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Colloquium: "In celebration of 47 years of exhilarating years of geology"

News from Jul 03, 2023

On 26 May, the colloquium "In celebration of 47 years of exhilarating years of geology" was held at the Max Plank Society's Harnackhaus in Dahlem, Berlin (Program).

Two events gave rise to this colloquium:

The first is the end of the major European programme "AlpArray" and its German branch "Mopuntain-Building in 4-Dimension" (SPP-2017), which has been coordinated for the past six years under the aegis of Prof. Dr. Mark Handy at the FU-Berlin. It was time to take stock of the wealth of amazing new observations that have given unprecedented insight into the deep structure of mountain belts, in this case beneath the Alps. This has led to outstanding questions - some old, mostly new - about how the deep structure of the subsurface relates to motions of Earth´s surface.

The second event is Mark Handy´s retirement after 47 years of study and service to the geoscience community, including 23 years as head of the Tectonics and Sedimentary Systems Group at the FU-Berlin.

The colloquium talks were given by close colleagues, former PhDs and Postdocs in this group. The speakers represent just a sampling of graduates who  have since gone on to fascinating careers in the geosciences, ranging from public service, industry to academia. This gathering provided an excellent opportunity for contact across the generations between experienced geoscientists and current students of the FU-Berlin.


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