Dr. Jonas Folesky

Geophysics Section
Seismology Group
Room D 136
12249 Berlin
I am a postdoc researcher at FUB since 2018. My primary interest is in earthquake source processes and earthquake physics. The research field I am and was active in are regional seismology in especially the Chilean subduction zone and induced seismicity. The focus of my recent works is on earthquake directivity, earthquake stress drop and repeating earthquakes.
My current project — Slip pattern of a subduction zone, derived from a detailed analysis of recurring earthquakes. 15 years of observations from northern Chile — aims at understanding the reoccurrence pattern of repeating earthquakes in northern Chile and combining and comparing them to the plate convergence rate as well as to GPS/GNSS derived locking maps
I also take interest in the application of the newest machine/deep learning developments in seismology e.g. for waveform denoising, earthquake detection and seismic catalog building.
Besides my research, I the course "EPiG" (Einführung in das Programmieren in den Geowissenschaften), an introduction to python programming for geoscience students at FUB. Students, who are interested in writing their bachelor/master theses with me are welcome to contact me or first visit my personal page.