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Dr. Jacob Hardt


Working Group Prof. Dr. B. Schütt

Researcher / Geo.X-coordinator

Malteserstr. 74-100, Building H
Room H 129
12249 Berlin
(+49 30) 838 - 470424

Office hours

on appointment

05 - 08 2022    Guest researcher at the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory (AGL), Bureau for Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin. (DAAD Postdoc scholarship)

09/2018 Woldstedt Prize of the German Quaternary Association (dissertation prize of the DEUQUA)

Since 05/2012 Scientific co-worker at Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Earth Sciences, Physical Geography, Workgroup Prof. Dr. Böse

2011 Student tutor for soil science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Workgroup Prof. Dr. Zeitz

2007 – 2011 Student co-worker at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geomorphology Lab, Workgroup Prof. Dr. Schröder

2008 – 2012 M.Sc. studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Physical Geography. Thesis: Ecopedological implications caused by fluoride immissions in the surroundings of Paranam, Suriname.

2005 – 2008 B.Sc. studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Geography.

Winter semester 2019/2020
Methods of Physical Geography - Laboratory course

Winter semester 2018/2019
Introduction to geographic information systems for archaeologists - Seminar

Summer semester 2018
Project-related work and teaching research project: Landscape development and geoarchaeological investigations on the Germanic-Roman battlefield Harzhorn, district Northeim - Seminar and field work

Summer semester 2016
Project-related work - Quaternary landscape development in northern Germany - Field training

Summer semester 2015
Introduction to geomorphology and soil geography - Seminar

Winter semester 2014/15
Methods of Physical Geography - Laboratory course

Winter semester 2013/14
Methods of Physical Geography - Laboratory course

Summer semester 2013
Project: Research on the genesis of the glacial landscape Barnim - Seminar and field work

Winter semester 2012/13
Methods of Physical Geography - Laboratory course

Articles in peer reviewed journals

  • Kirsten, F., Starke, J., Bauriegel, A., Müller, R., Jouaux, J., Lüthgens, C., Sinapius, R., and Hardt, J., 2024: Age, composition and spatial distribution of sandy loess in north‐eastern Germany (Fläming, Brandenburg), Earth Surf Processes Landf, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5885.
  • Hardt, J., Dooley, T. P., and Hudec, M. R., 2024: Physical modeling of ice-sheet-induced salt movements using the example of northern Germany, Earth Surface Dynamics, 12, 559–579. https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-12-559-2024
  • Pfeiffer, K., Hardt, J., Breninek, C., Nir, N., Gerlach, I., Raue, D. und Schütt, B., 2023: Routes of interaction across northern central Tigray (Ethiopia) between 2nd and 1st millennium BCE: Interdisciplinary research in the Rama area. Journal of Global Archaeology, 2023(04), S.162–203. https://doi.org/10.34780/dt6n-6d15

  • Hardt, J., Nir, N., Schütt, B., 2023. Combining Historical Maps, Travel Itineraries and Least-Cost Path Modelling to Reconstruct Pre-Modern Travel Routes and Locations in Northern Tigray (Ethiopia). The Cartographic Journal, 1-17.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2022.2150363
  • Hardt, J., Nir, N., Lüthgens, C., Menn, T.M., Schütt, B., 2023. Palaeoenvironmental research at Hawelti–Melazo (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) – insights from sedimentological and geomorphological analyses. E&G Quaternary Sci. J. 72, 37-55. https://doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-72-37-2023
  • Lüthgens, C., Hardt, J., 2022. Ice dynamics in the SW sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) – a fresh perspective from the classical area of the Weichselian glaciation in northern Brandenburg. DEUQUA Spec. Pub. 4, 29-39. https://doi.org/10.5194/deuquasp-4-29-2022
  • Liu, S.-H., Lüthgens, C., Hardt, J., Hebenstreit, R., Böse, M., Frechen, M., 2022. Late Quaternary formation of the Miaoli Tableland in northwest Taiwan, an interplay of tectonic uplift and fluvial processes dated by OSL. Quaternary Research, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2022.52


Conference contributions

  • Pfeiffer, K., Hardt, J., 2023: Routes of Interaction: Archaeological-geographical studies of pathway networks in the northern Horn of Africa.  Safa - Biennial Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, June 1-6, 2023, Houston, Texas. (poster presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Norden, B., Bauer, K., Dooley, T., and Hudec, M.: Ice sheet induced salt tectonics – the example of surface cracks in northern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15122, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15122, 2023. (Oral presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Busch, R., Nir, N., and Pfeiffer, K.: Routes of Interaction – Research on pre-modern route-setting, pedogenic and geomorphic effects of trampling, and feedback mechanisms between pathways and gully erosion in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands (Tigray), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14877, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14877, 2023. (PICO presentation)
  • Böse, M., Hebenstreit, R., and Hardt, J.: The lowermost ELA in the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan during the LGM - dated with TCN, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-85, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-85, 2023. (Poster presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Dooley, T., Hudec, M.: Ice sheet induced salt movements in Northern Germany - combining geomorphological investigations and physical modeling to understand the involved mechanisms. Applied Geodynamics Laboratory Consortium Annual Meeting 2022, Austin, Texas, November 10-11, 2022. (Online presentation)

  • Hardt, J. (2021): Surface Cracks – Landforms in Northern Germany Indicate Ice Sheet Induced Late Quaternary Halotectonic Movements. Virtual DEUQUA 2021, 30.09.2021-01.10.2021 (oral presentation).
  • Hardt, J., Hoelzmann, P., Geschwinde, M., Lönne, P., Schatte, T., Meyer, M. (2018): The Harzhorn Incident – investigating the influence of soil parameters on the distribution of archaeological artefacts at a Germanic-Roman battlefield-site in Central Germany. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, 23. - 27.09.2018, Gießen. (poster presentation)
  • Böse, M., Hardt, J., Lüthgens, C. (2017): The Weichselian phases of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in northeast Germany revisited. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-4411, EGU General Assembly 2017.
  • Hardt, J., Lüthgens, C, Böse, M., 2016. Geomorphologische und Geochronologische Studien zur Frankfurt-Phase im Raum Barnim (Brandenburg, NE-Deutschland). DEUQUA 2016, 38. Hauptversammlung der deutschen Quartärvereinigung, 25.-30.09.2014, Dresden. (oral presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Lüthgens, C., Böse, M., 2016: The Frankfurt phase - Geomorphological and geochronological investigations to reassess a "classical" ice marginal position in NE Germany. 10th International Young Geomorphologists Workshop, 27.-29.05.2016, Werbellinsee. (poster presentation)
  • Böse, M., Lüthgens, C., Nitzsche, C. & Hardt, J. (2016): The disappearance of a “classical“ ice marginal position in NE-Germany: the Frankfurt phase puzzle. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-1951, EGU General Assembly 2016.
  • Hardt, J., Nitzsche, C., Lüthgens, C., Böse, M., 2015: OSL-Dating of glaciofluvial sediments in the Barnim region (Brandenburg) - new insights in the Frankfurt ice marginal position. German Luminescence- and ESR-Meeting, 06.-08.11.2015, Berlin. (poster presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Lüthgens, C., Böse, M., 2015: Geomorphologische und Geochronologische (OSL) Studien in der Umgebung der Frankfurter Eisrandlage im Raum Barnim (Brandenburg). AK Geomorphologie 2015, 03.10.-04.10.2015, Berlin. (poster presentation)
  • Hebenstreit, R., Hardt, J., Böse, M., 2015: New evidence for Quaternary glaciations in Taiwan and a recalculation of the equilibrium line altitude. XIX INQUA Congress, Nagoya, p. T01428. (poster)
  • Hardt, J., Böse, M., 2015: Geomorphologische und Geochronologische Untersuchungen der lobusförmigen Rückenstrukturen im Bereich des mittleren Barnim (Brandenburg) - neue Einsichten in den Eisrückzug während der Frankfurt-Phase. 79. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Norddeutscher Geologen, 26.-29.05.2015, Güstrow. (oral presentation).  http://issuu.com/geozon/docs/lung-heft1-ngt
  • Böse, M. & Hardt, J., 2015: About Weichselian Ice-Marginal Positions South of the Baltic Sea - Stratigraphy and Critical Discussion of Age Estimates. - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-4696, EGU General Assembly 2015
  • Hardt, J., Lüthgens, C, Böse, M., 2014: Geochronological analyses (OSL) of glaciofluvial sediments in the proximity of the Frankfurt ice marginal position on the Barnim till plain (Brandenburg). German Luminescence- and ESR-Meeting, 14.-16.11.2014, Gießen. (poster presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Böse, M., 2014: Hochaufgelöste Geländemodelle als Werkzeug zur Neubewertung von Glaziallandschaften – das Beispiel der Frankfurter Eisrandlage im Raum Barnim (NO-Deutschland). DEUQUA 2014, 37. Hauptversammlung der deutschen Quartärvereinigung, 24.-29.09.2014, Innsbruck.
    http://www.uibk.ac.at/iup/verlagsverzeichnis/conferenceseries.html (oral presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Böse, M., 2014: Late Quaternary ice sheet dynamics in northeastern Germany – new insights in the formation of the Frankfurt ice marginal position based on the analysis of a high resolution LiDAR digital elevation model. INQUA Peribaltic working group symposium, 16.-22.08.2014, Latvia. (oral presentation)
  • Hardt, J., 2014: The Frankfurt ice marginal position in the Barnim area - reinterpretation of the genesis of a glacial landscape on basis of the interpretation of a high resolution LiDAR-DEM. 8th Young Geomorphologists Workshop, 23.-25.05.2014, Usedom. (oral presentation)
  • Hardt, J., Böse, M., Hebenstreit, R., Lüthgens, C., 2014: New insights into palaeoglaciological processes in northeastern Germany by analysis of a LiDAR DEM: using high-resolution elevation data to reassess the geomorphology of the Barnim till plain. EGU General Assembly 2014, 27.04.-02.05.2014,  Vienna. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-351. (poster presentation)

Public presentations

  • Hardt, J. (2016): Geomorphologische, geochronologische und fernerkundliche Untersuchungen der Glaziallandschaft Barnim: oder vom Sandkorn zur Landschaft. Vortragsreihe des Vereins Märkische Eiszeitstraße, Eberswalde, 20.01.2016.
  • Hardt, J. (2014): Untersuchungen zur Neubewertung der Glaziallandschaft in der Umgebung Frankfurter Eisrandlage im Raum Barnim. Colloquium der Geomorphologie des Geographischen Instituts der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 17.12.2014.

Edited journal volumes

  • Schröder, H.; Hardt, J., Waniek, M. 2010: Die Böden Surinames. 
    Arbeitsberichte des Geographischen Instituts der HU Berlin Band 156.

  • Schröder, H.; Hardt, J. et al., 2010: Suriname - Bericht zur Hauptexkursion 2009. 
    Arbeitsberichte des Geographischen Instituts der HU Berlin Band 157.

  • Makki, M.; Frielinghaus, M.; Hardt, J. et al (Hrsg.), 2010: Boden des Jahres 2010 - Stadtböden. Berlin und seine Böden. Berliner Geographische Arbeiten 117.

M.Sc. Thesis

  • Hardt, J., 2012: Ökopedologische Folgen durch Fluoridimmissionen in der Umgebung von Paranam (Suriname).