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TEC4WATER: Indo-German Workshop

Tec4Water Workshop

Tec4Water Workshop

News from Oct 15, 2019

An Indo-German workshop titled ‘Innovative technologies for assessment and mitigation of groundwater contamination (TEC4WATER)’, funded by the Indo-German Science and Technology Cooperation (IGSTC) was organised by the Department of Geology, Anna University, Chennai, India in collaboration with the Hydrogeology Working Group, Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin from 16th to 18th September 2019. Eleven experts from Germany and seventeen experts from India presented their research on various aspects of groundwater contamination, prevention and mitigation. The Workshop served as a platform for the German and Indian experts to exchange ideas and to find a common niche for collaborative research. About 40 Masters’ and 15 Ph.D. students also attended the Workshop and benefited from the presentations.

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