Room 125, Building B
12249 Berlin
Office hours
Research Interests:
I am an Earth Scientist with special interest in stable isotope geochemistry. I like to approach scientific questions using a combination of different methods and geochemical proxies. During my education and early career I found interest in:
- Mass spectrometry and laser ablation
- Low temperature stable isotope geochemistry
- Low temperature thermochronology
- Silica diagenesis and silicification
- The Precambrian-Cambrian boundary
- Sediment provenance
2016 Dr. rer. nat. (stable isotope geochemistry/ geochemistry; summa cum laude)
Freie Universität Berlin and GFZ Potsdam;
Dissertation “Silicon and oxygen stable isotopes in chert as
indicators ofdiagenesis and ocean paleoenvironmental conditions”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg
2011 Master of Science (Earth Sciences) Georg-August Universität Göttingen
MSc thesis: “Detrital zircon (U-Th)/He dating of Pilo-/Pleistocence sediments
from the river Rhine" Advisors: Prof. Dr. Hilmar von Eynatten; Dr. István Dunkl
2008 Academic exchange program, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California San Diego, USA
2007 Bachelor of Science (Earth Sciences) Georg-August Universität Göttingen
BSc thesis: “Geochemistry of the detritus of the stalagmite MA-1 from South
Patagonia” Advisors: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wörner; Dr. Klaus Simon
Peer reviewed publications
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, M. Oelze, J. A. Schuessler, G. Bohrmann, The silicon isotope record of early silica diagenesis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 428, 293–303 (2015).
M. Tatzel, I. Dunkl, H. von Eynatten, Provenance of Palaeo-Rhine sediments from zircon thermochronology, geochemistry, U/Pb dating and heavy mineral assemblages. Basin Res., 1–22 (2015).
Non-peer reviewed publications
B. Baresel, M. Köbberich, K. Lünsdorf, M. Tatzel, H. von Eynatten, Kartierprojekt nördlicher Pfälzerwald (2012) ISBN-10: 3952320390 (Geological map of Permian to Miocene clastic and carbonate sediments in southwest Germany)
Conference Abstracts
R. Oeser, M. Tatzel, G. Franz, F. von Blanckenburg (2015) Genesis of chert nodules in Ediacarian blackshales: Si isotope analyses using fs laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. GeoBerlin, Berlin, Germany.
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, M. Oelze, J. Bouchez, D. Hippler (2015) Si stable isotope evidence for ecosystem engineering as driver for the Late Neoproterozoic ocean oxygenation, Hunan Province, South-East China. Goldschmidt 2015, Prag, Czech Republic.
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, D. Hippler, J. A. Schuessler, M. Steiner (2014) The source of silicon in cherts and siliceous shales from the Ediacaran through lower Cambrian (Slope-facies) sedimentary succession of Lijiatuo, Hunan Province, South China. GSA Vancouver Annual Meeting 2014
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, J.A. Schuessler, G. Bohrmann (2014) The silicon isotope record of early silica diagenesis. IPGP PhD student meeting, Paris, France.
M. Stuff, M. Tatzel, D. Hippler, G. Franz, F. von Blanckenburg (2013) Tracing silicification processes with Si stable isotope analysis. DMG Meeting, Hannover, Germany.
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, J.A. Schuessler, G. Bohrmann (2013) The silicon isotope record of early silica diagenesis. Goldschmidt 2013, Florence, Italy.
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, J.A. Schuessler, G. Bohrmann (2013) The impact of silica diagenesis on the stable silicon isotope rock record, Environmetal Isotopes EMI2013, Ascona, Switzerland.
M. Tatzel, F. von Blanckenburg, D. Hippler (2012) Stable silicon isotope composition of chert and silicified shales in the Ediacaran through Lower Cambrian slope-facies succession Lijatuo, Hunan Province, South-East China. Fermor Meeting 2012, London, England.