Iris Wannhoff

PhD Candidate
Room B242
12249 Berlin
Professional Experience
since 11/2020
Doctoral candidate, FU Berlin
Master in Geosciences, University of Potsdam
“Melt inclusion investigation reveals first evidence of partial melting in giant garnets of Gore Mountain (Adirondacks, USA)”
Bachelor in Geosciences, University of Potsdam
“Evidence for fluid-melt immiscibility during partial melting in the Oberpfalz migmatites, Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif)”
Internship about application of atom probe tomography, EBSD and FIB-SEM at Curtin University, Australia
Current research interests
The investigation of a continent-derived alpine (U)HP nappe is crucial in order to reconstruct the evolution of the Alpine nappe through time until its present-time configuration. My research area is located in the Eastern Alps, in Austria and Slovenia, comprising the Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex. In order to investigate the nappe structure, the following thermobarometric will be applied during my PhD (RSQI, Zr-in-rutile, and Zr-in-titanite thermometry and thermodynamic modelling). Different lithologies will be investigated comprising mainly eclogite which forms lenses within metasediments. During this study a profile along the Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex will be sampled and investigated in detail, in order to test if tectonic overpressure occurred along the profile towards SE which reflects the direction of subduction of the nappe. Furthermore, it will be tested if there are structurally controlled variations in peak pressures and if there are systematic differences in peak pressures between different lithologies.
Current Grants
My project is funded by the DFG within the 4D Mountain Building Process (MB4D) SPP project.
Field Experience
- Pic St. Loup, South France, 2 weeks
- Varberg, Sweden, 2 weeks
- Holsnøy, Norway, 2 weeks
- Gore Mountain, USA, 5 days
- Ivrea Zone, Italy, 1 week
- Aeolian Islands, Italy 2 weeks
- Koralpe and Saualpe, Austria, 4 weeks (more field work will follow)
- Pohorje, Slovenia, 1 day (more field work will follow)
- Corsica, France, 2 weeks
- Harz, Germany, 5 days
- Fichtelgebirge and Erzgebirge, 10 days
- Vorder- and Hinterrhein, Switzerland, 5 days
- Rhein Graben and Alp excursion, Germany and Switzerland
Peer reviewed publications
Wannhoff, I., Ferrero, S., Borghini, A., Darling, R., O’Brien, P. J. (2022). First evidence of dmisteinbergite (CaAl₂Si₂O₈) polymorph) in high-grade metamorphic rocks. American Mineralogist 107 (12): 2315–2319.
Ferrero, S., Wannhoff, I.,Laurent, O., Yakymchuk, C., Darling, R., Wunder, B., Borghini, A., O'Brien, P.J. (2021). Embryos of TTGs in Gore Mountain garnet megacrysts from water-fluxed melting of the lower crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 569.
Kutzschbach, M., Wunder, B., Wannhoff, I., Wilke, F., Couffignal, F., Rocholl, A. (2021). Raman spectroscopic quantification of tetrahedral boron in synthetic aluminum-rich tourmaline. American Mineralogist; 106 (6): 872–882.