Publication of PhD-Candidate Karla Vergara Rodríguez on Point of No Return in Amazon Region
"How to avoid the point of no return in the Amazon: is it possible or have we already reached it?"
News from Mar 04, 2025
PhD-Candidate Karla Vergara Rodriguez, member of the Modelling Human-Environmental Intercations group, published a paper titled "How to avoid the point of no return in the Amazon: is it possible or have we already reached it?" (spanish: "Cómo evitar el punto de no retorno en la Amazonía: ¿es posible o ya hemos llegado a él?"). The article is piublished in a book with the title "Peru: the agrarian problem under debate." published by Ana Lucía Araujo, Mauricio Espinoza y Mireya Bravo (spanish title: Perú: el problema agrario en debate. sepia xx / Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria.-- Ana Lucía Araujo, Mauricio Espinoza y Mireya Bravo (Eds.). Lima, SEPIA, 2024. 800 páginas) from the Permanent Seminar on Agricultural Research Peru. The book addresses issues concerning the risks of reaching a “tipping point” in the Amazon and strategies to avoid it, the post-pandemic rural world and impacts, effects, and opportunities as well as water resources governance in a context of climate change.
The chapter by Karla Vergara Rodriguez discusses the critical threats facing the Amazon rainforest due to deforestation, climate change, and environmental degradation, which could lead to irreversible damage. It emphasizes the need for urgent conservation efforts, sustainable development strategies, and international cooperation to protect this vital ecosystem.
The publication is available here (Spanish only).