Dr. Andreas Beinlich

Arbeitsbereich Mineralogie-Petrologie
Room L609
12249 Berlin
Professional Experience
02/2020 – 04/2023
Associate Professor - Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
07/2015 – 01/2020
Research Fellow - The Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR), Curtin University
01/2013 – 06/2015
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) & Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU), The University of British Columbia
11/2012 – 12/2012
Researcher - Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo
09/2008 – 10/2012
Ph.D., Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo. Thesis: Carbonation of ultramafic rock.
02/2006 – 03/2007
PGDipSci, Department of Geology, University of Otago. Thesis: Geology of the Pigroot Creek: Insight into petrology and thermochronology of the deep crust beneath Otago, New Zealand.
09/2002 – 05/2008
Diplom (~M.Sc.), Institute for Geology, University of Würzburg. Thesis: On the behaviour of trace-elements during fluid-induced eclogitization of blueschist.
05/2023 - current
Fluid-rock interactions (together with Timm John)
Erde 1 (Thursday 15:00 – 17:00)
Mineralogy/Crystallography (Monday 12:00 – 14:00)
Metamorphic Petrology (Thursday 12:00 – 14:00)
Electron Microbeam Analysis (18.03. – 22.03.2024)
Mineralogy-Petrology Seminar (Friday 14:00 – 16:00)
02/2020 – 05/2023
Microscopy (University of Bergen), M.Sc. level
02/2020 – 05/2023
Metamorphic Petrology (University of Bergen), M.Sc. level
01/2013 – 07/2015
Metamorphic Petrology (University of British Columbia), M.Sc. level
08/2008 – 11/2012
Optical mineralogy (University of Oslo), M.Sc. level
Current research interests
My research is focused on fluid-rock interactions, and especially on reaction mechanisms and their physicochemical consequences. I pursue both fundamental and applied research such as mineral carbonation for CO2 sequestration, ore-vectoring using stable C- and O-isotope ratios, Cu in-situ recovery, and the timescale of fluid-rock alterations. My research approach combines the investigation of natural key laboratories, microtextural and -chemical analyses, thermodynamic modelling, and closed- and open-system experiments. Currently, I am working on feedback mechanisms in mineral replacement networks (together with my PhD student Ingvild Aarrestad, University of Bergen) and deep-crustal devolatilization of previously carbonated oceanic lithosphere. At FU Berlin I am in charge of the electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction facilities.
Field Experience
New Zealand (Otago), Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory), Canada (British Columbia), Norway
Peer-reviewed Publications
Shanbhag, S., Kampleitner, C., Al-Sharabi, N., Mohamed-Ahmed, S., Ali Apaza Alccayhuaman, K., Heimel, P., Tangl, S., Beinlich, A., Rana, N., Sanz, M., Kristoffersen, E. K., Mustafa, K. & Gruber, R. (2023): Functionalizing collagen membranes with MSC-conditioned media promotes guided bone regeneration in rat calvarial defects. Cells 12(5): 767. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cells12050767.
Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Lima, E., Pruett, P., Vento, N. & Weiss, B. (2023): High-resolution magnetic-geochemical mapping of the serpentinized and carbonated Atlin ophiolite, British Columbia: toward establishing magnetometry as a monitoring tool for in situ mineral carbonation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24(4): e2022GC010730. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010730.
Bjerga, A., Stubseid, H. H., Pedersen, L.-E., Beinlich, A. & Pedersen, R. B. (2022): A highly depleted and subduction-modified mantle beneath the slow-spreading Mohns Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23: e2022GC010585. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010585.
Hidalgo, T., McDonald, R., Beinlich, A., Kuhar, L. & Putnis, A. (2022): Comparative analysis of copper dissolution and mineral transformations in coarse chalcopyrite for different oxidant/lixiviant systems at elevated temperature (110°C and 170°C). Hydrometallurgy 207: 105700. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2021.105700.
Kelemen, P. B., de Obeso, J. C., Leong, J. A., Godard, M., Kotowski, A. J., Manning, C. E., Ellison, E. T., Menzel, M. D., Urai, J. L., Hirth, G., Rioux, M., Stöckli, D., Lafay, R., Beinlich, A., Coggon, J. A., Warsi, N. H., Matter, J. M., Teagle, D. A. H., Michibayashi, K., Takazawa, E., Al Sulaimani, Z. & and the Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2022): Mass transfer into the leading edge of the mantle wedge: Initial Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B. Journal of Geophysical Research 127(2): e2021JB022352. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022352.
Kourim, F., Wang, K.-L., Beinlich, A., Chieh, C.-J., Dygert, N., Lafay, R., Kovach, V., Michibayashi, K., Yarmolyuk, V. & Iizuka, Y. (2021): Metasomatism of the off-cratonic lithospheric mantle beneath Hangay Dome, Mongolia: Constraints from trace-element modelling of lherzolite xenoliths. Lithos 400-401: 106407. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106407.
Mavromatis, V., Power, I. M., Harrison, A. L., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G. M. & Bénézeth, P. (2021): Mechanisms controlling the Mg isotope composition of hydromagnesite-magnesite playas near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Chemical Geology 579: 120325. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120325.
Putnis, A., Moore, J., Prent, A., Beinlich, A. & Austrheim, H. (2021): Preservation of granulite in a partially eclogitized terrane: Metastable phenomena or local pressure variations? Lithos 400: 106413. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106413.
Beinlich, A., John, T., Vrijmoed, H., Tominaga, M., Magna, T. & Podladchikov, Y. Y. (2020): Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow. Nature Geoscience 13: 307-311. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-020-0554-9.
Beinlich, A., Plümper, O., Boter, E., Müller, I. A., Kourim, F., Ziegler, M., Harigane, Y., Lafay, R., Kelemen, P. B. & the Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2020): Ultramafic rock carbonation: Constraints from listvenite core BT1B, Oman Drilling Project. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125: e2019JB019060. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019060.
Beinlich, A., Von Heydebrand, A., Klemd, R., Martin, L. & Hicks, J. (2020): Desulphurisation, chromite alteration, and bulk rock PGE redistribution in massive chromitite due to hydrothermal overprint of the Panton Intrusion, east Kimberley, Western Australia. Ore Geology Reviews 118: 103288. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.103288.
Hidalgo, T., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2020): Effect of multistage solution-mineral contact for low-grade natural copper samples: extraction, acid consumption, gangue-mineral changes and precipitation. Minerals Engineering 159: 106616. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106616.
Hidalgo, T., Verrall, M., Beinlich, A., Kuhar, L. & Putnis, A. (2020): Replacement reactions of copper sulphides at moderate temperature in acidic solutions. Ore Geology Reviews 123: 103569. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103569.
Klemd, R., Beinlich, A., Kern, M., Junge, M., Martin, L., Regelous, M. & Schouwstra, R. (2020): Magmatic PGE mineralization in clinopyroxenite from the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Minerals 10(6): 570. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/min10060570.
Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Piazolo, S., Austrheim, H. & Putnis, A. (2020): Metamorphic differentiation via enhanced dissolution along high permeability zones. Journal of Petrology 61(10): egaa096. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egaa096.
Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Porter, J. K., Talavera, T., Berndt, J., Piazolo, S., Austrheim, H. & Putnis, A. (2020): Microstructurally controlled trace element (Zr, U–Pb) concentrations in metamorphic rutile: An example from the amphibolites of the Bergen Arcs. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 38(1): 103-127. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12514.
Prent, A., Beinlich, A., Raimondo, T., Kirkland, C. L., Evans, B. W. & Putnis, A. (2020): Apatite and monazite: An effective duo to unravel superimposed fluid-flow and deformation events in reactivated shear zones. Lithos 376: 105752. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105752.
Beinlich, A., Barker, S. L. L., Megaw, P. K. M., Hansen, L. D. & Dipple, G. M. (2019): Large–scale stable isotope alteration around the carbonate–replacement Cinco de Mayo Zn–Ag deposit, Mexico. Economic Geology 114(2): 375-396. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5382/econgeo.2019.4635.
Hidalgo, T., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2019): Kinetics and mineralogical analysis of copper dissolution from a bornite/chalcopyrite composite sample in ferric-chloride and methanesulfonic-acid solutions. Hydrometallurgy 188: 140-156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2019.06.009.
Kourim, F., Beinlich, A., Wang, K.-L., Michibayashi, K., O'Reilly, S. & Pearson, N. J. (2019): Feedback of mantle metasomatism on olivine micro-fabric and seismic properties of the deep lithosphere. Lithos 328-329: 43-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.01.016.
Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H. & Putnis, A. (2019): Stress orientation-dependent reactions during metamorphism. Geology 47(2): 151-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1130/G45632.1.
Oskierski, H. C., Beinlich, A., Mavromatis, V., Altarawneh, M. & Dlugogorski, B. Z. (2019): Mg isotope fractionation during continental weathering and low temperature carbonation of ultramafic rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 262: 60-77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.019.
Prent, A., Beinlich, A., Morrissey, L. J., Raimondo, T., Clark, C. & Putnis, A. (2019): Monazite as a monitor for melt-rock interaction during cooling and exhumation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 37(3): 415-438. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jmg.12471.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Mavromatis, V., Grguric, B., Putnis, C. V. & Putnis, A. (2018): Peridotite weathering is the missing ingredient of Earth’s continental crust composition. Nature Communications 9(634). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-03039-9.
Hidalgo, T., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2018): Kinetic study of chalcopyrite dissolution with iron(III) chloride in methanesulfonic acid. Minerals Engineering 125: 66-74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2018.05.025.
Turvey, C. C., Wilson, S. A., Hamilton, J. L., Tait, A. W., McCutcheon, J., Beinlich, A., Fallon, S. J., Dipple, G. M. & Southam, G. (2018): Hydrotalcites and hydrated Mg-carbonates as carbon sinks in serpentinite mineral wastes from the Woodsreef chrysotile mine, New South Wales, Australia: Controls on carbonate mineralogy and efficiency of CO2 air capture in mine tailings. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 79: 38-60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.09.015.
Beinlich, A., Barker, S. L. L., Dipple, G. M., Baer, D. S. & Gupta, M. (2017): Stable isotope (δ13C, δ18O) analysis of sulfide-bearing carbonate samples using laser absorption spectrometry. Economic Geology 112(3): 693-700. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2113/econgeo.112.3.693.
Harrison, A. L., Dipple, G. M., Song, W., Power, I. M., Mayer, K. U., Beinlich, A. & Sinton, D. (2017): Changes in mineral reactivity driven by pore fluid mobility in partially wetted porous media. Chemical Geology 463: 1-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.05.003.
Millonig, L. J., Beinlich, A., Raudsepp, M., Devine, F., Archibald, D. A., Linnen, R. L. & Groat, L. A. (2017): The Engineer Mine, British Columbia: An example of epithermal Au-Ag mineralization with mixed alkaline and subalkaline characteristics. Ore Geology Reviews 83: 235-257. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.12.023.
Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Lima, E. A., Tivey, M. A., Hampton, B. A., Weiss, B. & Harigane, Y. (2017): Multi-scale magnetic mapping of serpentinite carbonation. Nature Communications 8(1): 1870. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-01610-4.
Ulven, O. I., Beinlich, A., Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H. & Jamtveit, B. (2017): Subarctic physicochemical weathering of serpentinized peridotite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 468: 11-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.03.030.
Beinlich, A., Mavromatis, V., Austrheim, H. & Oelkers, E. H. (2014): Inter-mineral Mg isotope fractionation during hydrothermal ultramafic rock alteration – Implications for the global Mg-cycle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 392: 166-176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2014.02.028.
Plümper, O., Beinlich, A., Bach, W., Janots, E. & Austrheim, H. (2014): Garnets within geode-like serpentinite veins: Implications for element transport, hydrogen production and life-supporting environment formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141: 454-471. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2014.07.002.
Beinlich, A. & Austrheim, H. (2012): In situ sequestration of atmospheric CO2 at low temperature and surface cracking of serpentinized peridotite in mine shafts. Chemical Geology 332-333: 32-44. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.09.015.
Beinlich, A., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H. & Jamtveit, B. (2012): Massive serpentinite carbonation at Linnajavri, N–Norway. Terra Nova 24(6): 446-455. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3121.2012.01083.x.
Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H., Beinlich, A. & Munz, I. A. (2011): Experimental study of the carbonation of partially serpentinized and weathered peridotites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75(22): 6760-6779. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.032.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Glodny, J., Erambert, M. & Andersen, T. B. (2010): CO2 sequestration and extreme Mg depletion in serpentinized peridotite clasts from the Devonian Solund basin, SW-Norway. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(24): 6935-6964. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2010.07.027.
Beinlich, A., Klemd, R., John, T. & Gao, J. (2010): Trace-element mobilization during Ca-metasomatism along a major fluid conduit: Eclogitization of blueschist as a consequence of fluid–rock interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(6): 1892-1922. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2009.12.011.
Conference Abstracts
Arias, A., Beinlich, A., Eberhard, L., Scambelluri, M., John, T., Kotowski, A. J. & Plümper, O. (2023): Serpentinite dehydration veins: essential conduits for long-distance water transportation. Water-rock interaction. Sendai, Japan.
Arias, A., Beinlich, A., Eberhard, L., Scambelluri, M. & Plümper, O. (2023): Micro to Macroscale: the three-dimensional network characteristics of serpentinite dehydration veins. EGU 2023. Vienna.
Viflot, T. Ø., Pereira, S. I., Boonawa, C., Voje, T. J. T., Jørgensen, S., Beinlich, A., Hansen, C., Schubotz, F., Dittmar, T. & Reeves, E. P. (2023): Production and destruction of novel organic species during simulated hydrothermal alteration of seafloor sediment. Goldschmidt 2023. Lyon.
Voje, T. J. T., Pereira, S. I., Viflot, T. Ø., Scheffler, J., Seewald, J. S., Gartman, A., Beinlich, A. & Reeves, E. P. (2023): Mobility of fluoride in fluids influenced by hydrothermal alteration of sediment. Goldschmidt 2023. Lyon.
Arias, A., Plümper, O. & Beinlich, A. (2022): Multidimensional Analysis of Serpentinite Dehydration Networks and Implications for Volatile Flux in Subduction Zones. EGU 2022. Vienna.
Samin, A. M., Rouxel, O., Dekov, V., Scheffler, J., Beinlich, A., Bach, W., Roerdink, D. L. & Reeves, E. P. (2022): Temporal Variability of Cu Isotope Signatures in Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits from PACMANUS Vent Field, East Manus Basin (2006–2011). AGU 2022.
Turenne, N. N., Cloutis, E. A., Applin, D. M., Sidhu, S., Burnie, T., Power, A. M. & Beinlich, A. (2022): Reflectance spectroscopy of microbially-precipitated hydromagnesite and magnesite. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022.
Aarrestad, I., Roerdink, D., Plümper, O. & Beinlich, A. (2021): Feedback mechanisms in mineral replacement networks: an experimental investigation of the ultramafic model system. EGU 2021. Vienna.
Mavromatis, V., Power, I. M., Harrison, A. L., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G. M. & Benezeth, P. (2021): Mechanisms controlling the Mg isotope composition of hydromagnesite-magnesite playas near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Goldschmidt 2021. Lyon.
Samin, A. M., Reeves, E. P., Beinlich, A., Jamieson, J. W. & Roerdink, D. L. (2021): Cu isotope variations in active hydrothermal chimneys along the ultra-slow spreading Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge. Goldschmidt 2021. Lyon.
Strobl, L., Ohl, M., Plümper, O. & Beinlich, A. (2021): Shallow-depth slab decarbonation prevents recharge of the deep carbon cycle. Goldschmidt 2021. Lyon.
Beinlich, A., John, T., Vrijmoed, H., Tominaga, M., Magna, T. & Podladchikov, Y. Y. (2020): Instantaneous rock transformations in the deep crust driven by reactive fluid flow. EGU 2020. Vienna.
Kelemen, P. K., Bach, W., Beinlich, A., Cai, M., Choe, S., Coggon, J., de Obeso, J. C., Ellison, E., Eslami, A., Evans, K., Godard, M., Harris, M., Hirth, G., Kahl, W. A., Malvoisin, B., Manning, C., Matter, J., Michibayashi, K., Okazaki, K., Pezard, P., Teagle, D., Templeton, A., Urai, J., Zhu, W. & the Oman Drilling Project Science Team (2020): Alteration and Deformation of Peridotite in the Samail Ophiolite: Results from the Oman Drilling Project. International Conference on Ophiolites and Oceanic Lithosphere. Muscat, Oman.
Kuhar, L., Godel, B., Hidalgo, T., Rogers, K. & Beinlich, A. (2020): High-resolution X-ray computed tomography study of coarse leached particles for in-situ recovery applications. ALTA2020. Perth, Australia.
Lafay, R., Godard, M., Menzel, M., Beinlich, A., Kourim, F., Decrausaz, T. & the Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party (2020): Listvenization processes in the mantle atop the Samail ophiolite metamorphic sole: Mineralogical and thermodynamic constraints. International Conference on Ophiolites and the Oceanic Lithosphere. Muscat, Oman.
Lisabeth, H., Zhu, W. & Beinlich, A. (2020): Carbonation of the Linnajavri Ophiolite: effects on rock strength and physical properties. International Conference on Ophiolites and Oceanic Lithosphere. Muscat, Oman.
Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Piazolo, S., Austrheim, H. & Putnis, A. (2020): From granulite hydration to metamorphic differentiation: Evolution of a shear zone. EGU 2020. Vienna.
Oskierski, H. C., Kluge, T., Beinlich, A. & Ashley, P. M. (2020): Ultramafic rock carbonation between 40 and 255 °C. Goldschmidt 2020. Honolulu, USA.
Plümper, O., Beinlich, A., Boter, E., Müller, I. A., Kourim, F., Ziegler, M., Harigane, Y., Lafay, R. & Kelemen, P. K. (2020): Low-temperature ultramafic rock carbonation: Constraints from Listvenite core BT1B (Oman Drilling Project). EGU 2020. Vienna.
Strobl, L., Beinlich, A., Ohl, M. & Plümper, O. (2020): Shallow-depth slab decarbonation prevents recharge of the deep carbon cycle. EGU 2020. Vienna.
Hidalgo, T., McDonald, R., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2019): Staged leaching of bornite with acidic solutions at moderate temperature in an in-situ recovery environment. ALTA2019. Perth, Australia.
Kourim, F., Wang, K.-L., Beinlich, A. & Michibayashi, K. (2019): Nature and mechanisms of mantle metasomatism of the Tariat mantle xenoliths, central Mongolia. Goldschmidt 2019. Barcelona.
Lafay, R., Godard, M., Beinlich, A., Kelemen, P. K., Michibayashi, K., Harris, M. & Oman Chikyu Science Team (2019): Mantle rock carbonation atop the Samail ophiolite metamorphic sole (Oman DP Hole BT1B): The importance of inherited petrography during large scale metasomatism. EGU 2019. Vienna.
Moore, J., Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H. & Putnis, A. (2019): Stress orientation–dependent reactions during metamorphism. EGU 2019. Vienna.
Prent, A., Beinlich, A., Raimondo, T., Morrissey, L. J., Clark, C. & Putnis, A. (2019): Monazite and microstructures as a monitor for timing of melt-rock interaction. EGU 2019. Vienna.
Putnis, A., Beinlich, A., Wengorsch, T. & Grguric, B. (2019): Coupled processes control dissolution and precipitation. Goldschmidt 2019. Barcelona.
Putnis, A., Prent, A., Beinlich, A. & Austrheim, H. (2019): Microstructural and chemical evolution of pyroxene during the hydration of granulite to eclogite. EGU 2019. Vienna.
Barker, S. L. L., Dipple, G. M. & Beinlich, A. (2018): New instrumentation for high throughput carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of carbonate minerals. Resources for Future Generations 2018. Vancouver.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Mavromatis, V., Grguric, B., Putnis, C. V. & Putnis, A. (2018): Have mantle get crust – consequences of fluid-peridotite interaction for continental crust composition (invited). EGU 2018. Vienna.
Beinlich, A., Boter, E., Lafay, R., Morishita, T., Greenberger, R., Johnson, K. T. M., Kelemen, P. K., Michibayashi, K., Harris, M. & The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party (2018): Listvenite logging on D/V Chikyu: hole BT1B, Oman Drilling Project. EGU 2018. Vienna.
Herron, C., Dipple, G. M., Hickey, K. & Beinlich, A. (2018): Describing the Plumbing System of the Cortez Hills Carlin-Type Gold Deposit Using Calcite Veins. AME RoundUp 2018. Vancouver.
Herron, C., Dipple, G. M., Hickey, K. & Beinlich, A. (2018): Defining the carbonate alteration footprint of the Cortez Hills Carlin-type gold deposit, Nevada using 13C and 18O stable isotopes and geochemistry. Resources for Future Generations 2018. Vancouver.
Hidalgo, T., McDonald, R., Kuhar, L., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2018): Comparative analysis of lixiviant/oxidant systems for chalcopyrite leaching from coarse samples at elevated temperature. ALTA2018. Perth, Australia.
Kourim, F., Beinlich, A., Wang, K.-L., Michibayashi, K., O'Reilly, S. & Pearson, N. J. (2018): Feedback of mantle metasomatism on olivine micro–fabric and seismic properties of the deep lithosphere. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics 2018.
Kourim, F., Wang, K.-L., Beinlich, A. & Michibayashi, K. (2018): Nature and mechanisms of mantle metasomatism in context of numerical modelling: Tariat mantle xenoliths, central Mongolia. Annual Meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan 2018.
Moore, J., Austrheim, H., Beinlich, A. & Putnis, A. (2018): Deformation-induced metasomatism of the lower crust: The importance of brittle mechanisms for fluid infiltration revealed by microstructures at a hydration interface. EGU 2018. Vienna.
Oskierski, H. C., Mavromatis, V., Beinlich, A., Altarawneh, M. & Dlugogorski, B. Z. (2018): Mg-isotope signatures for tracing of natural carbonation reactions. International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME) 2018. Newcastle.
Pruett, P., Tominaga, M., Ortiz, E., Vento, N., Fulton, P., Fowler, R., Beinlich, A., Lima, E. A. & Weiss, B. (2018): Global applicability of ultramafic serpentinization and carbonation magnetic mapping. AGU 2018. Washington D.C.
Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Vento, N., Ortiz, E., Greene, J., Einsle, J., Lima, E. A. & Weiss, B. (2018): Multi-scale magnetic mapping of serpentinite carbonation and its future application for deep submergence magnetometry (invited). EGU 2018. Vienna.
Turvey, C. C., Wilson, S. A., Hamilton, J. L., Beinlich, A. & Frierdich, A. J. (2018): Tracing cation and anion exchange in hydrotalcite minerals using stable C, O and Mg isotopes. Goldschmidt 2018. Paris.
Turvey, C. C., Wilson, S. A., Hamilton, J. L., Tait, A. W., McCutcheon, J., Beinlich, A., Fallon, S. J., Dipple, G. M. & Southam, G. (2018): Hydrotalcites and hydrated Mg-carbonates as carbon sinks in serpentinite mineral wastes from the Woodsreef Chrysotile Mine, New South Wales, Australia. Resources for Future Generations 2018. Vancouver.
Beinlich, A., Morishita, T., Greenberger, R., Johnson, K. T. M., Lafay, R., Kelemen, P. K., Michibayashi, K., Harris, M. & The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party (2017): Listvenite logging on D/V CHIKYU: Hole BT1B, Oman Drilling Project. AGU 2017. New Orleans.
Herron, C., Dipple, G. M. & Beinlich, A. (2017): Defining the carbonate alteration footprint of the Cortez Hills Carlin-type Au deposit in north-central Nevada, USA using stable isotopes 13C and 18O as a mineral exploration tool. AME RoundUp 2017. Vancouver.
Jesus, A. P., Koepke, J., Morishita, T., Beinlich, A., Johnson, K. T. M., Greenberger, R., Harris, M., Michibayashi, K., De Obeso, J. C. & The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party (2017): Gabbroic lithologies of the dike-gabbro transition, hole GT3A, Oman Drilling Project. AGU 2017. New Orleans.
Johnson, K. T. M., Kelemen, P. K., Michibayashi, K., Greenberger, R., Koepke, J., Beinlich, A., Morishita, T., Jesus, A. P., Lafay, R. & The Oman Drilling Project Phase I Science Party (2017): X-ray fluorescence core scanning of Oman Drilling Project holes BT1B and GT3A cores on D/V Chikyu. AGU 2017. New Orleans.
Ortiz, E., Vento, N. F. R., Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Einsle, J. F., Buisman, I., Ringe, E., Schrenk, M. O. & Cardace, D. (2017): Characterizing and quantifying superparamagnetic magnetite particles in serpentinized mantle peridotite observed in continental ophiolite complexes. AGU 2017. New Orleans.
Beinlich, A., Mavromatis, V., Austrheim, H. & Oelkers, E. H. (2016): Mg isotope fractionation during fluid-ultramafic rock interaction. Goldschmidt 2016. Yokohama.
Dipple, G. M., Barker, S. L. L., Hickey, K. & Beinlich, A. (2016): Integrating stable isotope analysis with mineral exploration to image hydrothermal systems: approaches, challenges, and results. GSA 2016.
John, T., Beinlich, A., Taetz, S., Podladchikov, Y. Y. & Magna, T. (2016): Li-chronometric constraints on the duration of fluid-rock interaction. EGU 2016. Vienna.
Prent, A., Beinlich, A., Raimondo, T. & Putnis, A. (2016): Fluid induced microstructures in granulites from the Reynolds Range, central Australia. EGU 2016. Vienna.
Turvey, C. C., Wilson, S. A., Hamilton, J. L., McCutcheon, J., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G. M. & Southam, G. (2016): Hydrotalcites as a carbon sink in serpentinites. Goldschmidt 2016. Yokohama.
Barker, S. L. L., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G. M., Hickey, K. A., Lepore, W. A., Vaughan, J. R. & Hart, C. J. R. (2015): Giant deposit, giant stable isotope alteration footprints? SEG 2015. Denver.
Beinlich, A., Barker, S. L. L., Hart, C. J. R. & Dipple, G. M. (2015): Rapid stable O and C isotope analyses of sulfide-bearing carbonates using laser spectrocopy: calibration and mineral exploration applications. AME RoundUp 2015. Vancouver.
Beinlich, A., John, T., Tominaga, M., Magna, T. & Jamtveit, B. (2015): Time-scales and physicochemical consequences of ultramfic rock carbonation. TIGeR 2015. Perth.
Harrison, A. L., Dipple, G. M., Song, W., Power, I. M., Mayer, K. U., Beinlich, A. & Sinton, D. (2015): Pore scale visualization of multiphase reactions in the unsaturated zone. Goldschmidt 2015.
Ulven, O. I., Beinlich, A., Sun, W. C., Austrheim, H. & Malthe-Sørenssen, A. (2015): Fracture formation due to growth of hydrous carbonates. Goldschmidt 2015.
Barker, S. L. L., Beinlich, A., Dipple, G. M. & Hart, C. J. R. (2014): Finding the blind: trageting carbonate-hosted deposits using stable isotopes. SEG 2014.
Beinlich, A. & Dipple, G. M. (2014): Intercomparison of factors controlling ultramafic rock carbonation potential. GSA 2014. Vancouver.
Beinlich, A., Mavromatis, V., Austrheim, H. & Oelkers, E. H. (2014): Mg isotope fractionation during hydrothermal ultramafic rock alteration - Implications for the global Mg-cycle. Goldschmidt 2014. Sacramento.
Harrison, A. L., Dipple, G. M., Song, W., Power, I. M., Mayer, K. U., Beinlich, A. & Sinton, D. (2014): Pore scale visualization of multiphase reactions in the vadose zone. GSA 2014. Vancouver.
Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H., Beinlich, A., Ulven, O. I. & Jamtveit, B. (2014): Subarctic weathering and carbonation of serpentinized dunites. Goldschmidt 2014. Sacramento.
Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Hampton, B. A., Lima, E. A. & Weiss, B. (2014): Multi-scale magnetic footprint of serpentine carbonation - implications for geophysical monitoring of in situ CO2 sequestration. GSA 2014. Vancouver.
Ulven, O. I., Austrheim, H., Hövelmann, J., Beinlich, A. & Malthe-Sørenssen, A. (2014): Fragmentation and carbonation of serpentinized dunites. Goldschmidt 2014. Sacramento.
Beinlich, A., Mavromatis, V., Austrheim, H. & Oelkers, E. H. (2013): Mg isotope fractionation during hydrothermal ultramafic rock alteration. AGU 2013. San Francisco.
Beinlich, A., Tominaga, M., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J., Tivey, M. A., Lima, E. A., Weiss, B., Austrheim, H. & Jamtveit, B. (2013): Natural serpentinite carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway (invited). AGU 2013. San Francisco.
Mavromatis, V., Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H. & Oelkers, E. H. (2013): Mg isotope fractionation during hydrothermal carbonation of serpentine. Goldschmidt 2013. Knoxville.
Beinlich, A. & Austrheim, H. (2012): Carbonation of mine shafts in serpentinized peridotite - In situ sequestration of modern CO2 at low temperature. EGU 2012. Vienna.
Tominaga, M., Beinlich, A., Tivey, M. A., Lima, E. A. & Weiss, B. (2012): Magnetic mapping of (carbonated) oceanic crust-mantle boundary: New insights from Linnajavri, northern Norway. AGU 2012. San Francisco.
Beinlich, A., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H. & Jamtveit, B. (2011): On carbonatization fronts in serpentinite: implications for in-situ CO2 storage. Goldschmidt 2011.
Plümper, O., Beinlich, A., Janots, E. & Austrheim, H. (2011): The evolution of a serpentinizing environment inferred from andradite vein networks. Goldschmidt 2011.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Glodny, J., Erambert, M. & Andersen, T. B. (2010): CO2 sequestration and extreme Mg leaching in serpentinized peridotite clasts of the Solund Devonian Basin, SW-Norway. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2010. Oslo.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Glodny, J., Erambert, M., Andersen, T. B., Plümper, O. & Hövelmann, J. (2010): Carbonatization of peridotite within a sedimentary environment. AGU 2010. San Francisco.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J. & Jamtveit, B. (2010): Naturally sequestered CO2 in ultramafic rocks – field examples from Norway (invited). AGU 2010. San Francisco.
Beinlich, A., Hövelmann, J., Plümper, O. & Austrheim, H. (2010): Mineral replacements during carbonation of peridotite: implications for CO2 sequestration in ultramafic rocks. EGU 2010. Vienna.
Beinlich, A., Plümper, O., Hövelmann, J. & Austrheim, H. (2010): Long-term CO2 storage in weathered peridotite due to replacement of low-T altered olivine (deweylite) by calcite. IMA 2010. Budapest.
Gussone, N., John, T., Beinlich, A. & Bebout, G. (2010): Calcium isotopes as tracers of high-pressure subduction-zone fluid-rock interaction. Goldschmidt 2010.
Hövelmann, J., Austrheim, H., Beinlich, A. & Munz, A. I. (2010): Calcification of weathered peridotites in laboratory experiments. AGU 2010.
John, T., Gussone, N., Beinlich, A., Halama, R., Bebout, G., Podladchikov, Y. Y. & Magna, T. (2010): Pulse-like channelled long-distance fluid flow in subducting slabs. AGU 2010.
Plümper, O., Beinlich, A. & Austrheim, H. (2010): Constraining conditions of metasomatism in the oceanic lithosphere. EGU 2010.
Beinlich, A., Austrheim, H., Glodny, J., Erambert, M. & Andersen, T. B. (2009): CO2 sequestration and extreme Mg leaching in serpentinized peridotite clasts of the Solund Devonian Basin, SW-Norway. Goldschmidt 2009.
Beinlich, A., John, T., Klemd, R. & Gao, J. (2009): Mobilization of trace-elements due to Ca-metasomatically induced eclogitization of blueschist. EGU 2009.
John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Beinlich, A. & Klemd, R. (2009): Channeled fluid flow through slabs: reactive porosity waves. Goldschmidt 2009.
Podladchikov, Y. Y., John, T., Beinlich, A. & Klemd, R. (2009): Channeled fluid flow through slabs: reactive porosity waves. AGU 2009. San Francisco.
John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Beinlich, A. & Klemd, R. (2008): Drying porosity waves: add fluids to dry up. IGC 2008. Oslo.
John, T., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Beinlich, A. & Klemd, R. (2008): Drying porosity waves: add fluids to dry up. EGU 2008.
Beinlich, A., Cooper, A. F. & Palin, J. M. (2006): Accessory mineral U-Pb Ti-Zr thermochronology of the deep crust of Zealandia: rift, breakup and drift from 90-20 Ma. AGU 2006. San Francisco.