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New DRU Working Paper discussing Changing Forms of Engagement in Civil Protection

News from Sep 11, 2024

A new DRU working paper presents 322 practical approaches to changing forms of engagement in civil protection: the approaches focus societal resilience, ‘traditional’ volunteering, spontaneous volunteers and interfaces with authorities and organizations in civil protection.

This working paper presents the results of structured research into practical approaches to various forms of engagement in crisis and disaster management. Approaches relating to 'traditional' volunteering in civil protection were considered as well as approaches by and for people and groups who are involved outside the authorities and organizations in civil protection (BOB) (BOB-external volunteers / BOB-extern Engagierte). A total of 322 practical approaches from Germany are presented that have been developed and/or tested by civil protection authorities and organizations, civil society initiatives and other actors. The practical approaches focus on the topics of strengthening social resilience, fostering ‘traditional’ forms of volunteering, supporting BOB-external volunteers and interfaces be-tween authorities and organizations in civil protection and BOB-external volunteers. The research of practical approaches forms the basis for a meta-analysis, which was carried out in the ATLAS-ENGAGE research project and the results of which are briefly presented here.


Zimmermann, Theresa; Merkes, Sara T.; Lerner, Lukas (2024): Vielfältiges Engagement - Vielfältige Ansätze. Eine Übersicht an Praxisansätzen zu krisen- und katastrophenbezogenem Engagement im Wandel. KFS Working Paper Nr. 29. Berlin: KFS. http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-41114.

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