Hanja-Malin Plümecke

Department of Earth Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
Tectonics and Sedimentary Systems
Student Assistant in an SPP project
Malteserstr. 74-100
Room B 313
12249 Berlin
Room B 313
12249 Berlin
I work together with Iris Wannhoff´s PhD research within the SPP project "4D Mountain Building Process (MB4D)" funded by the DFG. The investigated area is within the Eastern Alps, comprising the Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex (KSPC). The KSPC is the type locality of eclogite. The abundant eclogite bodies occur as lenses inside metapelites and gneisses. The aim of my Bachelor thesis is to determine the peak pressure of the metapelites. Pressure reconstructions are conducted with
quartz-in-garnet Raman Spectroscopy. Chemical analyses are carried out using an electron microprobe (EMP) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).