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Social Behavior in Extreme Situations in Public Transport (Securail) (completed)


Disaster Research Unit (DRU)

Principal Investigator:
Research Team:

funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Cooperation Partners:

Department of Computer Science/Computer Vision, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Department of Mathematics, Technische Universität Berlin

Disaster Research Unit, Freie Universität Berlin


asis Soft- und Hardware GmbH Berlin

teleBITcom GmbH

Human-Factors-Consult GmbH.

Aug 01, 2012 — May 31, 2014

Analysis of safety-relevant situation properties using scenario techniques


The aim of this collaborative research project is to develop an emergency alarm system for the train’s inside. The safety system targets to automatically identify danger situations such as fires, explosions, medical emergency cases, violent acts or other threats to the public by combining behavioral patterns and motion sequences with situation properties.

From a sociological perspective, the DRU supports the project by exploring indicators, dynamics and effects of emergency situations in public transportation by using a transdisciplinary methodology. Analyzing existing safety and security management systems as well as interviewing experts on the scene will provide a helpful insight into typical social behavior in emergency cases. On the basis of these findings scenario scripts will be developed to further discuss the handling of such threats as well as to discover opportunities and constraints of technical security solutions. A critical evaluation and validation of the results is achieved by bringing together security experts from different backgrounds and organizations in interactive workshops. In the end the re-assessed scenarios will provide the other partners with a realistic test environment to further improve their monitoring system.

Expert workshop on scenario validation (l.) and scenario shooting in a standing train (r.)
source: Andrea Jungmann