Dr. Enrico Hamann, Dipl.-Geol.
Room B119
12249 Berlin
Research interests
Groundwater flow and reactive transport modelling, variable density groundwater flow, contaminant hydrology, groundwater/surface water interaction
Scientific work experience
From November 2010
2008 – 2010
Post-Doc at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin (IGB)
DFG project LE 1356/2 "Impact of macrozoobenthos on transport and biogeochemical processes in lake sediments" - Impact of Chironomus plumosus on the phosphorus cycle in lake sediments
PAKT project "Pharmaceuticals in the environment" - Degradation of pharmaceuticals during bank filtration
Academic qualifications
Ph.D. "Reaktive Stofftransportmodellierung einer urbanen Grundwasserkontamination aus einem ehemaligen Rieselfeld (Reactive transport modelling of an urban groundwater contamination from a former sewage farm)". Under the graduate research program "Perspectives on Urban Ecology II - Shrinking Cities" (Humboldt-University Berlin), funded by DFG
Diploma thesis: "Der Einfluss von Wasserspiegelschwankungen auf den Sauerstoffeintrag in Kippensedimente des Tagebau-Restsees Lohsa II, Untere Lausitz (The influence of artificial water oscillations on oxygen input into dump sediments of the mine lake Lohsa II, Lower Lusetia)", University Potsdam
Kohfahl, C., Hamann, E. and Pekdeger, A., 2004. Estimating the effect of water table oscillations on acidification using a hydraulic model. Applied Earth Sciences, 113(1): 11-20.
Nützmann, G., Wiegand, C., Contardo-Jara, V, Hamann, E., Burmester, V., Gerstenberg, K. Urban Hydrosphere. In: W. Endlicher (Editor), Progress in Urban Ecology. Springer, Berlin. (in press).
Kohfahl, C., Hamann, E., Pekdeger, A. (2002): Modelling of artificial water oscillations in a flooded lignite mine. In: P.J. Dillon (Editor), Management of Aquifer Recharge for sustainability. Balkema, Adelaide, 261-264.
Conferences (international)
Hamann, E., Greskowiak, J., Roskosch, A., Jordan, S., Hupfer, M., Lewandowski, J., Nuetzmann, G. (2010): Simulation of lake's sedimentary phosphorus balance governed by bioirrigation using reactive multicomponent transport modelling. XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. June 21-24, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (oral)
Hamann, E., Horner, C. & Nützmann, G. (2007): Assessing the fate of nitrogen compounds in a sewage water based contamination: an isotopic and reactive transport modelling study. – In: Groundwater Quality 2007: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments, Fremantle, Australia, 2-7. Dec. 2007; Proceedings: 11; CSIRO Perth. (oral)
Hamann, E. & Nützmann, G. (2007): Conceptual and numerical reactive transport modelling of sewage water based groundwater contamination. – In: ModelCare 2007: Sixth International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling – Credibility in Modelling, Copenhagen, Denmark, 9.-13. Sep. 2007, Proceedings: 410-413; Copenhagen. (poster)
Hamann, E. & Nützmann, G. (2006): Conceptual reactive transport modelling of a sewage water based contamination in an urban groundwater system. - In: HydroEco 2006: International Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, 11.-14. Sep. 2006; Proceedings: 203-206; Praha (Ceská asociace hydrogeologu (CAH)). (poster)