Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann

Working Group Prof. Dr. B. Schütt
Room B 004
12249 Berlin
Office hours
Tuesday 8 - 10 a.m.
Articles in peer reviewed journal
MARTÍNEZ-ABARCA, R., ABSTEIN, M., SCHENK, F., HODELL, D., HOELZMANN, P., BRENNER, M., KUTTEROLF, S., COHUO, S., MACARIO-GONZÁLEZ, L., STOCKHECKE, M., CURTIS, J., ANSELMETTI, F. S., ARIZTEGUI, D., GUILDERSON, T., CORREA-METRIO, A., BAUERSACHS, T., PÉREZ, L., and SCHWALB, A. (2023): Millennial hydrological variability in the continental northern Neotropics during Marine Isotope Stages (MISs) 3–2 (59–15 cal ka BP) inferred from sediments of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala, Clim. Past, 19, 1409–1434, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-19-1409-2023.
NAZAROVA, L., RAZJIGAEVA, N., GANZEY, L., MAKAROVA, T., LYASHEVSKAYA, M., BISKABORN, B., HOELZMANN, P., GOLOVATYUK, L., DIEKMANN, B. (2023). The middle to Late Holocene environment on the Iturup Island (Kurils, North Western Pacific),Quaternary International, Volumes 644-645: 5-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.05.003
LÜTHGENS, C., LUCIANI, M., PROCHAZKA, S., FIRLA, G., HOELZMANN, P., ABUALHASSAN, A. M. (2023). Watering the desert: Oasis hydroarchaeology, geochronology and functionality in Northern Arabia. The Holocene, 33(5), 562-580.
- YACOUB, A. N., SYLVESTRE, F., MOUSSA, A., HOELZMANN, P., ALEXANDRE, A., DINIES, M., CALIÉ, F., VALLET-COULOMB, C., PAILLÈS, C., DARIUS, F., SONZOGNI, C., COUAPEL, M., MAZUR, J.-C., KRÖPELIN, S. (2023). The African Holocene Humid Period in the Tibesti mountains (central Sahara, Chad): Climate reconstruction inferred from fossil diatoms and their oxygen isotope composition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 308, 108099.
- ECHEVERRIA-GALINDO, P., RIGTERINK, S., MASSAFERRO, J., PEREZ, L., WÜNNEMANN, B., HOELZMANN, P., KANG, W., BÖRNER, N., SCHWARZ, A., LAUG, A., PENG, P., ZHU, L., SCHWALB, A. (2023): Chironomid (Insecta: Chironomidae) community structure response to hydrological changes in the mid‐1950s in lake Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Quaternary Science, DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3517.
- GUAGNIN, M., HABURAJ, V., GROUCUTT, H.S., HOELZMANN, P., GAUCI, R., VELLA, N., PARISI, C., CASSAR, M., CASSAR, Y., ASCIAK, G., SCERRI, E. (2023): Evaluating possible prehistoric cave art in the central Mediterranean: Analyses of pigment traces and identification of taphonomic processes at Għar Ħasan, Malta. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 47, 103815. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103815
MACARIO-GONZÁLEZ, L., COHUO, S., HOELZMANN, P., PÉREZ, L., ELÍAS-GUTIÉRREZ, M., CABALLERO, M., OLIVA, A., PALMIERI, M., ÁLVAREZ, M. R., and SCHWALB, A.: Geodiversity influences limnological conditions and freshwater ostracode species distributions across broad spatial scales in the northern Neotropics, Biogeosciences, 19, 5167–5185, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-5167-2022, 2022
WOGAU, K.H., HOELZMANN, P., ARZ, H.W., BÖHNEL, H.N. (2022): Paleoenvironmental conditions during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, the Little Ice Age and social impacts in the Oriental Mesoame-rican region. Quaternary Science Reviews 289. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107616
WOJEWÓDKA-PRZYBYŁ, M., KRAHN, K.J., HAMERLIK, L., MACARIO-GONZÁLEZ, L., COHUO, S., CHARQUEÑO-CELIS, F., CISNEROS, A., HOELZMANN, P., YANG, H., ROSE, N.L., ZAWISZA, E., PÉREZ, L., SCHWALB, A. (2022): Imprints of the Little Ice Age and the severe earthquake of AD 2001 on the aquatic ecosystem of a tropical maar lake in El Salvador. The Holocene 32-10:1065-1080. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836221106965
- KOBE, F., LEIPE, C., SHCHETNIKOV, A.A., HOELZMANN, P., GLIWA, J., OLSCHEWSKI, P., GOSLAR, T., WAGNER, M., BEZRUKOVA, E.V. and TARASOV, P.E. (2022), Not herbs and forbs alone: pollen‐based evidence for the presence of boreal trees and shrubs in Cis‐Baikal (Eastern Siberia) derived from the Last Glacial Maximum sediment of Lake Ochaul. J. Quaternary Sci. 37-5:868-883. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3290
- NYKAMP, M., HAUSCHULZ S., HARDT, J., KNITTER, D., MAY, J., & HOELZMANN, P. (2022). The landscape of the Late Bronze Age royal tomb of Seddin (NE Germany): Linking geomorphology, archaeology, and historic evidence. Journal of Maps. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2021.2020178
DINIES, M.; SCHIMMEL, L.; KRÖPELIN, S.; DARIUS, F.; NEEF, R. & HOELZMANN, P. (2021): Holocene high-altitude vegetation dynamics on Emi Koussi,Tibesti Mountains (Chad, Central Sahara). In: Palaeoecology of Africa 35: 27-4
- KOBE, F., HOELZMANN, P., GLIWA, J., OLSCHEWSKI, P., PESKOV, S.A., SHCHETNIKOV, A.S., DANUKALOVA,G.A., OSIPOVA, E.M., GOSLAR, T., LEIPE, C., WAGNER, M., BEZRUKOVA, E.V, TARASOV, P.E. (2021) Lateglacial–Holocene environments and human occupation in the Upper Lena region of Eastern Siberia derived from sedimentary and zooarchaeological data from Lake Ochaul. Quaternary International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.09.019
HEIN, M., URBAN, B., TANNER, D.C., BUNESS, A.H., TUCCI, M., HOELZMANN, P. et al. (2021) Eemian landscape response to climatic shifts and evidence for northerly Neanderthal occupation at a palaeolake margin in northern Germany. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5219.
LEDER, D., HERMANN, R., HÜLS, M., RUSSO, G., HOELZMANN, P., NIELBOCK, R., BÖHNER, U., LEHMANN, J., MEIER, M., SCHWALB, A., TRÖLLER-REIMER, A., KODDENBERG, T., TERBERGER, T. (2021) A 51,000-year-old engraved bone reveals Neanderthals’ capacity for symbolic behavior. Nature Ecology & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-021-01487-z
GEPPERT, M., RIEDEL, F., GUMMERSBACH, V.S., GUTJAHR, S., HOELZMANN, P., REYES GARZÓN, M.D., SHEMANG, E., HARTMANN, K. (2021) Pleistocene hydrological settings at world heritage Tsodilo Hills (NW Kalahari, Botswana), a site of ancient human occupation. Quaternary Science Advances 3: 100022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.qsa.2021.100022
NYKAMP, M., HARDT, J., HOELZMANN P., MAY, J., and REIMANN, T.: Towards timing and stratigraphy of the Bronze Age burial mound royal tomb (Königsgrab) of Seddin (Brandenburg, northeastern Germany), E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 70, 1–17, https://doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-70-1-2021, 2021.
HABURAJ, V., JAPP S., GERLACH I., HOELZMANN P., SCHÜTT B. (2020) Coupling spectral imaging and laboratory analyses to digitally map sediment parameters and stratigraphic layers in Yeha, Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238894. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.023889.
HABURAJ, V., NYKAMP, M., MAY, J., HOELZMANN, P., SCHÜTT, B. (2020): On-Site VIS-NIR Spectral Reflectance and Colour Measurements—A Fast and Inexpensive Alternative for Delineating Sediment Layers Quantitatively? A Case Study from a Monumental Bronze Age Burial Mound (Seddin, Germany). Heritage 3, 528–548.
COSTA-BÖDDEKER, S., THUYEN, L.-X., HOELZMANN, P., de STIGTER, H.C., van GAEVER, P., HUY, D.-C., SMOL, J.P., SCHWALB, A. (2020). Science of the Total Environment 716:137035. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137035
BECKER, F., ESER R., HOELZMANN, P., SCHÜTT, B. (2019): The environmental impact of ancient iron mining and smelting on Elba Island, Italy – A geochemical soil survey of the Magazzini site. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 205: 106307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.04.009.
BECKER, F., ESER, R., HOELZMANN, P., SCHÜTT, B. (2019): Reconstructing human–landscape interactions in the context of ancient iron smelting on Elba Island, Italy, using sedimentological evidence. Geoarchaeology. 2019; 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1002/gea.21726.
KOBE, F., BITTNER, M., LEIPNER, C., HOELZMANN, P., LONG, T., WAGNER, M., ZIBULSKI, R., TARASOV, P. (2019): Lateglacial and early Holocene environments and human occupation in Brandenburg, eastern Germany. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12: 1-16. https://doi.org/10.24057/2071-9388-2018-50.
Hüneburg, L., HOELZMANN, P., Knitter, D., Teichert, B., Richter, C., Lüthgens, C., Alsaud, A.S., Luciani, M. (2019): Living at the wadi –integrating geomorphology and archaeology at the oasis of Qurayyah (NW Arabia), Journal of Maps. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2019.1576068.
TARASOV, P., DEMSKE, D., LEIPE, C., LONG, T., MÜLLER, S., HOELZMANN, P., WAGNER, M. (2019): An 8500-year palynological record of vegetation, climate change and human activity in the Bosten Lake region of Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516: 166-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.11.038
HOELZMANN, P. (2018): A 14 ka high-resolution d18O lake record reveals a paradigm shift for the process-based reconstruction of hydroclimate on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 200: 65-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.09.040.
SCHMIDT, M., LEIPE, C., BECKER, F., GOSLAR, T., HOELZMANN, P., MINGRAM, J., MÜLLER, S., TJALLINGII, R., WAGNER, M., TARASOV, P. (2019): A multi-proxy palaeolimnological record of the last 16,600 years from coastal Lake Kushu in northern Japan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514: 613-626. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.11.010
COSTA-BÖDDEKER S., THUYÊN, L. X., HOELZMANN, P., DE STIGTER, H., VAN GAEVERD, P., HUY, H. D., SCHWALB, A. (2018): The hidden threat of heavy metal pollution in high sedimentation and highly dynamic environment: Assessment of metal accumulation rates in the Thi Vai Estuary, Southern Vietnam. Environmental Pollution 242: 348-356, doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.05.096.
TARASOV P.E., ILYASHUK, B. P., LEIPE, C., MÜLLER, S., PLESSEN, B., HOELZMANN, P., KOSTROVA, S. S., BEZRUKOVA, E. V., MEYER, H. (2018): Insight into the Last Glacial Maximum climate and environments of the Baikal region. Boreas, DOI 10.1111/bor.12330.
BEBERMEIER, W., HOELZMANN, P., MEYER, M., SCHIMPF, S., SCHÜTT, B. (2018): Lateglacial to Late Holocene landscape history derived from floodplain sediments in context to prehistoric settlement sites of the southern foreland of the Harz Mountains, Germany. Quaternary International Volume 463, Part A, 74-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.08.026
THELEMANN, M., BEBERMEIER, W., HOELZMANN, P., SCHÜTT, B. (2018): Landscape history since the Saalian Drenthe stadial in the Widawa Catchment Area in Silesia, Poland: A case study on long-term landscape changes. Quaternary International Volume 463, Part A, 57-73. DOI: org/10.1016/j.quaint.2016.09.015
STOLLE, A., BERNHARDT, A., SCHWANGHART, W., HOELZMANN, P., ADHIKARI, B., FORT, M., KORUP, O. (2017): Catastrophic valley fills record large Himalayan earthquakes, Pokhara, Nepal. Quaternary Science Reviews 177: 88-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.10.015
HOLMES, J. & HOELZMANN; P., (2017): The Late Pleistocene-Holocene African Humid Period as Evident in Lakes. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science; Regional and Local Climates Online Publication Date: Apr 2017; DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.531.
WAGALAWATTA, T., BEBERMEIER, W., HOELZMANN, P., KNITTER, D., KOHLMEYER, K., PITAWALA, A., SCHÜTT, B. (2017): Spatial distribution and functional relationship of local bedrock and stone constructions in the cultural landscape of ancient Anuradhapura (377 BCE–1017 CE), Sri Lanka. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 13: 382-394. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.060
BÜDEL, C., PADASHI, S. M., HOELZMANN, P., FUCHS, M., BAUMHAUER, R. (2017): The correlation of North-Iranian Late-Pleistocene and Holocene playa sediments to basin geomorphology. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issue. DOI: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2016/0419
HOELZMANN, P., KLEIN, T., KUTZ, F., SCHÜTT, B. (2017): A new device to mount portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (p-ED-XRF) for semi-continuous analyses of split (sediment) cores and solid samples. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 93–101. DOI: 10.5194/gi-6-93-2017.
COSTA-BÖDDEKER, S., HOELZMANN, P., THUYEN, L., HUY, D., NGUYEN, H., RICHTER, O., SCHWALB, A. (2017): Ecological risk assessment of a coastal zone in Southern Vietnam: Spatial distribution and content of heavy metals in water and surface sediments of the Thi Vai Estuary and Can Gio Mangrove Forest. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 114: 1141-1151. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.10.046.
SCHMIDT, M., TARASOV, P.E., HOELZMANN, P., MEYER, H., LEIPE, C., Diatoms from Lake Kushu: A pilot study to test the potential of a late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental archive from Rebun Island (Hokkaido Region, Japan), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2016), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.005
THELEMANN, M., BEBERMEIER, W., HOELZMANN, P., LEHNHARDT, E. (2016): Bog iron ore as a resource for prehistoric iron production in Central Europe — A case study of theWidawa catchment area in eastern Silesia, Poland. Catena. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2016.04.002.
NYKAMP, M., HOELZMANN, P., HEEB, B.S., SZENTMIKLOSI, A., SCHÜTT, B. (2016): Holocene sediment dynamics in the environs of the fortification enclosure of Corneşti-Iarcuri in the Romanian Banat. Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.118.
SCHWANGHART, W.; BERNHARDT, A.; STOLLE, A.; HOELZMANN, P.; ADHIKARI, B.; ANDERMANN, C.; TOFELDE, S.; MERCHEL, S.; RUGEL, G.; FORT, M.; KORUP, O. (2016): Repeated catastrophic valley infill following medieval earthquakes in the Nepal Himalaya. Science 351: 147-150. DOI:10.1126/science.aac9865.
VOGEL, S.,MÄRKER, M., RELLINI, I.,HOELZMANN, P., WULF, S., ROBINSON, M., STEINHÜBEL, L., DI MAIO, G., IMPERATORE, C., KASTENMEIER, P., LIEBMANN, L., ESPOSITO, D., SEILER, F. (2015): From a stratigraphic sequence to a landscape evolution model: Late Pleistocene and Holocene volcanism, soil formation and land use in the shade of Mount Vesuvius (Italy), Quaternary International, DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.02.033.
KAUFMANN, G.; ULLRICH, B.; HOELZMANN, P. (2015): Two Iron-Age Settlement Sites in Germany: From Field Work via Numerical Modeling towards an Improved Interpretation. Archaeological Discovery 3-1: 1-14, DOI 10.4236/ad.2015.31001.
HOELZMANN, P.; KUTZ, F.; SCHÜTT, B. (2014): Probenkammer, insbesondere Probenkammer zur Analyse von Sediment- oder Bohrkernproben. Patentschrift, Deutsche Gebrauchsmusteranmeldung 20 2014 106 048.0, Patentamt München.
BORRELLI, P.; DOMDEY, C.; HOELZMANN, P.; KNITTER, D.; PANAGOS, P.; SCHÜTT, B. (2014): Geoarchaeological and historical implications of late Holocene landscape development in the Carseolani Mountains, central Apennines, Italy. Geomorphology 216: 26-39. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.032
MÜLLER, S., TARASOV, P., HOELZMANN, P., BEZRUKOVA, E., KRIVOGONOV S. (2014): Stable vegetation and environmental conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum: New results from Lake Kotokel (Lake Baikal region, southern Siberia, Russia), Quaternary International 348: 14-24; DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.12.012.
BEBERMEIER, W.; HOELZMANN, P.; KAISER, E.;KRAUSE, J. (2013): Landscape and archaeology. Quaternary International 312: 1-2. DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.09.003
BORRELLI, P., HOELZMANN, P., KNITTER, D., SCHÜTT, B., (2013): Late Quaternary soil erosion and landscape development in the Apennine region (Central Italy), Quaternary International, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.007
D. WENZEL, M. FRECHEN, M. BÖSE, T. REIMANN, C. TSENG, P. HOELZMANN (2012): Late Quaternary river terraces in the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan: A study of cover sediments across a terrace section along the Tachia River. – Quaternary International 263: 26-36. DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.018
M. BLÄTTERMANN, M. FRECHEN, A. GASS, P. HOELZMANN, H. Parzinger and B. SCHÜTT (in press): Late Holocene landscape reconstruction in the Land of Seven Rivers, Kazakhstan, Quaternary International251:42-51, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.06.045
HOELZMANN, P., Rauchfuß, B., Ullrich, B., Bebermeier, W., Kaufmann, G., Schütt, B., Meyer, M. (2012): Coupling of Geomorphological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Archaeological Spatial Data for a Study of the Interface of Latène and Przeworsk Cultures in NE Germany. eTopoi Journal for Ancient Studies 3: 399-403.
L. PÉREZ, P. FRENZEL, M. BRENNER, J. ESCOBAR, P. HOELZMANN, B. SCHARF, A. SCHWALB (2011.): Late Quaternary (24–10 ka BP) environmental history of the Neotropical lowlands inferred from ostracodes in sediments of Lago Petén Itza, Guatemala, J. Palaeolimnology: 46:59-74. DOI 10.1007/s10933-011-9514-0
L. PÉREZ, R. BUGJA, J. LORENSCHAT, M. BRENNER, J. CURTIS, P. HOELZMANN, G. ISLEBE, B. SCHARF, A. SCHWALB (2011): Aquatic ecosystems of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), Belize, and Guatemala. Hydrobiologia 661: 407-433.
Late quaternary landscape evolution in a small catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau. - Quaternary International 234:159-166.
P. HOELZMANN, A. SCHWALB, N. ROBERTS, P. COOPER, A. BURGESS (2010): Hydrological response of an east-Saharan palaeolake (NW Sudan) to early-Holocene climate. The Holocene 20: 537-549
U. SALZMANN & P. HOELZMANN (2005): The Holocene History of the Dahomey Gap: A climatic induced fragmentation of the West African Rainforest.- The Holocene, 15.2: 190-199.
P. HOELZMANN, F. GASSE, L. DUPONT, U. SALZMANN, M. STAUBWASSER, D.C. LEUSCHNER & F. SIROCKO (2004): Palaeoenvironmental changes in the arid and subarid-belt (Sahara-Sahel-Arabian Peninsula) from 150 ka to present. In: Battarbee, Gasse, Stickley (Eds.) „Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa“, Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Vol. 6, Springer, 219 - 256.
D. VERSCHUREN, K R. BRIFFA, P. HOELZMANN, K. BARBER, P. BARKER, L. SCOTT, I. SNOWBALL, N. ROBERTS & R.W. BATTARBEE (2004): Holocene climate variability in Europe and Africa: a PAGES-PEP III time-stream 1 synthesis. In: Battarbee, Gasse, Stickley (Eds.) „Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa“, Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Vol. 6, Springer, 567 - 582.
J. J. LOWE, P. BARKER, P. HOELZMANN, D. MAGRI, T.C. PARTRIDGE, M. SAARNISTO, J. VANDENBERGHE, F. A. STREET-PERROTT & F. GASSE (2004). Climate Variability in Europe and Africa during PAGES-PEPIII Time Stream II: A Synthesis. In: Battarbee, Gasse, Stickley (Eds.) „Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa“, Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Vol. 6, Springer, 583 - 604.
U. SALZMANN, P. HOELZMANN & I. MORCZINEK (2002): Late Quaternary Climate and Vegetation of the Sudanian Zone of NE-Nigeria.- Quaternary Research, 58:73-83.
P. HOELZMANN, B. KEDING, H. BERKE, A. KRUSE, S. KRÖPELIN (2001): Environmental change and archaeology: Lake evolution and human occupation in the Eastern Sahara during the Holocene.- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 169: 193-217.
ABELL, P. & P. HOELZMANN (2000): Stable Isotopes and Palaeoclimates in NW Sudan.- Global and Planetary Change, 26, 1-3: 1-12.
P. HOELZMANN, H.-J. KRUSE, & F. ROTTINGER (2000): Precipitation estimates of the E-Saharan Palaeomonsoon: sedimentary geochemistry; satellite image remote sensing and a regional water balance model of the West-Nubia-Lake.- Global and Planetary Change, 26, 1-3: 105-120.
H.-J. PACHUR & P. HOELZMANN (2000): Late Quaternary Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimates of the Eastern Sahara.- Journal of African Earth Sciences, 30-4: 929-939.
M. CLAUSSEN, C. KUBATZKI, V. BROVKIN, A. GANOPOLSKI, P. HOELZMANN, H.-J. PACHUR (1999): Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation in the mid-Holocene.- Geophysical Research Letters, 26-14: 2037-2040.
K. DUSCHER & P. HOELZMANN (1999): Ablagerung atmosphärisch deponierter Schwermetalle im Sediment von Oberflächengewässern mit versauertem Einzugsgebiet – Fallstudie Trinkwassertalsperre Sous (Tschechische Republik).- Die Erde, 130: 29-46.
P. HOELZMANN (1998): Bestandsaufnahme, Verteilungsmuster und Bewertung der Schwer-metallkontamination der subhydrischen Sedimente von Spree und Havel.- Die Erde, 129: 211-228.
P. HOELZMANN, D. JOLLY, S.P. HARRISON, F. LAARIF, R. BONNEFILLE, H.-J. PACHUR (1998): Mid-Holocene land-surface conditions in northern Africa and the Arabian peninsula: A data set for the analysis of biogeophysical feedbacks in the climate system.- Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12-1: 35-51.
P.I. ABELL, P. HOELZMANN & H.-J. PACHUR (1996): Stable Isotope Ratios of Gastropod Shells and Carbonate Sediments of NW Sudan as Paleoclimatic Indicators.- Palaeoecology of Africa, 24: 33-52.
H.-J. PACHUR & P. HOELZMANN(1991): Paleoclimatic Implications of Late Quaternary Lacustrine Sediments in Western Nubia, Sudan.- Quaternary Research, 36: 257-276.
A. BRANDE, P. HOELZMANN & J. KLAWITTER (1990): Genese und Paläoökologie eines brandenburgischen Kesselmoores.-Telma, 20: 27-54.
Other publications
JEGGE, H., HOELZMANN, P., KNITTER, D. (2018): Phosphatkartierung einer Gebäudestruktur. in: Marwedel – ein „Fürstensitz“der Römischen Kaiserzeitan der Niederelbe (Eds: Karlsen, H.-J. and Willroth, K.-H.), Göttinger Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte 3: 67-70.
HOELZMANN, P. und KNITTER, D. (2017). König Hinz und Königswasser – Geowissenschaft am „Königsgrab“ von Seddin. in: Archäologie in Berlin und Brandenburg 2015, S. 52-55.
KOSSLER, A., NÖLSCHER, M., HOELZMANN, P. (2016): Sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchungen an Schichten der ausgehenden Saale-Kaltzeit von Jänschwalde (Niederlausitz,Brandenburg) in Hinblick auf die Paläoumwelt des Neandertalers. Brandenburg. geowiss. Beitr./Arbeitsber. Bodendenkmalpfl. Brandenburg 22 (2015), 2/28 (2016) Sonderband 2016: 129-139.
SCHWALB, A. & HOELZMANN, P., 2005. Holocene paleohydrology of arid regions: Examples from the Northern Chilean Altiplano and the Eastern Sahara. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil I Heft 1/2: 87-101.
P. HOELZMANN (2002): Lacustrine Sediments as Indicators of Climate Change during the Late Quaternary in western Nubia (Eastern Sahara). Africa Praehistorica 14: 375-388.
P. HOELZMANN & ZELLMER, D. (2002): Schwermetallkontamination in den Sedimenten der Spree. In: Limnologie Aktuell Band 10: Die Spree: Zustand, Probleme, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, S. 85-95.
P. HOELZMANN (2000): Palaeoecology, palaeoclimate and land-surface conditions of the eastern Sahara derived from lacustrine environments of western Nubia, Sudan. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 30-4A: 39-40.
H.-J. PACHUR & P. HOELZMANN (1999): Zur Paläogeoökologie der Ost-Sahara.- Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen, 63: 27-34.
P. HOELZMANN & D. ZELLMER (1999): Geogene und anthropogene Schwermetallgehalte in Schwebstoffen und Sedimenten von Havel und Spree (Geogenic and anthropogenic heavy-metal contents in suspended matter and sediments of the Spree and Havel Rivers).- In: Gesellschaft für UmweltGeowissenschaften (Ed.): Ressourcen-Umwelt-Management: Wasser, Boden, Sedimente. Springer Verlag, p. 115-130.
P. HOELZMANN, D. JOLLY, S.P. HARRISON, F. LAARIF, R. BONNEFILLE, H.-J. PACHUR (1998): African 6K Land Surface Conditions. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology, Data Contribution Series #98-012. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.
P. HOELZMANN (1997): Heavy Metal contamination of lake sediments in north-eastern Germany: Recent human impact vs geogenic background. Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte, 41: 95-96.
P. HOELZMANN (1996): Die Schwermetallbelastung der Sedimente der Havel. - In: J.H. SCHROEDER & W. NOWEL (Hrsg.): Führer der Geologie von Berlin und Brandenburg. No. 4: Potsdam und Umgebung - Calau. Selbstverlag Geowissenschaftler in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V., p. 152-157.
H.-J. PACHUR & P. HOELZMANN (1996): Bestandsaufnahme der Schadstoffsituation insbesondere mit Schwermetallen in Havel/Spree und Schwarze Elster im Hinblick auf die zukünftige Gewässsergüte. Teilprojekt 4: Havel und Spree. Forschungsbericht BMBF 02-WT 9262/9: 140 p.
P. HOELZMANN (1995): Die Schwermetallbelastung der Sedimente der Spree. - In: J.H. SCHROEDER & W. NOWEL (Hrsg.): Führer der Geologie von Berlin und Brandenburg. No. 3: Lübbenau - Calau. Selbstverlag Geowissenschaftler in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V., p. 237-242.
P. HOELZMANN (1995): Heavy Metal Contamination detected in Sediments from the Havel and Spree Rivers. - In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Hamburg 18.-22.September 1995, CEP Consultants Ltd: 328-331.
P. HOELZMANN & S. SCHWARZ (1994): Zur Schwermetallbelastung der Havel und Spreesedimente. In: Stand der Spurenstoffanalytik an der Elbe: 6. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar. GKSS Forschungszentrum (Hrsg.): 9-10.
P. HOELZMANN (1994): Zur Schwermetallbelastung subhydrischer Sedimente der Havel und Spree. - In: R.-O. NIEDERMEYER, H. HÜNEKE, T. SCHOLL (Hrsg.): Sediment 94. Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, Reihe A, Band 2: 79-81.
P. HOELZMANN (1993): Spätquartäre, lakustrine Sedimente Westnubiens, Südost Sahara.- Zentralbl. f. Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, H. 3/4: 234-237.
P. HOELZMANN (1993): Palaeoecology of Holocene lacustrine sediments in Western Nubia, SE Sahara. - In: U. THORWEIHE & H. SCHANDELMEIER (Hrsg.): Geoscientific Research in Northeast Africa. Procceedings of the international Conference on Geoscientific research in Northeast Africa, Berlin June 17.-19. 1993, Balkema, Rotterdam: 569-574.
P. HOELZMANN (1992): Palaeoecology of Holocene lacustrine sediments within the West Nubian Basin, SE-Sahara.- Würzburger Geographische Abhandlungen 83: 59-71.
M. BÖSE, P. HOELZMANN, H.-J. PACHUR & G. SCHULZ (1992): Zum Pleistozän und Holozän im Berliner Raum.- In: B. HOFMEISTER, F. VOSS & D. MÖBIUS (Hrsg.): Exkursionen durch Berlin und Umland.- Berliner Geographische Studien, 33: 121-149.
H.-J. PACHUR, S.KRÖPELIN, P. HOELZMANN, M. GOSCHIN & N. ALTMANN (1990): Late Quaternary Fluvio-Lacustrine Environments of Western Nubia.- Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abh. (A), 120.1: 203-260.
P. HOELZMANN (1993): Holozäne Limnite im NW-Sudan. Freie Universität Berlin, FB Geowissenschaften, PhD-dissertation, 190 p.
Diploma thesis
P. HOELZMANN (1986): Spätweichselzeitliche und holozäne Sedimente einer Talung auf der Teltower Platte. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte eines Landschaftsschutzgebietes. Freie Universität Berlin, FB Geowissenschaften, Diplomarbeit, 66 p.