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Frequently Asked Questions on Master's Theses

You don't need to register anything before finding a prospective supervisor. The formal registering of the thesis is only due once the concept is set, and your supervisor can support you with registering. You can find the application form here on the department website.

Once you want to begin with your Master’s thesis, please chose a prospective supervisor and approach her*him in the office hour. Generally, all lecturers in Human Geography with a Phd (Dr.) can supervise Master’s thesis. The formal registering of the thesis is only due once the concept is set, which you will design in consultation with your supervisor.

A secondary correction is also required for the assessment of the thesis. This can also be done by an external person from another department or university, as long as they have the appropriate expertise and academic degree.The person in charge of the second correction can of course also provide advice on content/concepts.

In case you’ve written an above-average thesis, your work can be published in Berlin Geographical Papers and/or Refubium. Apart from this, we’re happy to put your thesis on the website. There is also a broad variety of open access papers that are not connected to out institute, such as Transcience Journal and New Sociological Perspectives, for example.