Prof. Dr. Sören Hese

Office hours
Webex Office hour: Mi. 3-4 PM;
or send an Email to for a webex meeting appointment.
Short CV
Since 10.2020: interim Professorship Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin
2020: interim Professorship "Geofernerkundung und Kartographie", Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
2016: group founded at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2013: Winner of the intern. 2012 GRSS Data Fusion Contest (DFTC & IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society)
2011: Habilitation PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Venia Legendi) for „Geoinformatics“ by Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2010: Appointment W2 Professorship „Geoinformationssysteme und Fernerkundung“ der HNE Eberswalde (FH)
2006 – 2020: Department for Earth Observation, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Akademischer Rat
2004 – 2006: “Wissenschaftlicher Assistent” (C1), Department for Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing and Modelling, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2002 – 2004: Postdoctoral Researcher, EU Project Coordinator at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, SIBERIA-II („Multisensor Concepts for Full Greenhouse Gas Accounting in Eurasia“)
1997 – 2001: Research Assistant HRSC-Group („Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter“ at the Institute for Planetary Exploration, German Aerospace Center, Berlin-Adlershof
1996 - 2001: PhD TU Berlin „Entwicklung und Anwendung geostatistischer Verfahren zur strukturellen Klassifikation von Forstbeständen in sehr hochauflösenden Daten der HRSC-A“ (Advisors: Kenneweg, Albertz, Ehlers). Research Assistant HRSC-Group DLR - German Aerospace Center, Berlin-Adlershof. Institute for Planetary Exploration (Advisors: Neukum/Jaumann/Lehmann).
Please refer to the university course catalog.
Research interest and expertise:
- Land surface parameter retrieval using satellite, airborne and UAV systems and sensors, spectral and spatial very high resolution remote sensing
- Machine learning algorithms in Earth observation with focus on morphometric 3D point cloud analysis, forest damage analysis, thermal urban hot spot remote sensing and urban structure type analysis and research
- Forest ecosystem research, Sentinel-2 time series analysis, OBIA and 3D point cloud analysis using shape, curvature and voxel descriptions
- UAV data capturing/RTK flight campaign planning
Project coordination and project proposals
- Beech Decline – Hainich National Park Beech Tree Mortality Mapping with CIR airborne and UAV data (Hese 2020)
- HAINICH-Project – Deciduous Tree Crown Tomography – UAV based multi seasonal tree crown tomography in the Hainich national park. In cooperation with the national park administration and DLR Jena (Institute for Data Science) (Hese, Thiel & Henkel 2019)
- SENSORS: Sensornetworks for Environmental Monitoring, “Richtlinienantrag an den Freistaat Thüringen zur Förderung der Forschung“, FSU Jena 2019, (submitted in 2018 and resubmitted in 2019 on invitation)
- „Perspektiven: Nutzung intelligenter Systeme sowie digitaler Methoden“, Carl-Zeiss-Foundation „Digitalisierung – Grundlagen erforschen, Anwendungen nutzen“ - Analysis of sensor data and simulation of natural processes: cooperate tools of digital natural science, (submitted in 2019 – in evaluation)
- KULUNDA (Agrarische In-Wertsetzung der südrussisch-kasachischen Steppengebiete - Ökologische sowie sozioökonomische Folgen und Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Landnutzung), 2011-2014 (BMBF) (1 PhD)
- TERRASENSE Project: Sensor network project (200k Euro) for multispectral UAV based sensors and TLS systems (2012-2015 and ongoing)
- Post-Graduate Programme "Image Analysis, Interpretation and Recognition" - co-funded by the Thuringian "ProExzellenz" Initiative in cooperation with TU Ilmenau and Fraunhofer IOF Jena (2009-2011). Mapping of European urban landuse structure in multisensor high resolution Earth observation data (1 PhD).
- Earth Science Spectrometer Lab Jena Project (FSU Jena) since 2008 (FieldSpec3 based spectrometer based spectral library)
- SLEUTH - urban growth modelling with the cellular growth modelling using SLEUTH in Brasilia (in cooperation with UFZ Leipzig/Dr. Ellen Banzhaf) 2009-2010
- RESA Project (Rapideye Science Archive) DLR as part of the DUE Permafrost 2009-2011 (in cooperation with AWI Potsdam), data proposal to DLR /RESA/ Blackridge cooperation
- ESA Permafrost DUE panarctic vegetation and thermokarst lake change mapping with VHR data (2009-2011), in cooperation with AWI Potsdam , IPF University Wien, GAMMA Remote Sensing (Switzerland) and University of Waterloo (Canada) - financed by ESA (2009–2012) (2 PhD)
- Bark Beetle Forest Damage Mapping with HyMap HyEurope2008 Data (in Cooperation with "Thüringer Ministerium fürandwirtschaft, Naturschutz und Umwel " as part of the airborne HyMAP HyEurope 2008 campaign, (2008-2010)
- ENVILAND-2 2008-2012: Synergistic usage of SAR and optical data, in cooperation with University Bonn, Jena Optronik, TU Ilmenau et al. (2008-2012) (4 PhDs)
- NORTH FP7 proposal and team building 2005, (proposal rejected)
- SIBESSC (Siberia - Earth System Science Cluster) FSU-Jena (since 2005 and ongoing), GDI based Earth system modelling with Earth observation products) (1 PhD), financed by FSU Jena – ongoing GDI development
- BMBF Proposal “Challenges of Permafrost Degradation of Siberian Soils to Science and Technology” - the Earth observation perspective. Core-to-Core Projekt with Japan (BMBF)
- OSCAR: Oilspill Contamination Mapping in Russia using Rapideye and Quickbird data – pilot study in 2008-2009 (BMBF)
- AGRISAR (International Radar flight campaign, test area Demmin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) DLR / ESA financed Sentinel data simulation (finished)
- Carbon-3D: satellite/sensor mission proposal in cooperation with NASA, Jena Optronics and the VCL team at NASA (2002-2004) – mission proposal was rejected in favor of ENMAP! Finished with publication writing in 2005
- SIBERIA-II: Project Coordinator: intern. EU-Project SIBERIA-II („Multisensor Concepts for Full Greenhouse Gas Accounting in Eurasia“) (FP-5) - 14 international partners (2002-2004)
Research Gate
Selected Publications
Hese S., Kurepina N., Walde I., Tsimbalei Y.M., Plutalova T.G., 2020. Earth Observation and Map-Based Land-Use Change Analysis in the Kulunda Steppe Since the 1950s. In: Frühauf M., Guggenberger G., Meinel T., Theesfeld I., Lentz S. (eds) KULUNDA: Climate Smart Agriculture. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham.
Hese, S., Thiel, C., Henkel, A., 2019. UAV based Multi Seasonal Deciduous Tree Species Analysis in the Hainich National Park Using Multi Temporal and Point Cloud Curvature Features, UAV-g Enschede.
Berger, C., Voltersen, M., Schmullius, S., Hese, S., 2018. Robust Mapping of Urban Structure Types Across Three German Cities, IGARSS2018, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8518597.
Hese, S. & Behrendt, F. 2017. Multiseasonal Tree Crown Structure Mapping with Point Clouds from OTS Quadrtocopter Systems, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W6, 141-143, htps://
Berger, C., Rosentreter, J., Voltersen, M., Baumgart, C., Schmullius, C., Hese, S. 2017. Spatio-temporal analysis of the relationship between 2D/3D urban site characteristics and land surface temperature. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1-38 – 2017.
Hese, S., Heyer, T., 2016. Earth Observation data based rapid flood-extent modelling for tsunami-devastated coastal areas, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 46 (2016) 63-83.
Urban, M., Voltersen, M., Poecking, S., Hese, S., Herold, M. & Schmullius, C., 2016. Multi-Scale Vegetation and Water Body Mapping of the Northern Latitudes in Siberia with Optical Remote Sensing. In: Mueller, L. Sheudshen, A.K. & Eulenstein, F. (Eds), Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in Siberia. Springer Water, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24409-9_19.
Berger, C., Riedel, F., Rosentreter, J., Stein, E., Hese, S., Schmullius, S., 2015. Fusion of Airborne Hyperspectral and LIDAR Remote Sensing Data to Study the Thermal Characteristics of Urban Environments, in: Computational Approaches for Urban Environments, Vol. 13, Series: Geotechnologies and the Environment, pp273-292.
Walde, I., Hese, S., Berger, C., Schmullius, C., 2014. From Land Cover-Graphs to Urban Structure Types. – International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28 (3), pp. 584-609, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2013.865189.
Voltersen, M., Berger, C., Hese, S. & Schmullius, C., 2014. Object-based land cover mapping and comprehensive feature calculation for an automated derivation of urban structure types at block level. Remote Sensing of Environment, 154, 192-201.
Berger, C., Voltersen, M., Eckardt, R., Eberle, J., Heyer, T., Salepci, N., Hese, S., Schmullius, C., Tao, J., Auer, S., Bamler, R., Ewald, K., Gartley, M., Jacobson, J., Buswell, A., Du, Q. & Pacifici, F. 2013. Multi-modal and multi-temporal data fusion: Outcome of the 2012 GRSS Data Fusion Contest. IEEE Selected Topic of Applied Earth Observation Remote Sensing 6(3): 1324-1340.
Fröhlich, B., E., Bach, I., Walde, S., Hese, C., Schmullius & J., Denzler, 2013. Land cover classification of satellite images using contextual information . ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., II-3/W1, 1-6, doi:10.5194/isprsannals-II-3-W1-1-2013.
Urban, M., M., Forkel, C., Schmullius, S., Hese, C., Hüttich & M., Herold, 2013. Identification of Land Surface Temperature and Albedo Trends in AVHRR Pathfinder data from 1982 to 2005 for northern Siberia. – International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34, 12, 4491-4507.
Walde, I., S. Hese, C. Berger & C. Schmullius, 2013. Graph based Mapping of Urban Structure Types from High Resolution Satellite Image Objects - A case study of the German cities Rostock and Erfurt . IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (4), pp. 932–936, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2013.2252323.
Berger, C., Voltersen, M., Hese, S., Walde, I., Schmullius, C. 2013. Robust Extraction of Urban Land Cover Information from HSR Multi-Spectral and LiDAR Data , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (6), pp. 1–16, doi: 10.1109/ JSTARS. 2013.2252329.
Walde, I., S., Hese, C., Berger & C., Schmullius, 2012. Graph-based Urban Land Use Mapping from High Resolution Satellite Images. – Proceedings of XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. Vol. I-4, Melbourne, AUS, 119-124. (doi:10.5194/isprsannals-I-4-119-2012).