Konstantin Huber

Arbeitsbereich Mineralogie-Petrologie
PhD Candidate
Room L638
12249 Berlin
Professional Experience
Since 10/2018
Doctoral candidate, FU Berlin
Master Geological Sciences, FU Berlin
“Applying phase field modeling to zoned garnet growth”
Bachelor Geology, LMU and TU Munich
“Grain size and material distribution changes in vertical and horizontal profiles in unconsolidated loose sediments at the Hohyo Negro crater at La Palma, Canary Islands
Exchange semester at the University of Iceland
as teaching assistant
Geological maps and profiles (B.Sc., 2015)
Sedimentary petrography (B.Sc., 2015)
Thermodynamics and kinetics of geological processes (M.Sc., 2018)
Current research interests
Dehydration of serpentinites and fluid release in subduction zones play an important role in Earth‘s deep water cycle. In my project I aim to build up a numerical model that describes the fluid vein patterns that form during dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones. This process occurs over a large range of scales of both space (chemically dominated mineral reactions and fluid pooling vs. mechanically dominated large fracture systems) and time (slow temperature-dependent reactions vs. fast and effective fluid escape). The goal is to find on which scales the transition from a chemically to a mechanically dominated system occurs.
I will use chemical and structural data from non-dehydrated serpentintes of the Albanian ophiolite as input for my model.
This ophiolite is assumed to be representative for serpentinites in subduction zones.
Current Grants
My project is part of the C09 project of the DFG funded CRC 1114 “Scaling cascades in complex systems” in collaboration with Dr. Marita Thomas (Co-PI) and Andrea Zafferi (associated doctoral student) from WIAS.
Field Experience
Southern Alps and Tauern window, 1 week
Nördlinger Ries, 3 days
Northern Alps and Molasse basin, 1 week
Andalusia, 2 weeks
Allgäu, southern Germany, 2 weeks
Canarian Islands, 2 weeks
Namibia, 4 weeks
Iceland, 1 week
Ligurian ophiolites, 3 days
Peer reviewed Publications
Huber, K., Vrijmoed, J.C., John, T. (2022): Formation of Olivine Veins by Reactive Fluid Flow in a Dehydrating Serpentinite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC010267. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC010267