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Job advert: Post doc position in the Geodynamics of Mountain Building

News from Sep 07, 2020

The Tectonics Group of the Earth-Sciences Department, Freie Universität Berlin seeks a postdoc in the geodynamics of mountain building, with special focus on the Alpine-Mediterranean area. The position is funded for three years (salary level: 13 TV-L FU, German federal pay scale) beginning on the 15th of February, 2021. It forms an integral part of the interdisciplinary German Priority Program “Mountain-Building Processes in 4-Dimensions (4D-MB)” and is part of the European AlpArray Consortium to image the deep structure of the Alpine chain. This involves 64 academic institutions located in 17 countries. Current activities are visible on the websites for 4D-MB (http://www.sppmountainbuilding.de/) and AlpArray (http://www.alparray.ethz.ch/home/).

We seek a young scientist with initiative to pursue research on the Alps and related mountain belts during collision and indentation tectonics. The position is devoted to the following goals: (1) to integrate state-of-the-art seismological imaging with studies of orogenic processes and plate reorganization, from the surface down to the mantle transition zone and beyond; (2) to assist in scientific coordination of the 4D-MB Priority Program on the national and international levels. Work on the deep structure of the Alps will be conducted in close collaboration with members of 4D-MB and the international AlpArray consortium. No teaching responsibilities are attached to the position, but co-supervising graduate students is expected.

• Synthesis and map projection of datasets in structural geology, seismology, basin studies, petrology, and thermochronology
• Interpretation of passive and active seismic datasets in a geodynamic context
• Reconstruction of orogenesis in space and back in time, analysis of fault kinematics
• Management of 4D-MB program activities, including organization of annual meetings and workshops, and collation of project results.

Desired qualifications:
• Doctoral degree in one or more fields of the solid Earth Sciences; excellent background in geophysics, tectonics/ geodynamics and/or geodesy
• Experience working with geo-information, mapping and illustration programs (e.g., ArcGis, Illustrator) as well as tectonic balancing of geological cross sections (3DMove).
• Scientific initiative, proficiency in written and spoken English and German
• Ability to communicate easily with geoscientists across disciplines and borders

Further information about the position, as well as research activities and analytical facilities within the department is available at our website (http://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/geol/index.html) or by contacting Mark Handy (+49-(0)30-838-70311, mark.handy@fu-berlin.de). The Freie Universität Berlin seeks to increase the proportion of qualified women in academic positions.

Applications should include a letter of intent specifying research interests and career goals, a curriculum vitae with at least 2 scientific references from previous institutions attended, copies of your 2 most important scientific papers, and copies of certificates of all academic degrees awarded.

Applications should refer to “Koordinierung SPP 2017“ and arrive no later than the 15th of October, 2020 and be sent by email (PDF) to mark.handy@fu-berlin.de or by post to:

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften
Herrn Prof. Dr. Mark R. Handy
Malteserstr. 74-100, Haus B
D-12249 Berlin (Lankwitz)

Note that in sending electronic documents, applicants consent to the electronic processing and storage of their information. The FU-Berlin cannot guarantee the security of personal data sent electronically.

Click here for the pdf of the job advertisement

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