Dr.-Ing. Majid Taie Semiromi

Institute of Geological Sciences
Hydrogeology Group
Room A107
12249 Berlin
2014 – 2018 Ph.D., Civil Engineering-Geohydrology, University of Kassel, Germany
2007 – 2010 M.Sc., Watershed Management Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
2005 – 2007 B.Sc., Range and Watershed Management Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran
Professional Experience
Since February 2024: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hydrogeology Group, The Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Since March 2021: University lecturer in Groundwater Modeling and Modeling of Surface-groundwater Interactions, Hydrogeology Group, the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
12/2018–08/2023: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Working Group of Lowland Hydrology and Water Management, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
10/2017–12/2017: Intern at the Terrestrial Hydrology Group, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
11/2009–06/2013: Research Assistant at the Department of Drought and Climate Change, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute (SCWMRI), Tehran, Iran
Awards and Funding
- 2020–2023: Being awarded the German Research Foundation (DFG) funding for the Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators
- 2014–2018: Being awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship for conducting my PhD studies under the Sustainable Water Management Programm
- 2015: Being awarded fellowship for participating in International Workshop on Drought Monitoring, Assessment and Management, Beijing Normal University, China
Major Research Interests
Groundwater modeling
Modeling of surface-groundwater interactions
Isotope hydrology
Projection of climate change and drought impacts on groundwater resources
Application of data-driven and machine learning algorithms in hydrogeological simulation and forecasting
Teaching Activities (Undergraduate and Graduate Courses)
“Groundwater Modeling” at the Hydrogeology Group, the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany (since March 2021 till now)
“Modeling of Surface-groundwater Interactions” at the Hydrogeology Group of the Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany (since September 2021 till now)
"Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Natural Resources" at the Department of Hydraulic Structure of Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (one Semester, April-July 2012)
Ongoing Research Projects
Co-principal Investigator (with W. Funsani, O. Crespo, N. Siyakatshana, G. Kanguehi, I. Nyati) Improving Food Security by Integrating Climate-resilient Crops into Maize-based Cropping Systems Among Smallholder Farmers in Zambia and Namibia (FoSReCs), Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Project period: January 2023–December 2025.
Completed Research Projects
Co-principal Investigator (with M.H Davoudi and A. Abdeh Kolahchi) “Investigation of Drought Impacts on Groundwater Resources and Presentation of Managing Work Plan using MODFLOW Mathematical Model in Garbaygan Plain”, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute (SCWMRI), 2009–2010.
Co-principal Investigator (with M.M. Kheyrkhah, A.R. Majidi and M.R. Danaian) “Evaluation of Flood Spreading on Groundwater Quantity by using Modelling (Case Study: Harat Plain, Yazd Province)”, Yazd Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2011–2012.
Co-principal Investigator (with A. Fatehi Marj, A.M. Ghafouri, and M. Hossain Pour) “Monthly Water Resources and Drought Monitoring for Iran” Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute (SCWMRI), 2011–2014.
Principal Investigator “Advancing the Understanding of Hydrologic Connectivity between Kettle Holes and Adjoining Groundwater System using a Hybrid Modelling Approach” (https://www.zalf.de/de/forschung_lehre/projekte/Seiten/details.aspx), Funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation), Project period: March 2020–August 2023
Graduate Student Advising and Serving in the MSc/PhD Committee
Vergara Niedermayr, B. (2024), Assessment of Kettle Holes’ Impacts on Water Components of the Quillow Watershed in the Northeast of Brandenburg, Germany, The University of Potsdam, Ongoing MSc Thesis.
Mirdar Soltani, S. (2023), Modeling Analysis of 21st Century Climate Change Projections and their Impacts on the Hydrology of the Karaj-Jajrood Basin, Iran, PhD Dissertation, The University of Kassel, Germany.
Kazempour Radi, R. (2023), Evaluating the Influence of Kettle Holes on the Water Quality of the Quillow Stream, MSc Thesis, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.
Ahmadi, M. (2014), Assessment of Groundwater Drought Indices using Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Indexes in Marvdasht Aquifer, Fars Province, MSc Thesis, Hormozgan University, Iran.
Taie Semiromi, S. (2013), Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Reserves using Hydrograph Recession Curve Analysis in Neishabour Bar Watershed, MSc Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
Shirmohammadi, B. (2013), Forecasting of Groundwater Drought under the Different Severities of Meteorological Droughts in Ajabshir Plain, MSc Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
Soleimani Motlagh, M. (2011), Optimized Utilization of Groundwater Resources during Drought Conditions using MODFLOW Model (Case Study: Aleshtar Plain, Lorestan Province), MSc Thesis, Yazd University, Iran.
Selected Publications
Gul, N., Mangrio, M.A., Shaikh, I.A., Siyal, A.G., and Taie Semiromi, M. (2024), Quantifying Impacts of Varying Groundwater Table Depths on Cotton Evapotranspiration, Yield, Water Use Efficiency, and Root Zone Salinity using Lysimeters, Agricultural Water Management, 301, 108933. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108933.
Taie Semiromi, M., Koch, M. (2024), Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation in Northwestern Iran using a Hybrid Model of Discrete Wavelet Transform, Artificial Neural Networks, and Quantile Mapping, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-024-05033-2.
Shirmohammadi, B., Rostamia, M., Sutanto. S.J., Moosavi, V., Varamesh, S., Lanenc, H., Jafaari, A., Taie Semiromi, M. (2024), Future Climate-driven Drought Events Across the Lake Urmia, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-12181-x.
Gao, Y., Taie Semiromi, M., Merz, C. (2023), Efficacy of Statistical Algorithms in Imputing Missing Data of Streamflow Discharge Imparted with Variegated Variances and Seasonalities, Environmental Earth Sciences, 82, 476 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-11139-z.
Steidl, J., Gliege, S., Taie Semiromi, M., Lischeid, G. (2023), Groundwater Flow Reversal between Small Water Bodies and their Adjoining Aquifers: A numerical Experiment, Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.14890.
Taie Semiromi, M., Böttcher, S., Merz, C. (2021), Inspecting the Reliability of Geochemical Facies Identified for the Waterworks' Capture Zone in Germany. Groundwater, doi:10.1111/gwat.13168.
Vyse, S.A., Taie Semiromi, M.,Lischeid, G., Merz, C. (2020), Characterizing Hydrological Processes within Kettle Holes using Stable Water Isotopes in the Uckermark of Northern Brandenburg, Germany. Hydrological Processes, 34(8), 1868-1887. doi:10.1002/hyp.13699.
Taie Semiromi, M., Koch, M. (2020), How Do Gaining and Losing Streams React to the Combined Effects of Climate Change and Pumping in the Gharehsoo River Basin, Iran? Water Resources Research, 56(7), e2019WR025388. doi:10.1029/2019wr025388.
Taie Semiromi, M., Koch, M. (2019), Reconstruction of Groundwater Levels to Impute Missing Values using Singular and Multichannel Spectrum Analysis: Application to the Ardabil Plain, Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(14), 1–17.
Taie Semiromi, M., Koch, M. (2019), Analysis of Spatio–temporal Variability of Surface–groundwater Interactions in the Gharehsoo River Basin, Iran, using a Coupled SWAT–MODFLOW Model. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(6), 1–21.
Shirmohammadi, B., Moradi, H.R., Moosavi, V., Taie Semiromi, M., Zeinali, A. (2013), Forecasting of Meteorological Drought using Wavelet–ANFIS Hybrid Model for Different Time Steps (Case Study: Southeastern Part of East Azerbaijan Province, Iran). Natural Hazards, 69, 389–402.