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New Publication on Civil Society Engagement in Civil Protection

News from Aug 21, 2024

How can the current state of research on participation in civil protection benefit practical applications? A guest article by Sara T. Merkes, Theresa Zimmermann, and Martin Voss appeared in the latest DKKV newsletter. In this article, they compile relevant findings from the completed research project ATLAS-ENGAGE, focusing on engagement and spontaneous assistance in civil protection. They highlight various practice-oriented and scientific publications that discuss: spontaneous assistance, practical approaches and research projects on engagement in civil protection contexts, survey results among full-time and volunteer workers in civil protection, as well as transformation and engagement in civil protection, and structural conflicts and ways of dealing with changing forms of engagement.

Merkes, Sara T.; Zimmermann, Theresa; Voss, Martin (2024): Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement im Bevölkerungsschutz - ein Blick in die Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: DKKV (2024): Newsletter #3 2024, Bonn. S. 15-18. https://dkkv.org/publikation/dkkv-newsletter-3-2024/  

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