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Further pilot study in the WEXICOM IV project

News from Oct 28, 2024

As part of the WEXICOM IV research project (Weather warnings: from extreme event information to communication and action), which is funded by the Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research (HErZ), post-event studies are planned in the aftermath of extreme weather events. The principal representative surveys will be conducted by a survey institute from 2025 onwards. The objective of the surveys is to ascertain the perceptions of the general public with regard to weather warnings and their reactions to such warnings.

The DRU will undertake a series of pilot studies for the purpose of evaluating the quality of the questionnaire. This process allows for the identification of potential weaknesses in the questionnaire, which can then be addressed through necessary adjustments.

The initial pilot study, which was conducted in mid-September 2024, concentrated on the perception of weather warnings and the experience of extreme weather events. The questions were revised in light of the information provided by the respondents.

The second survey is currently underway and is based on the findings of the first survey. It focuses on new topics, including attitudes towards weather warnings, weather forecasts, and climate change, in addition to the adapted questions on experiences with past extreme weather events.

Those wishing to participate in the survey are invited to do so until 4 November 2024. The survey should take approximately ten minutes to complete.

The survey can be accessed via the following link: https://www.soscisurvey.de/Extremwetter

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