M.Sc Julián Daniel Mijailoff

Freie Universität Berlin
Human - Environment Geography
CONICET & National University La Plata - Argentina
PhD Candidate
Room Room K 064
12249 Berlin
Julián Daniel Mijailoff obtained his Forest Engineer’s degree after studies at the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina, and the Nancy Centre of AgroParisTech-ENGREF, France. He is a final-stage PhD candidate with a CONICETdoctoral scholarship at the Laboratory for Research on Ecological and Environmental Systems (LISEA, UNLP), having submitted his PhD thesis in November 2024. His doctoral research focused on forest governance and socio-environmental policies, with a particular emphasis on forest policy processes, bioeconomies and land-use change dynamics in the Southern Cone of Latin America. During his stay at the Working Group "Modelling Human-Environmental Interactions" (Institute for Geographical Sciences), Julián will take part in joint research on land system governance and the socio-ecological impacts of institutional setups across transnational ecoregions in South America.