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DRU at the NEEDS2021

News from Oct 08, 2021

The DRU was represented at this year's NEEDS2021 with several contributions:

Daniel F. Lorenz and Cordula Dittmer organized two panels: 1. "Complex Disasters as Future Challenge for Disaster Research and Management" and 2. "Between Commemoration and Dark Tourism: Remembering Disasters in Post-disaster Contexts". In the second panel, they were also represented with their own presentation on "Disaster, Vulnerabilities and (Dark) Tourism in the Indian Himalaya". And with another presentation "Crisis and Disaster Management in Dealing with Refugee and Migrant Crisis 2015/16 and the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic" they particpated in the panel "Building Resilience through Organisational Learning and Innovation: COVID-19, Windows of Opportunity, and the Future of Cooperation in Crisis Management". Nicolas Bock co-chaired a panel on "Caring about and Care in Disasters: On Privileges, Marginalization and the Making of Critical (Social) Infrastructure Protection" with Marco Krüger from the University of Tübingen as part of the RESIK project.


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