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KFS Lecture held by Theresa Zimmermann at the Future Slam for Emergency Response in Hamburg

News from Oct 08, 2024

On September 26, 2024, Theresa Zimmermann participated in the Future Slam for Emergency Response in Hamburg-Bergedorf and delivered a keynote speech to the approximately 90 participants on the topic "Who is Helping? People in the Tension Field of Civil Protection." In her presentation, she addressed the presence and importance of various volunteer groups in crisis and disaster management and presented six theses on the diversity of engagement, climate change, and societal polarization. The Future Slam was part of the Future Forum on Emergency Response, which was organized by HAW Hamburg, LÜLF+, and hhpberlin, and was held for the first time. 


Zimmermann, Theresa (2024): Wer hilft mit? Menschen im Spannungsfeld des Bevölkerungsschutzes. Vortrag. Zukunftsslam der Gefahrenabwehr, 26.09.2024, Hamburg.

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