre am Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin"
- March 2013: 22nd Annual Meeting of the Research Group "High Mountains" of the DGfG, Department of Geography, University Bonn - "Die Bedeutung von Rechtsverhältnissen für weidelandbezogene sozio-ökologische Herausforderungen im postsowjetischen Kirgistan"
- Oktober 2012: International Symposium “Changing Mountain Environments in Asia“, Tribhuvan University and Hokkaido University, Kathmandu - “Pastoral Adaptation Strategies to Challenges of the Post-Soviet Era in the Eastern Pamir and the Western Tien Shan“
- April 2011: Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall, Vienna - "Weidelandverhältnisse im Wandel. Kirgistans bedeutende Naturressource in Zeiten gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche“
- Dezember 2009: Freie Universität Berlin, Colloquium of the Institute of Geographical Sciences, Berlin - "Wandel der Weidelandverhältnisse in Kirgistan. Eine Naturressource im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Transformationen”
Organization of Scientific Conferences
- International Workshop “Challenges for Human-Environmental Interactions in High Mountain Regions of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan”, August 23-24, 2008, University of Technology Osh “M. Adyshev”, Osh/Kyrgyzstan
- International Status Symposium of the Volkswagen Foundation “Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on Central Asia”, June 23-24, 2010 in Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan
- Dörre, A. (2014): Naturressourcennutzung im Kontext struktureller Unsicherheiten. Eine Politische Ökologie der Weideländer Kirgisistans in Zeiten gesellschaftlicher Umbrüche (= Erdkundliches Wissen. Schriftenreihe für Forschung und Praxis 154). Stuttgart. Franz Steiner Verlag
- Dörre, A. (2004): Transnational social lifeworlds of jewish Migrants from postsoviet successor states. Exmaples from Berlin. Hamburg. Diplomica Verlag (diploma thesis, Geographisches Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Journal articles, contributions in edited books and proceedings
- Dörre A. (2024): Food Security and Dietary Patterns in the Tajik Pamirs. In: ERDKUNDE 78/4: 251–272.
- Dörre A. (2024): Water and Irrigation Arrangements in the Pamirs of Tajikistan. In: Féaux de la Croix J. & B. Penati (Eds.): Environmental Humanities in Central Asia Relations Between Extraction and Interdependence. London, Routledge: 262-285.
- Dörre, Andrei (Ed.): Central Asian Affairs 10/3 (2023): Thematic Issue “Socioeconomic and Cultural Continuities and Changes in Rural Areas.” https://brill.com/view/journals/caa/10/3/caa.10.issue-3.xml
Dörre A. (2023): Introduction: Socioeconomic and Cultural Continuities and Changes in Rural Areas. In: Central Asian Affairs 10(3): 209-212.
Dörre A. (2023): Shifting Foodscapes in the Pamirs of Tajikistan. In: Central Asian Affairs 10(3): 293-332.
Dörre A. & U. Kasymov (2022): User-Based Pasture Management in Kyrgyzstan: Achievements, Challenges, and Trends. In: Mureithi J.G., Nyangito M.M., Wamuongo J.W., Njoka J., Nyambati E.M., Miano D., Mbuku S., Okoti M. & F. Maritim (Eds.): Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods. Proceedings of the Virtual Joint XXIV International Grassland and XI International Rangeland Congress – Oral Papers, held in October 25-29, 2021. Volume I. Nairobi, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO): 124-129. https://www.kalro.org/igc-irc2021congresskenya/publications/congress-proceedings/
Dörre A. (2021): Специальные Экономические Зоны в Таджикистане – Инструмент Экономической Политики для Развития. In: Шитов А.В., Банникова О.И. & Е.В. Мердешева (red.): Трансграничные Регионы в Условиях Глобальных Изменений: Современные Вызовы и Персепктивы Развития. Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции 26 ноября 2021 г. Горно-Алтайск (Россия): Горно-Алтайский государственный университет: 21-30.
- Dörre A. (2021): Sonderwirtschaftszonen in Tadschikistan. Ein wirtschaftspolitisches Instrument für Entwicklung? (Special Economic Zones in Tajikistan – An Economic Policy Instrument for Development?). In Geographische Rundschau 73/12: 10-15.
Dörre A. (2021): Common Pool Resources, Collaborative Action, and Local Knowledge in High Asia. In: Schmidt M., Steenberg R., Spies M. & H. Alff (Eds.): Beyond Post-Soviet: Layered Legacies and Transformations in Central Asia (Geographica Augustana 33). Augsburg, Universität Augsburg, Institut für Geographie: 49-63.
Dörre A. (2020): Collaborative Action and Social Organization in Remote Rural Regions. Autonomous Irrigation Arrangements in the Pamirs of Tajikistan. In: Water 12(10): 2905. DOI: 10.3390/w12102905
Cassara M., Beekma J., de Strasser L., Anarbekov O., Murzaeva M., Giska S. & A. Dörre (in print): Local and National Institutions and Policies Governing Water Resources Management. In: Xenarios St., Schmidt-Vogt D., Qadir M., Janusz-Pawletta B. & I. Abdullaev (eds.): The Aral Sea Basin. Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia. Abingdon, Routledge. 136–154.
Dörre A. (2019): Gemeinschaftliches Ressourcenmanagement: Garant für nachhaltige Entwicklung im ländlichen Raum? In: Mießner M. & M. Naumann (Hrsg.): Kritische Geographien ländlicher Entwicklung. Globale Transformationen und lokale Herausforderungen. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 236–249.
Dörre A. (2019): Regional development through international trade? GBAO and the trade between China and Tajikistan. In: Foggin M. & M. Emslie-Smith (eds.): Proceedings of the Silk Roads Conference. ‘Anticipating Social and Environmental Impacts of China’s Belt & Road Initiative in the Mountains of Central Asia’. Bishkek: University of Central Asia, Mountain Societies Research Institute. 28–35.
- Asryan Armen, Baialieva Gulzat, Cassara Manon, Doerre Andrei, Féaux de la Croix Jeanne, Menga Filippo, Samakov Aibek & Andrea Weiss (2018): Actors, Approaches and Cooperation Related to Water Management and Natural Hazards Under Climate Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Thematic Input Paper 2 - Regional Seminar "Managing Disaster Risks and Water under Climate Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus", Khorog (Tajikistan), 17.-23. September 2018). Khorog: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.
- Asryan Armen, Baialieva Gulzat, Cassara Manon, Doerre Andrei, Féaux de la Croix Jeanne, Menga Filippo, Samakov Aibek & Andrea Weiss (2018): Pathways to sustainable solutions to manage water and reduce disaster risks under climate change in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Thematic Input Paper 3 - Regional Seminar "Managing Disaster Risks and Water under Climate Change in Central Asia and the Caucasus", Khorog (Tajikistan), 17.-23. September 2018). Khorog: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
- Dörre A. & Ch. Goibnazarov (2018): Small-Scale Irrigation Self-Governance in a Mountain Region of Tajikistan. In: Mountain Research and Development 38(2): 104-113.
- Dörre A. (2018): Local Knowledge-Based Water Management and Irrigation in the Western Pamirs. In: International Journal of Environmental Impacts 1(3): 254-266.
- Dörre A. (2017): „150 Jahre Tradition – war’s das schon?“ Felsklettern in der Sächsischen Schweiz als Bergsportkultur und Naturnutzung in der Vertikalen. In: Geographische Rundschau 69(6): 18–23.
- Dörre A. (2017): Land, People, and Development Interventions: The Case of Rangelands and mobile Pastoralists in Central Asia. In: Fischer Tahir A. & S. Wagenhofer (eds.): Spatial Control, Forced Assimilation, and Projects of ‘Progress’in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Bielefeld. Transcript, pp. 65-89
- Kasymov U., Undeland, A., Dörre A. & A. MacKinnon (2016): Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan and the learning experience in design of pastoral institutions. In: OIE Scientific and Technical Review 35 (2), pp. 511-521.
- Dörre, A., Kreutzmann, H. & S. Schütte (eds.) (2016): Pamirs at the Crossroads. Changing challenges and perspectives(= Berlin Geographical Papers 45). Berlin. Centre for Development Studies, Institue of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin
- Dörre, A. (2016): Changes in the Relationship between Borders and Pastoral Mobility in Mountain Regions of Central Asia. In: Kreutzmann H. & T. Watanabe (eds.): Mapping Transition in the Pamirs. Changing Human-Environmental Landscapes (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research). Cham. Springer, pp. 95-112.
- Dörre A. (2015): Perspektivy i realii podkhodov k upravleniyu pastbishhami na osnove soobshhestv: nablyudeniya iz Kyrgyzstana. In: Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 5(15).
- Dörre, A. (2015): Promises and realities of community-based pasture management approaches: Observations from Kyrgyzstan. In: Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 5(15). DOI 10.1186/s13570-015-0035-8. URL: http://www.pastoralismjournal.com/content/5/1/15
- Dörre, A. (2014): Pasture-related Legislation and Socio–ecological Challenges in Kyrgyzstan (Paper prepared for presentation at the “Regional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia: Agricultural Production and Trade (ReCCA)” conference, November 24 - 26, 2014, Halle (Saale), Germany) http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/handle/212553
- Dörre, A. (2014): Kirgistans Weiden: Gesetzgebung und Herausforderungen. In: Schmidt M. (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Forschungen zu den Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnissen in Kirgistan (= Hannoversche Geographische Arbeiten 62). Berlin. LIT, pp. 37–51
- Dörre, A. (2014): Grenzen und mobile Viehwirtschaft – ein vernachlässigter Problemzusammenhang in Zentralasien. In: Zentralasien-Analysen 83, pp. 2–6
- Dörre, A. & S. Schütte (2014): Foreword. In: Dörre A. & S. Schütte (eds.): Utilisation and Management of Natural Resources in Kyrgyzstan (= Berlin Geographical Papers 43). Berlin. Centre for Developement Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.1-3
- Dörre, A. (2013): Legal Arrangements and Pasture-related Socio-ecological Challenges in Kyrgyzstan. In: Ahmed, M.N. & Pawlowski, I. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference and Young Researchers Forum "Natural Resource Use in Central Asia: Institutional Challenges and the Contribution of Capacity Building" (= Discussion Papers 64). Giessen. Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. Center for international Development and Environmental Research. pp. 149-154
- Dörre, A. und T. Kraudzun (2012): Persistence and change in Soviet and Russian relations with Afghanistan. In: Central Asian Survey 31, iss. 4, pp. 425-443.
- Дёрре, А., Борхардт, П. (2012): Изменяющиеся системы, изменяющиеся воздействия – использование пастбищ в постсоветском переходном периоде. Ситуационные исследования с юго-запада Кыргызстана. In: Mountain Research and Development, vol. 32, iss. 3, pp. R62-R73
- Dörre, A. & P. Borchardt (2012): Changing systems, changing effects: Pasture utilization in the course of the post-Soviet transition. Case studies from southwestern Kyrgyzstan. In: Mountain Research and Development, vol. 32, iss. 3, pp. 313-323
- Dörre, A. (2012): Legal Arrangements and Pasture-Related Socio-ecological Challenges in Kyrgyzstan. In: Kreutzmann, Hermann (ed.): Pastoral practices in High Asia. Agency of 'development' effected by modernisation, resettlement and transformation (= Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research). Dordrecht/ Heidelberg/ New York/ London. Springer. pp. 127-144
- Schmidt, M. & A. Dörre (2011): Changing Meanings of Kyrgyzstan's Nut Forests from Colonial to post-Soviet Times. In: Area, Vol. 43 Iss. 3, pp. 288-296
- Dörre, A. (2009): Weideländer als Ressource: Inwertsetzung durch unterschiedliche Akteure. Ein Beispiel aus dem Raum Arslanbob. In: Toktoraliev, B.A./ Kreutzmann, H. (Hrsg.), 2009: International Workshop "Challenges for Human-Environmental Interactions in High Mountain Regions of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan", 23.-24.08.2008, Technological University of Osh "M. Adyshev". Osh. pp. 115-126
- Dörre, A. & M. Schmidt (2008): Vom Schutz und Nutzen von Wäldern: Kirgistans Nusswälder im Lichte historischer und aktueller Schutzdiskurse. In: Geographische Zeitschrift 96 (4). pp. 207-227
- Dörre, A. (2007): Mittelasien: Risiken ausbleibender und Chancen praktizierter regionaler Kooperation und Integration. In: Friedensdienst. Zeitschrift für Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung 01 (2007). Wien. Österreichische Friedensdienste. pp. 5 – 12
- Dörre, A. (2007): Kriegsökonomie – Wirtschaft im tadschikischen Bürgerkrieg. In: Wenzel, H.-D. (ed.) (2007): Der Kaspische Raum. Ausgewählte Themen zu Politik und Wirtschaft (= BERG Working Paper Series on Government and Growth. Working Paper No. 57). Bamberg. Bamberg Economic Research Group on Government and Growth. pp. 117 – 137
- Dörre A. (2023): Central Asian Affairs 10(3). Thematic Issue "Socioeconomic and Cultural Continuities and Changes in Rural Areas"
- Dörre A. & S. Schütte (eds.) (2020): Exchange Relations and Regional Development in Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan (= Berlin Geographical Papers 50). Berlin: Centre for Development Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Dörre A. & S. Schütte (eds.) (2018): Potentials and Challenges for Development in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan (= Berlin Geographical Papers 48). Berlin: Centre for Development Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Dörre A., Kreutzmann H. & S. Schütte (eds.) (2016): Pamirs at the Crossroads. Changing Challenges and Perspectives (= Berlin Geographical Papers 45). Berlin: Centre for Development Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.
- Dörre, A. & S. Schütte (2014): Utilisation and Management of Natural Resources in Kyrgyzstan (= Berlin Geographical Papers 43). Berlin. Centre for Development Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin
- Dörre, A. (2015): Rezension zu: Matthias Schmidt (2013): Mensch und Umwelt in Kirgistan. Politische Ökologie im postkolonialen und postsozialistischen Kontext (Erdkundliches Wissen 153). Stuttgart. Franz-Steiner-Verlag. In: Internationales Asienforum, Vol. 46 (2015), No. 1–2, pp. 189–190
- Dörre, A. (2014): Rezension zu: Fischer-Tahir A. & M. Naumann (eds.) (2013): Peripheralization. The Making of Spatial Dependendies and Social Injustice. Wiesbaden. In: Die Erde 145 (3), S. 119-120
- Dörre, A. (2012): Review of: Steimann, Bernd (2011): Making a Living in Uncertainty. Agro-Pastoral Livelihoods and Institutional Transformations in Post-Socialist Rural Kyrgyzstan (= Human Geography Series 26). Bishkek/ Zurich. Department of Geography, University of Zurich. XXI and 245 pp., 23 figs., 24 tabs. and 5 maps. In: Erdkunde 66(1), pp. 81-83
- Dörre, A. (2009): Review of Hartwig, J. (2007): Die Vermarktung der Taiga: Die Politische Ökologie der Nutzung von Nicht-Holz-Waldprodukten und Bodenschätzen in der Mongolei. Stuttgart. Franz Steiner Verlag. In: Geographische Rundschau 61 (2009) issue 3, pp. 60-61
- Summer pastures in Transformation (pdf)