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Frequently Asked Questions on Arriving and Living in Berlin

As we want to make  it as easy as possible for students who are new arrivals to Berlin we have collected the following frequently asked questions on language courses, accomodation, etc.

The information is mainly relevant for international students, but parts are also relevant for German students.

Please check first whether your questions are already answered here on the website. If not, please take at a look at the extensive information for new students on the university's general website or get in touch with your new fellow students, who usually organise in their own groups in messenger apps. For important questions  you can contact us at global-inequalities@geo.fu-berlin.de, but note that we cannot give in-depth counselling on topics like accomodation.

Yes! All students receive a ticket for public transportation which is similar to the "Deutschlandticket", which means you are allowed to take most local public transport in the whole of Germany without further costs. Since last semester, you no longer need your validated Campuscard as a ticket. Now you need to show a QR-Code ("Deutschland-Semesterticket") with your smartphone. With this ticket, you are unfortunatly not allowed to take a bicycle into trains / metros, for that you need to buy an additional ticket. Find more information on applicability and registration here.

If you are not from an EU member state, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein, you must apply for a residence permit at the State Office for Immigration within 90 days of entry.

Geography at Freie Universität is not located at the main campus in Dahlem, but in Lankwitz. You will have to visit both locations in the course of your studies. Here is an overview page of the university describing how to get around the campuses. This page describes how to get to the campus in Lankwitz. Here is a map of the different buildings in Lankwitz, each with its own letter for orientation.

It is essential that you enroll at the FU before the end of the enrollment period.
You will find the deadline on your admission letter. If you have further questions
about enrollment, please check here.

You must officially register at a registration office in one of Berlin's many “Bürgerämter” within 14 days of your move. Since appointments are often booked out in advance, it is important to also keep an eye out for appointments at Bürgerämter in districts other than where you live.

The importance of German cannot be underestimated when living in Germany. German is necessary in everyday life, dealing with local authorities and in the research community. If you are studying at Freie Universität and want to learn German or to continue to work on your German skills, you will find information on the following here::

  1. German for beginners for language proficiency levels A1 – A2
  2. Advanced German for language proficiency levels A2 – B1 – B2 - C1
  3. What you have to do to register for a German course

It is certainly worthwhile to take an intensive language course at the beginning of your stay. The University's Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) offers German courses for proficiency levels beginning with A2.

German for beginners

  1. The Language and Cultural Exchange Centre ("Sprach- und Kulturbörse") at Technische Universität Berlin offers a good selection of German courses for good price-value. Read more  
  2. Adult & Further Education institutions in Berlin also provide language courses. Besides numerous private language schools we recommend the Community Education Centre ("Volkshochschule") which offers German courses for all language levels and has branches in every district in Berlin. You can also sign up for the "Integration courses" which are available to newcomers in all branches so you may choose the one closest to your living quarters. Applicants take a short test and are then assigned to the right level.

The University’s Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) provides German classes for language proficiency levels starting at the A2 level.  You are required to register and take the OnDaF online placement test in order to determine which course level from A2 to C1 is right for you. Read more


Improving your German at the FU's Language Center

The University’s Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) provides all German classes for language proficiency levels starting at the A2 level. German courses for beginners are not available! To register for a course levels A2 to C1 you need to register and take the OnDaF online placement test. Course placements are allocated on a first come first served basis.

What is the OnDaF placement test?

OnDaF is the online placement test for German as a foreign language. You register online for the test, book a test date online, take the test at the Language Center at the Freie Universität Berlin under the supervision of the examination staff, and get the results directly after the test. The test takes about 60 minutes including registration and login. Detailed information at www.ondaf.de

What you have to do to register for a German course:

Further Information on German Courses and the placement test at Freie Universität Berlin. 

Contact: Mrs Gabriela Leder, Room KL 25305 in the Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) of the main university building (Silberlaube), Tuesdays 4-5pm.You can arrange an appointment by calling Tel. 838 55686 or by sending an E-mail gleder@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Register for a Language Tandem: Tandem stands for enjoyable language learning and cultural exchange. A language tandem is made up of two partners who speak different native languages and learn from each other. To register for a language tandem you can sign up either at the Language Center (Selbstlernzentrum) by email slz@sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de or at the International Club by email international.club@fu-berlin.de.


Further education institutions

A number of adult education institutions as well as private langauge schools in Berlin offer language courses as well as a wide range of other courses. The Community Education Centers ("Volkshochschule") provide courses for great value for money. There are branches in every district in Berlin.

Deutsche Welle - Learning German online DAAD - All about learning German

Important documents:

It is necessary for you to bring the following documents and personal records when coming to Berlin:

  1. Passports or equivalent identity documents for yourself and any family members coming with you. Please note that: these documents should be valid for your entire stay in Germany.
  2. Entry visa(s) for yourself and any family members coming with you.
  3. Proof of admission/ acceptance by your department/ Letter of invitation from the university or institute. This may also be your supervisor’s letter of acceptance of your research project or the fellowship award letter.
  4. Several (biometric) passport photos
  5. For enrollment at the university you will need to present certified copies of your highschool graduation certificate and other university degree certificates, in German or English.

Further Documents:

  1. Birth certificate(s) and certified translations in German or English for yourself and any family members coming with you.

  2. Proof of health insurance coverage in Germany.

  3. International vaccination certificate and certified translations in German or English.

  4. If applicable: Marriage certificate, if applicable, and certified translations in German or English.

  5. If applicable: International or national driver’s license together with certified translation in German or English, and proof of car insurance (“Green Card”). More information here.


Further useful information:

Make sure you have enough money available (ca. 1000 EUR) during your first weeks in Berlin to cover all out of pocket expenses including start-up costs (for transportation, rent, deposit on apartment, health insurance, utilities, etc.) and the semester fee. These expenses are normally due prior to the first disbursement of funding support by a scholarship or student credits.

 If you intend to enter Germany for a longer stay, be prepared to provide evidence that you have at least € 700 per month per person. This may be a stipend, a government grant, an official guarantee, or a bank account. Proof of financial means is required when extending your visa or opening a local bank account.