2012 - 8th Meeting
Microseismic Monitoring: Imaging and Event Analysis
- Distribution of the Vp/Vs Ratio within the Basel 1 Geothermal Reservoir from Microseismic Data
- Multi-source Multi-receiver Microseismic Reflection Imaging: Case Study Basel
- Multiplet Based Extraction of Geological Structures
- Microseismic-reflection Imaging of Large-scale Tectonic Structures: A Case Study from the Central Andes
- Reflections at a Thin Fluid Layer Representing a Hydraulic Fracture
- The Influence of Anisotropy on the Location of Microseismic Events
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Fundamentals and Interpretation
- Bounds of Magnitude Probability for Seismicity Induced by Stimulations of Reservoirs
- Characterisation of the Seismotectonic State of Reservoir Locations Using the Magnitude Distribution of EarthquakesI
- Inter Event Times of Fluid Induced Earthquakes Suggest their Poisson Nature
- Geo-mechanical Modeling of Fracture Strength Distribution in Elastically Heterogeneous Rocks
- Acoustic Emission in Sandstone Samples: Pore Pressure Pulses and Kaiser effectMicroseismic Back Front Signatures for Nonlinear Fluid-Rock Interaction
Case Studies & Feasibility Studies
- A Hydraulic Fracturing Case Study (I): Estimates of fracture geometry and fluid transport properties from hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity
- A Hydraulic Fracturing Case Study (II): Location of Induced Microseismic Events Using a Single Vertical Borehole Array
- A Hydraulic Fracturing Case Study (III): Interpretation of New Locations and Comparative Analysis of Fracture Geometry and Fluid Transport Properties
- SBRC of a Geothermal Reservoir in Cooper Basin, Australia
- Seismic Monitoring in the Pilot Project CLEAN