Dr. Spyridon Bellas

ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Born in Athens (Athina in Greek) in 1965 - August, a beautiful but very hot season- (I think it is located somewhere in Greece ? or not? weather in Athens now?). After being educated at Patras University (Geology Dept., Diplom degree, also in Greece), I came to Germany (Free University of Berlin, Institute of Paleontology), where I completed my Ph.D. thesis (February 1997). From March 1997 to February 2002, I worked as a scientific assistant in the German Research Foundation-funded project Sedimentation dynamics on the neogene basins of Kastelli and Platanos (NW Crete island, eastern Mediterranean Sea). Since March 2002, I am employed as a part-time lecturer at the Department of Environmental Studies of the University of Aegean (Lesbos, Greece).
AwardsOn December 27, 2001, I was awarded the "C. Ktenas Prize" of the Greek Academy of Sciences for my contribution to the geology of Greece (Crete Neogene Development).
RESEARCH ---pre-doctorate, but concerning my thesis---Key Words: Calcareous nannofossils, Coccoliths, Taxonomy, Biostratigraphic Correlations, New Zonation, Middle latitudes, Paleoecology, Tertiary, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Holocene, Stage Boundaries, Flysch, Clastic sediments, Ionian Zone and Ionian Basin, Epirus, Greece.
Thema of the thesis was the taxonomy of the calcareous nannofossils and subsequent biostratigraphic correlations between the studied sections. The investigated Formations were mainly consisted by Flysch and Flysch-like successions, belonging to the Oligocene in age Ionian Zone of Greece, Epiros (one of the External Zones of GR with an important reservoir potential). Although the difficulties due to the character of the Flysch (reworking -sometimes extreme-, poor preservation -somewhen disappointing-, rarity -sometimes even barren-, and tectonics) were a lot, a correlation of the sections was made possible with a new biozonation scheme © which has been here established.
This new biostratigraphical scheme is available by the author.©
Do not hesitate! It realy worths! Just contact with me (by post or e-mail).
RESEARCH ---pre-doctorate, but not concerning my thesis---I have participated, usually as the calcareous nannofossils specialist and biostratigraphic expert or simply as a post-graduate student assistant in a lot of projects. Most important were the following:
- Middle to Late Eocene and Oligocene of Poland (Tatra Mountain Range).
- Late Palaeocene of Spain (clastic, turbiditic deposits, calcareous nannofossils). - Jurassic ostracodes of Spain. - Jurassic sponges and biogenic sedimentation in Spain.
- Cretaceous calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (calcispheres) from boreholes in Germany.
- Dregged samples from the Aegean Sea bottom (Mediterranean, calcareous nannofossils).
- Fresh-water diatoms of lakes in Argentina.
- Cretaceous nannofossils from Bolivia.
- Tertiary (Eocene) nannofossils of Oman.
- Nannofossils - silicoflagellates - diatoms from Neogene to Pleistocene of Crete (Greece).
- Biostatistics -mainly using nannofossils or foraminifera-, silicoflagellates and diatoms
- Ecological applications -using statistical processing of available data-
- Biostratigraphic ccorrelations -using zonal markers-index species, events or event stratigraphy, biohorizons-
- Computers programming (since 1985) and geoscienses i.e: Digital photography and cameras, Designing programs -mostly graphics and imaging- Scanning of photographs and saving format -realy Microscope frick- (LM and SEM -not TEM-)
- Jogging and other sport, like diving (up to a depth of 8 meters, no more)
- Bird watching and generally nature friend (both sea and mountain fun).
From March 2002
Part-time lecturer at the Department of Environmental Studies of the University of Aegean (Lesbos, Greece). Teaching the Introduction to Geology for Environmental Scientists.
November-December 2001
Invited scientist for biostratigraphical and paleoecological research on drill cores from the eastern Mediterranean and Marmara seas (R/V Meteor Cruise 51/3 Malta to Istanbul)
March 1997-Febr. 2002
Scientific Assistant (full-time) at the Institute of Palaeontology, FU-Berlin (wiss. Mitarb.). Geological Projects were financially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Multidisciplinary studies where, there was included field-research on Crete island, eastern Mediterranean Sea correlations and internal reports orally presented on the ICDP/KTB (International Continental Drilling Project/Kontinentale Tief Bohrung) Conferences in Bochum (Germany) and Crete (Chania, Greece).
October 2000
In situ practice on marine biology and study of Coccolithophorids (calcareous algae-nannoplankton) and zooplankton at the Oceanographic Station of Banyuls sur Mer (Laboratory Aragon, University Pierre et Marie Curie). Assistant Partner on cruises with the R/V of the station included network building and sampling at different sea-water depths and bottom samples as well. Under the instructions of Research Asst. PD. Dr. F. Riedel.
May 1996-May 1998
Scientific Partner responsible for the calcareous nannofossils stratigraphy, of a Greek- British Cooperation Project financially supported by the British Council (BC) and the Hellenic Ministry of Development, entitled "Economic evaluation of Diatomic bearing deposits on Crete island, Greece" Collaborating partners: Free University Berlin/D, Edinburgh University/UK and Patras University/GR [see Projects]
Nov. 1993-Feb. 1997
Diverse [for details see under Projects] 5.7-27.7.1990 Palaeontological determinations (micro- and macrofossils) from dredged samples of the Central Aegean Sea bottom under a Research Project of Prof. Dr. G. Ferentinos/Patras, for the submarine cable connection between Andros island and the continental Greece (Public Energy Corporation, DEH). [Non published results, Internal Report of DEH]
Institute of Geological and Metalleutical Research (IGME) in Athens, Subsea Research Department, Head of the Department: Dr. K. Perissoratis. [My contribution was partly resulted in a published subsea map including a -paleontological-sedimentological- geotechnical- dataset of Pagasitikos Gulf, Central Aegean Sea]
Geophysical Researches for Ancient Greek Monuments on Crete island under the instruction of Prof. Dr. S. Papamarinopoulos/Patras and Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Tsokas/Thessaloniki, in collaboration with and financially supported by the Archaeological School of the University of Tennessee. Research included topographic, gravity and paleomagnetic measuraments on field. [Resulted in discovering of new graves of relative age to the Knossos Palast on Crete]
Practical Experience on Actual Biology-Micropaleontology at the Oceanographic Institute of Banyuls sur Mer (S. France), partner of the Paris VI University (Pierre et Marie Curie). It included three research cruises with the R/V of the Laboratory Aragon [Certif.].
Short Course on the Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins by Profs. Dr. C.J. Busby and R.V. Ingersoll, both in California (Alicante University/Spain) [Certif.].
Short Course on Quantitative Correlation by Prof. Dr. F. Agterberg/Ottawa, (Institute of Geoinformatic, F.U. Berlin) [Certif.].
Methods of Stratigraphy. Practical experience field-work, where a variety of stratigraphical methods were tested, used to solve geological problems applicable in many different Kambrian-Devonian paleoenvironments of Sauerland/Germany. Stratigrapher in Chief: Dr. Th. Becker (Humbolt Natural History Museum in Berlin) [Certif.].
International Course of the European Communities on Applied Marine Geology and its Impact on Environmental Issues Organizing Committee of Profs. Drs. A. Disteche/Belgium, G. Ferentinos/Patras and Dr. K. Perissoratis/Athens on Crete (Anogia) [Certif.].
Environmental Impact and its Management Biology Department, Univ. of Patras, total duration: 150 hours [Certif.].
Hydrogeological Applications Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEO.C.G.), total duration: 200 hours [Certif.].
International Intensive Course of the European Communities on Sea-floor Dynamics ERASMUS Mercator (I) Program, University of Patras (Certif.).
Environment and Biotechnology Hellenic Productivity Center (ELKEPA), total duration: 215 hours [Certif.].
Geostatistics Software Packet SPSS/PC+, under Dr. H. Burger (Institute of Geoinformatic, F.U. Berlin), total duration: 90 hours [Certif.].
Certificate in Basic Computer Programming (Basic, Q-Basic, Fortran 77, Cobol and Turbo Pascal), total duration: 320 hours. Since then, I have developed many graphic programs.
From March 1997 to February 2002, I worked as Scientific Assistant and Researcher ("wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") in German language at the Institute of Palaeontology of the Free University of Berlin, on a Project financially supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft or DFG) and the Free University of Berlin. The Project was entitled "Sedimentation dynamics of the Kastelli and Platanos basins in NW Crete". Basin analysis is mainly based on refining of the biostratigraphic framework concerning the micropalaeontological data (calcareous nannofossils, foraminifera, silicoflagellates and Diatoms) and subsequently on establishing a sequence stratigraphic model representing the basin development during the Late Miocene to Recent time span. The project was part of the International Continental Drilling Project (Schwerpunktprogram ICDP-KTB-SPP). Main target of the project is the localisation of promising sites for a very deep drilling in the Mediterranean area. First attempt is to situate an optimum continental site (ICDP-KTB) which will permit us to correlate the results with a future offshore site (possibly available through the ODP services). Other countries in the world are trying through their researchers to be included in the target panel as well. Since 01.03.99 the Project has been expanded to another basin situated to the west of Kastelli, namely the Platanos Basin. Field work was carried out in spring time of 1999, 2000 and 2001. The results for the two sedimentary basins have been correlated with the eastern Mediterranean Sea data for the Late Cenozoic (onshore and DSDP and ODP drillings offshore). In 2002, the study area of the projects was extended to central Crete (Mesara basin).
Parallel to the research, (a) I supervised German students, teaching them firstly, during their geological field mapping on Crete/Greece (Diplomkartierung) and secondly later on while in Germany, and (b) I am giving lessons in Compact Courses on
- Biostratigraphic Correlations using Calcareous Nannofossils Bioevents and Standard Zones (Number in the Lessons Catalogue of the FU-Berlin: 24 165 V+Ü [V+Ü means Lesson and Exercises], between 01.03 and 03.03.99),
- Computer Design applications in the Geology-Stratigraphy (24156 V/Ü, maps, sections, morphology of fossils -collaborator research assistant U. Gloy-) and
- Possibilities and methods in the palaeontological Complex Interpretations using examples from Rumanian, Poland, Germany, Spain and Greece (24155 V+Ü, -collaborator research assistant J. Bartholdy-).
The courses include, (1) paleontological laboratory preparation techniques and exercises under the normal Light microscope (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and (2) practical exercises on Personal Computers (PCs). Study material comes from my personal collection and covers different geological periods and paleoecosystems, as well as a variety of floral provinces bearing latitudinal stress (e.g. Messinian salinity crisis, Oligocene/Eocene, Oligocene/Miocene and Pleistocene/Holocene boundary events).
At last, I was invited speaker in one Workshop and four Colloquiums:
- Third Workshop on the development of an onshore/offshore drilling program, Chania/Crete, October 15-19, 1998: "The tectonic evolution and mechanics in the extending forearc of the retreating Hellenic subduction zone within the East Mediterranean" (ICDP-KTB Project)
- Second International Continental Drilling Program/Kontinentales Tiefprogram der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Ruhr-University in Bochum, May 22 and 23 of 1997
- Third International Continental Drilling Program/Kontinentales Tiefprogram der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Ruhr-University in Bochum, June 04 and 05 of 1998
- Fourth International Continental Drilling Program/Kontinentales Tiefprogram der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Ruhr-University in Bochum, May 27 and 28 of 1999
- International Continental Drilling Program/Kontinentales Tiefprogram der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Ruhr-University in Bochum, November 25-26, 1999.
- Member of the Greek Geological Society (E.G.E.)
- Member of the Association of Greek Geologists (S.E.G.)
- Member of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEO.C.G.), Registration number: 4-01559.
- Member of the I.N.Q.U.A. Subcommission on Neogene Tectonics and Stratigraphy
- Member of the International Sedimentological Association (I.A.S.)
- Member of the International Association of Nannoplankton (I.N.A.)
- Member of the German Palaeontological Society
COLLABORATING PARTNERSDuring my research career I have successfully collaborated (mainly in projects resulting in publications) with a lot of people from many different Universities/Institutes in different countries. It has to be noticed that my current project is part of a much larger target-project and includes many colleagues from European Universities (ICDP, International Continental Drilling Project) and USA. Some of them are selectively listed below (FU-Berlin=Free University of Berlin):
- Prof. Dr. Michael BONNEAU (Geology Dept., University of Paris VI, France)
- Prof. Dr. Peter HALBACH (Institute of Raw Minerals and Environment, Geology Dept. FU-Berlin /Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Dimitris FRYDAS (Physical-Marine Geology & Geodynamics Div., Geology Dept., Patras University/Greece)
- Prof. Dr. Volker JACOBSHAGEN (Institute of Applicated Geology, Geology Dept. of FU-Berlin /Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Helmut KEUPP (Institute of Palaeontology, Geology Dept. of FU-Berlin /Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Ilias MARIOLAKOS (Geology Dept., National & Kapodistrian University of Athens/Greece)
- Prof. Dr. Dimitrios PAPANIKOLAOU (National Centre for Marine Research, Agios Kosmas-Hellenikon/Greece)
- Prof. Dr. Joachim REITNER (Institute & Museum for Geology & Palaeontology, University of Goettingen/Germany)
- Prof. Dr. H. STOECKHERT (Geological Institute, Eart Sciences Dept., Ruhr-Univ. in Bochum/Germany)
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Karen KLEINSPEHN (Geology & Geophysics Dept., University of Minnesota/USA)
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Frank RIEDEL (Institute of Palaeontology, Geology Dept. of FU-Berlin /Germany)
- PD Dr. Rolf KOHRING (Institute of Palaeontology, Geology Dept. of FU-Berlin /Germany)
- PD Dr. Ursula REHFELD (Institute of Palaeontology, Geology Dept. of FU-Berlin /Germany)
- Dr. Julio AGUIRRE (Dept. of Stratigraphy & Palaeontology, Sciences Division, Granada University/Spain)
- Dr. Rosemary BARRON-SZABO (at time Research Fellow in the Geology Dept. of Erlangen/Germany)
- Dr. Oscar FERREIRA (Div. of Science & Technology of Aquatic Resourses, Algarve University/Portugal)
- Dr. Nikolaos KATSIAVRIAS (Mapping Div., Institute of Geological Research & Mineral Exploration -IGME- in Athens/Greece)
- Dr. Ulrike KIENEL (Georesearch Centre, Polar Research Institute "GeoforschungsZentrum" in Potsdam/Germany)
- Dr. Emmanuil MANUTSOGLU (Mineral Resourses Engineering Dept, Technical University in Chania/Crete, Greece)
- Dr. Peter NEUMANN (Geology Dept., München University/Germany)
- Dr. Andrew RACEY (British Gas E & P, International Exploration and Production Company, UK)
- Dr. Erio RAHDERS (Institute of Raw Minerals and Environment, Geology Dept. FU-Berlin /Germany)
- Dr. Iain STEWART (Geology Dept., Geotectonic Div., Brunel University in London/UK)
- Dr. Osman VAROL (Varol Research Laboratories/UK)
- Dr. Johan TEN VEEN (Post Doctoral Associate, Geology & Geophysics Dept., University of Minnesota/USA)
- The Miocene Blue Clay Formation of the Maltese Islands: Sequence-stratigraphic and paleoceanog-raphic implications based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts - 6th International Nannoplankton Association Conference (INA), 2-7.09. 1995; Copenhagen/Denmark. Editor: Dr. N.E. POULSEN, Responsible Chairman: Dr. D. JUTSON, Co-convenors: W. WEI, D. JUTSON, L. BYBELL, J. Self-Trail & M. JAKUBOWSKI.
- South Aegean Island Arc and Pleistocene Coastal Uplift: Examples taken from two basins of the northwestern Crete, Greece, based on evidence of calcareous nannofossils -primary results- Late Quaternary Coastal Tectonics Conference, 18-19.06. 1997, (INQUA); Brunel/London. Editors & Responsibles: Prof. Drs. C. VITA-FINZI & I. STEWART.
- Paleogeographical and paleoclimatological implications, based on application of integrated bio- and sequence- stratigraphy, in the Middle Eocene marine deposits of the northern Tatra Mts. Range, Poland.- Second European Paleontological Association Congress, (9-13.07.1997); Wien/Austria. Editors & Responsibles: Dr. D.K. FERGUSON & Dr. H.A. KOLLMANN.
- Remarks on the distribution of large sized Nummulites in the Middle Eocene marine deposits of the northern Tatra Mountains Range, Poland.- Conference and Workshop on Tertiary to Recent Larger Foraminifera, "Their depositional Environments and Importance as Petroleum Reservoirs" 15-19.02. 1998; Kingston/UK. Editor: Dr. THOMPSON, P.R., Convenors: MOODY, R.T.J., LOUCKS, R.G., HALLOCK-MULLER, P., SONNENFELD, M.
- The first Neogene (Upper Miocene) marine Transgressional-Regressional cycle of NW. Crete. Evidence based on sedimentologic and biostratigraphic data.- 15th Intern. Sedimentol. Assoc. Conference (IAS98), 13.-17.04. 1998; Alicante/Spain.
- The Ionian Basin, a potential for hydrocarbon exploration field: Biostratigraphic-sedimentologic data using calcareous nannofossils and large foraminifera (NW. Greece, Epirus).- Third International Petroleum Congress on the Black and Kaspian Seas, 13-15.09.1998; Costanta/Roumania.
- Regional depositional setting of the Podhale Basin (Upper Lutetian-Lower Bartonian), western Carpathians, Poland - Third International Petroleum Congress on the Black and Kaspian Seas, 13-15.09.1998; Costanta/Roumania.
- Tortonian to Recent development of the Kastelli sedimentary basin, NW Crete island, southern Aegean Sea, Greece - International Continental Drilling Program, ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Ruhr-University, 27-28 May, 1999; Bochum/Germany. Editor & Responsibles: Profs. Drs. H. STOECKHERT and HARJES.
- Oxygen and carbon isotope paleontology and paleoecological conditions in Nummulitic banks: First results from the Transylvanian Eocene - International Meeting on "Early Paleogene Warm Climates and Bioshpere Dynamics" June 9-13, 1999; Goeteborg/Sweden. Editors: ANDREASSON, F.P., SCHMITZ, B. & THOMPSON, E.I.
- Contribution to the geology-sedimentology of the Breccia Member, Topolia Formation, NW Crete, Greece - 15th Sedimentologists Congress, "Sediment 2000", 21-23 June, 2000; Leoben/Austria.
- FRYDAS, D. & BELLAS, S. (2000): Dependance of Late Quaternary coccolith associations on the impact of climatic changes: Preliminary report from the Ionian Sea.- In: INA8, 8th International Nannoplankton Association Congress, 11-15 September, 2000, Bremen/Germany; Programme & Abstracts, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 22 (2): 98.
- BELLAS, S.M. & KOHRING, R. (2000): First evidence of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts from Flysch of Epirus, Greece and correlation to calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy.- In: INA8, 8th International Nannoplankton Association Congress, 11-15 September, 2000, Bremen/Germany; Programme & Abstracts, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 22 (2): 84.
- BELLAS, S.M. & FRYDAS, D. (2000): Oligocene/Miocene boundary calcareous nannofossil events stratigraphy from silisiclastic successions (Flysch) of the External Ionian Zone in Epirus and Corfu, NW Greece.- In: INA8, 8th International Nannoplankton Association Congress, 11-15 September, 2000, Bremen/Germany; Programme & Abstracts, Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 22 (2): 83-84.
- BELLAS, S.M., HOERNIG, A. & KEUPP, H. (2000): Contribution to the geology-sedimentology of the Breccia Member, Topolia Formation, NW Crete, Greece.- 15th Sedimentologists Congress, "Sediment 2000" 21-23 June, 2000; Leoben/Austria, Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud. Oesterr., 43: 25-26.
- BARTHOLDY, J., MANUTSOGLU, E., BELLAS, S.M. & KUHN, T. (1998): Influence of sea-level change and oxygen contend distribution on Larger Foraminifera communities of Middle Eocene age, Tatra Mts.; Poland.- In: Longoria, J.F. & Gamper, M.A. (eds.), International Symposium on Foraminifera, FORAMS98, 8.-10.7.98 "Application of Foraminifera to environment and environmental change" Proceedings of the Meeting and Abstracts with Programs. Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, A.C., Special Publication July 5, 1998: 8-9; Monterrey, Nuevo León /México.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. (1998): A revised regional depositional model for the Upper Lutetian and Bartonian of the Podhale Basin in the Tatra Mountains ridge, Poland.- In: Longoria, J.F. & Gamper, M.A. (eds.), International Symposium on Foraminifera, FORAMS98, 8.-10.7.98 "Application of Foraminifera to environment and environmental change" Proceedings of the Meeting and Abstracts with Programs. Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, A.C., Special Publication July 5, 1998: 9-10; Monterrey, Nuevo León /México.
- BELLAS, S.M. & BARTHOLDY, J. (1998): Studying the Oligocene of Greece: An example utilizing revised integrational biostratigraphy of large foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from the Ionian Basin.- In: Longoria, J.F. & Gamper, M.A. (eds.), International Symposium on Foraminifera, FORAMS98, 8.-10.7.98 "Application of Foraminifera to environment and environmental change" Proceedings of the Meeting and Abstracts with Programs. Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, A.C., Special Publication July 5, 1998: 11-12; Monterrey, Nuevo León/México.
- BARTHOLDY, J., S.M. BELLAS., H. KEUPP & GY. LESS (1999): Mode and Formation of Subtropical Eocene carbonates: Case studies from the Central Western Carpathians and Transdanubian Basins (Poland and Hungary).- International Geological Conference on the Carpathian Geology 2000, October 11-14, 1999, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, Geologica Carpathica, Special Issue, 50: 16-17; Bratislava
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M., KEUPP, H., RUSU, A. & HOSU, A. (1999): Oxygen and carbon isotope paleontology and paleoecological conditions in Nummulitic banks: First results from the Transylvanian Eocene.- In: (eds.) F.P. Andreasson, B. Schmitz & E.I. Thompson, International Meeting on Early Paleogene warm climates and biosphere dynamics, June 9-13 1999, extended abstr. 5 p.; Goeteborg/Sweden.
- SANCHEZ-ALMAZO, I.M., BELLAS, S.M., CIVIS, G. & AGUIRRE, J. (1999): Micro-paleontological record of the late Messinian in the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain.- Presented in the: European Paleontological Association Workshop, July 22-25th 1999, Lisboa/Portugal, extended abstr., pp. 102-106; Lisboa/Portugal.
- * BELLAS, S.M. & KEUPP, H. (1999): Upper Miocene to Recent development of the Kastelli Basin in NW Crete, Greece: micropaleontology, litho- and sequence stratigraphy.- ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Wissenschaftliches Programm und Abstracts, June 26-28 1999, extended abstr., pp. 101-105 and poster; Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
- BELLAS, S.M. & BARTHOLDY, J. (1999): Die klastische Sedimentation in der Ionischen Zone der externen Helleniden im mittleren Tertiär: Biostratigraphische und Paläoklimatische Interpretation mit Hilfe von kalkigen Nannofossilien.- 14th Sedimentological Meeting, "Sediment99" Sedimentologists Congress in Bremen/Germany (May 26 to 28), Terra Nostra, 99/4: 28-29; (Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung) Koelln.
- BARTHOLDY, J., KEUPP, H., BELLAS, S.M. & LESS, G. (1999): Aufbau und Entwicklung subtropischer Karbonat- sequenzen: Fallstudien aus Fore-Arc Becken der Inneren Westkarpathen und des Transdanubischem Eozän.- 14th Sedimentological Meeting, "Sediment99" Sedimentologists Congress in Bremen/Germany (May 26 to 28), Terra Nostra, 99/4: 20-23; (Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung) Koelln.
- KATSIAVRIAS, N. & BELLAS, S.M. (1998): Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene occurrences of carbonate sediments from the Flysch of the Gavrovo Zone, western Dorida area/Central Greece.- Geoenimerosi (Greek Geological Society), 4/98: p. 10; Athens.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. & MANUTSOGLU, E. (1998): Remarks on the distribution of large sized Nummulites in the Middle Eocene marine deposits of the northern Tatra Mountains Range, Poland.- Conference and Workshop on Tertiary to Recent Larger Foraminifera, "Their depositional Environments and Importance as Petroleum Reservoirs" February 15-19th, 1998, Kingston,: p. 5 and Poster; UK.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. (1998c): Die regionalen Ablagerungsverhältnisse im Eozän am Nordrand der West-karpathen: Verfeinertes Modell fÜr das Podhale-Becken am Rand des Tatra-Gebirges, Polen.- Geo-Berlin'98, Geowissenschaften in Ökonomie und Ökologie-Das System Erde, Berlin, 6.-9.10.1998, Terra Nostra, 3/98: P8-P9; Deutschland.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. (1998ß): Regional depositional setting of the Podhale basin (Upper Lutetian/Lower Bartonian and Upper Bartonian), Western Carpathians, Poland.-, 3rd Intern. Conf. for the Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Black and Caspian Seas Area, 14th-15th September 1998, Costanta, Supplement to Geo-Eco-Marina, 3/1998: 23-25; Rumanian.
- BELLAS, S.M., KEUPP, H. & FRYDAS, D. (1998c): Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Biostratigraphy of NW Crete Island (Greece): The Neogene Kastelli Kissamou Basin as a Case Study.- Presented in: Third Workshop on the development of an onshore/offshore drilling program, Chania/Crete, October 15-19, 1998: "The tectonic evolution and mechanics in the extending forearc of the retreating Hellenic subduction zone within the East Mediterranean" (ICDP Project),: p. 14; Greece.
- BELLAS, S., KEUPP, H. & FRYDAS, D. (1998b): Nannofossil biostratigraphy of Late Miocene marine sedimentary sequences from NW Crete island, Greece.- Reg. Comm. Mediter. Neogene Stratigr. (RCMNS), Interim- Colloquium, "Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeoenvironments" Patras (27.- 29.05.1998), p. 8; Greece.
- BELLAS, S., KEUPP, H. & FRYDAS, D. (1998a): The first Neogene (Upper Miocene) marine Transgressional- Regressional cycle of NW. Crete. Evidence based on sedimentologic and biostratigraphic data.- 15th Intern. Sedimentol. Assoc. Conference (IAS98), Alicante (13.-17.04.1998): pp. 182-183, and Poster; Spain.
- BELLAS, S.M. & KEUPP, H. (1998): New insights on the sedimentary development of the Kastelli basin during the Neogene, resulted by detailed lithofacies-maping and refinement of the present biostratigraphic framework (S. Greece).- ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Wissenschaftliches Programm und Abstracts, 04./05. Juni 1998, extended Abstr. 2 pp.; Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
- BELLAS, S.M. & BARTHOLDY, J. (1998b): The Ionian Basin, a potential for hydrocarbon exploration field: Biostratigraphical-sedimentological data using calcareous nannofossils and large foraminifera (NW. Greece, Epirus).- Presented in the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, XVI Congress, August 30th to September 2nd, 1998, Vienna, Abstracts Programme, p. 67; Austria. and published in: the Proceedings of the 3rd Intern. Conf. for the Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Black and Caspian Seas Area, 14th-15th September 1998, Costanta, Supplement to Geo-Eco-Marina, 3/1998: 26- 27; Rumanian.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. (1998a): Regional depositional model for larger foraminiferal deposits in the Podhale Basin (Lutetian-Lower Bartonian), western Carpathians, Poland.- Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, XVI Congress, August 30th to September 2nd, 1998, Vienna, p. 63, and Poster; Austria.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M. (1997): Paleogeographical and paleoclimatological implications, based on application of integrated bio- and sequence-stratigraphy, in the Middle Eocene marine deposits of the northern Tatra Mts. Range, Poland.- In: FERGUSON, D.K. & KOLLMANN, H.A. (eds.), Second European Palaeontological Congress, Climates: Past, Present and Future (EPA 1997), p. 7, and Poster; Wien.
- BELLAS, S.M. & KEUPP, H. (1997b): South Aegean Island Arc and Pleistocene Coastal Uplift: Examples taken from two basins of the northwestern Crete, Greece, based on evidence of calcareous nannofossils. -primary results-.- Late Quaternary Coastal Tectonics Conference, 18-19 June 1997, Brunel/London, extended Abstr.: pp. 6-7, and Poster; U.K.
- BELLAS, S.M. & KEUPP, H. (1997a): Neogene Beckenentwicklung in Westkreta.- ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium, Wissenschaftliches Programm und Abstracts, 22./23. Mai 1997, 1 S.; Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
- BELLAS, S.M. (1997): Latest Eocene to Oligocene palaeoclimatologic changes and diversities trend based on the marine record of calcareous nannofossils: Ionian Zone, Epirus, Greece.- In: FERGUSON, D.K. & KOLLMANN, H.A. (eds.), Second European Palaeontological Congress, Climates: Past, Present and Future (EPA 1997), p. 9; Wien.
- BELLAS, S.M. & FRYDAS, D. (1996): Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy of the Transitional Beds, from carbonates to Flysch, in the Ionian Zone (Eocene/Oligocene of NW-Greece).- Terra Nostra (Schriften der Alfred-Wegener- Stiftung), 96/6: p. 21; Leipzig.
- KIENEL, U., REHFELD, U., BELLAS, S.M. & KOHRING, R. (1995): The Miocene Blue Clay Formation of the Maltese Islands: Sequence-stratigraphic and paleoceanographic implications based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts.- In: Poulsen, N.E. (ed.), The 6th International Nannoplankton Association Conference, Copenhagen 1995, Programme and Abstracts, p. 71; Copenhagen.
- KIENEL, U., REHFELD, U., BELLAS, S.M. & KOHRING, R. (1995): The Miocene Blue Clay Formation of the Maltese Islands: Sequence-stratigraphic and paleoceanographic implications based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts.- Journal of Nannoplankton Research (I.N.A. Newsletter), 17 (2): 69-70; Kyjov.
- BELLAS, S.M. & FRYDAS, D. (1994a): Calcareous and siliceous phytoplankton stratigraphy from Neogene deposits of Milos Island (Cyclades, Greece).- 7th Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki 25-27 May 1994, p. 79, Thessaloniki.
- BELLAS, S., KEUPP, H. & FRYDAS, D. (2000): Nannofossil biostratigraphy of Late Miocene marine sedimentary sequences from NW Crete island, Greece.- Reg. Comm. Mediter. Neogene Stratigr. (RCMNS), , ”Mediterranean Neogene Cyclostratigraphy in marine-continental palaeo-environments”, In: KOUFOS, G.D. & IOAKIM, Ch.E. (eds.), Proceedings RCMNS Interim Colloquium Patras 1998, Special Publ. Geol. Soc. Greece, IX: 9-18; Athens.
- KEUPP, H., BELLAS, S., RIEDEL, F. & WIECHMANN, M.-F. (2000): Miozän-Fossilien aus NW-Kreta II: Die Schneckensande von Koukounaras.- Fossilien, 1/2000: 17-23, 8 Pls.; Goldschneck-Verlag, Weinstadt/ Germany.
- KEUPP, H. & BELLAS, S. (2000-in press): Miozän-Fossilien aus NW-Kreta III: Die Beckenfazies.- Fossilien, x/2000: ##-##, 17 Plates out of text; Goldschneck-Verlag, Weinstadt/Germany.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M., KEUPP, H., RUSU, A. & HOSU, A. (2000): Oxygen and carbon isotope paleontology and paleoecological conditions in Nummulitic banks: First results from the Transylvanian Eocene.- GFF (Geologiska Foereningens i Stockholm Foerhandlingar), Thematic Issue on Early Paleogene Warm Climates and Biosphere Dynamics, 122 (1): 21-22; Goeteborg/Sweden.
- KEUPP, H. & BELLAS, S.M. in collaboration with D. Frydas & J. Bartholdy (2000): Neogene development of the sedimentary basins of NW Crete island, Chania Prefecture, South Aegean Arc System (Greece).- Berl. Geowiss. Abh., E (34): 3-117; Berlin.
- BELLAS, S. & KEUPP, H. (2000a): 7. The Kastelli/Kissamou Neogene Basin.- In: Keupp, H. & Bellas, S.M. in collab. with D. Frydas & J. Bartholdy, «Neogene development of the sedimentary basins of NW Crete island, Chania Prefecture, South Aegean Arc System (Greece)», Berl. Geowiss. Abh., E (34): 18-58, Plate 6; Berlin.
- KEUPP, H. & BELLAS, S. (2000a): 8. The Kalydhonia Neogene Basin.- In: Keupp, H. & Bellas, S.M. in collab. with D. Frydas & J. Bartholdy, «Neogene development of the sedimentary basins of NW Crete island, Chania Prefecture, South Aegean Arc System (Greece)», Berl. Geowiss. Abh., E (34): 59-73, Plate 5; Berlin.
- BELLAS, S. & KEUPP, H. (2000b): 9. The Platanos Neogene Basin.- In: Keupp, H. & Bellas, S.M. in collab. with D. Frydas & J. Bartholdy, «Neogene development of the sedimentary basins of NW Crete island, Chania Prefecture, South Aegean Arc System (Greece)», Berl. Geowiss. Abh., E (34): 74-95, Plate 4; Berlin.
- FRYDAS, D., KEUPP, H. & BELLAS, S. (1999): Nannofossil biostratigraphy of Late Miocene marine sedimentary sequences from NW Crete island, Greece.- In: KOHRING, R. (ed.), Berliner geowiss. Abh., E (30): 55-67; Berlin.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M., COSOVIC, V. PREMEC FUCEK, V. & H. KEUPP (1999): Processes controlling Eocene mid-latitude larger foraminifera accumulations: Modelling of the stratigraphic architecture of a fore-arc basin (Podhale Basin, Poland).- Geologica Carpathica, 50/6: 435-448; Bratislava.
- KATSIAVRIAS, N. & BELLAS, S.M. (1999-in press): Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene occurrences of carbonate sediments from the Flysch of the Gavrovo Zone, western Dorida area/Central Greece.- Oral Presentation at 8th March, 1999, Athens, Scientific Meeting of the Greek Geological Society, in press at the Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Special Publications, ##-##; Athens.
- BELLAS, S.M. (1998): Fossil Corals from the Kissamos Gulf.- Neoi Orizontes of Crete -Independant Weekly Published Newspaper-, June 11 of 1998, 6 (yearly-sheet 289): p. 11; Kissamos Chanion/Crete.
- BELLAS, S.M., KUSSIUS, K., KOMMERELL, J. & KRIWET, J. (1998): Integrated biostratigraphical approach of the Neogene Pigadia basin of Karpathos Island (Dodecanes Group, Greece) – Implications on the depositional palaeoenvironment based on calcareous nannofossils, ostracodes and facies development data with special references to Messinian fish assemblages. Berliner geowiss. Abh., E28: 129-156; Berlin.
- MANUTSOGLU, E., REITNER, J., MARIOLAKOS, D., BELLAS, S.M. & MARIOLAKOS, I. (1998): Litho- stratigraphische Gliederung und erster Nachweis von Relikten lithistider Demospongiae aus der Plattenkalk- Gruppe des Taygetos-Gebirges, Peloponnes/Griechenland.- Z. dt. geol. Ges., 149/1: 91-103; Stuttgart.
- BELLAS, S.M. (1997): Calcareous nannofossils of the Tertiary Flysch (Post Eocene to Early Miocene) of the Ionian Zone in Epirus, NW-Greece: Taxonomy and Biostratigraphical correlations.- Berliner geowiss. Abh., E (22): I- VIII, 1-173, 9 plates (out of text); Berlin. (Published PhD Thesis)
- BELLAS, S.M. (1995): Extinction/speciation and diversity patterns on Miocene nannoplankton assemblages: Application on DSDP Leg 28, Site 266, Antarctic.- Gaia, 11: 7-12; Lisboa.
- BELLAS, S.M., MERTMANN, D., MANUTSOGLU, E., BARTHOLDY, J. & FRYDAS, D. (1995): New data concerning fossil assemblages and facies of a case section (Ayii Pantes formation), Ionian basin, Epirus, Greece.- Facies, 33: 107-120; Erlangen.
- BARTHOLDY, J., BELLAS, S.M., MERTMANN, D., MACHANIEC, E., MANUTSOGLU, E. (1995): Fazies- Entwicklung und Biostratigraphie einer Sequenz eozäner Sedimente im Steinbruch Pod Capkami, Tatra- Gebirge, Polen.- In: KOHRING, R. & WILMSEN, M. (eds.), ”Miscellanea Palaeontologica 4”, Berliner geowiss. Abh., E(16/2) (GUNDOLF ERNST-Festschrift): 409-425; Berlin.
- KIENEL, U., REHFELD, U. & BELLAS, S.M. (1995): The Miocene Blue Clay Formation of the Maltese Islands: Sequence-stratigraphic and palaeoceanographic implications based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy.- Berliner geowiss. Abh., E (16.2) (G. ERNST-Festschrift): 533-557; Berlin.
- BELLAS, S.M. & FRYDAS, D. (1994a): Calcareous and siliceous phytoplankton stratigraphy from Neogene deposits of Milos Island (Cyclades, Greece).- Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XXX/2: 363-372.
- BELLAS, S. & FRYDAS, D. (1994b). Phytoplankton stratigraphy from Neogene marine depositions of NW Crete, Greece.- MÜnster. Forsch. Geol. Paläont., 76: 299-310; MÜnster.
- FRYDAS, D. & BELLAS, S. (1994): Plankton stratigraphy and some remarks on Globorotalia evolutionary trends from the Plio-Pleistocene sections of southwestern Peloponnesus, Greece.- Micropaleontology, 40 (4): 322-336; New York.
- KEUPP, H., BELLAS, S.M., FRYDAS, D. & KOHRING, R. (1994): Aghia Irini, ein Neogenprofil auf der Halbinsel Gramvoússa/NW-Kreta.- Berliner geowiss. Abh., E (13) (B. KREBS-Festschrift): 469-481; Berlin.
- BELLAS, S.M. (1989-unpubl.): Calcareous nannoplankton stratigraphy of the Neogene and Quaternary deposits of Northwestern Crete island (Kastelli-Platanos-Falasarna).- Unpublished Diplome-Thesis, 112p., included 1 geol map & 1 sed.-facies map out of text (abstract in english); University of Patras, Geology Department, Patras/GR. Supervisor of the Diplome-Thesis: Prof. Dr. D. Frydas
Forthcoming Publications...
- BELLAS, S.M. & KOHRING, R. (2000-under subm.): First evidence of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts from Flysch of Epirus, Greece and correlation to calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy.- Presented in: INA8, International Nannoplankton Association Congress, 11-15 September, 2000, Bremen/Germany.
- FRYDAS, D. & BELLAS, S. (2000-subm.): Dependance of Late Quaternary coccolith associations on the impact of climatic changes: Preliminary report from the Ionian Sea.- Presented in: INA8, 8th International Nannoplankton Association Congress, 11-15 September, 2000, Bremen/Germany.
- KEUPP, H. & BELLAS, S. (2000-subm.): Zur Paläontologie der Jungtertiär-Becken in NW-Kreta (Prov. Chania, Griechenland).- Journal of the Natural History Museum Nuremberg, ##-##; Nuremberg/Germany.
(3) Greece
Title: Paleoclimatological study and correlation of sediment core-material from submarine basins
Support: IKY (National Scholarships Foundation, Idryma Kratikwn Ypotrofiwn in Athens/Greece)
Project Leader: Dr. S.M. BELLAS
Project Supervisors-Instructors: Profs. D. Frydas (Geology Dept., Patras University, Greece) and D. Papanikolaou (Geology Dept., Athens University and General Director of NCMR, National Centre for Marine Research, Athens)
Objective: Paleoclimatological study and correlation of sediment core-material from the sub-sea basins between Kos-nisyros and Gyali volcanic islands, central-eastern Aegean. Correlation and response of the micro- nannoassemblages to the last Glacial maximum and to the volcanic erruptions activity.
Country: Greece
Studied sediments age: Late Pleistocene to Recent
Duration (first sector): one year (01.01.2001 - 31.12.2001)
Comment: This project mainly concerns the living and fossil plankton communities during the Holocene and latest Pleistocene stratigraphic time-interval. It operates in the frame of the NCMR studies together with other European Universities and Institutes. It will investigate the Volcanic Hazzards and the response of the organisms in such or relative sudden catastrophes. Future work will take place at the NCMR, at Patras University (Geology Dept., Micropaleontology Laboratory) and at the FU-Berlin (Institute of Paleontology -SEM). First core material is already available (November 2000), while a new cruise is planned for the next April with the R/V Aegeon of the NCMR.
(2) Germany
Title: Sedimentation dynamic of the Neogene Platanos Basin, NW Crete island
Funding: German Research Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Supported Project: Ke 322/1)
Project Instructor-Leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut KEUPP
Main Participant and Representative (FU-Berlin side): Dr. S.M. BELLAS
Objective: Biostratigraphic analysis and correlation of neogene and quaternary deposits of the Platanos Basin (NW Crete). Developmemt of a sequence stratigraphic model and correlation to the Kastelli basin.
Country: Greece
Studied sediments age: Upper Miocene to Recent
Duration of my participation: one year (01.03.1999 - 29.02.2000)
Comment: This project also took place in the frame of the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP-KTB) mentioned above. The Platanos area is located to the west of the previously studied Neogene Kastelli/Kissamou Basin. A big difference in relation to the Kastelli Basin, is that the newly investigated basin incorporates Pliocene sediments and better Pleistocene outcrops. There, the Mio-Pliocene and Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation were fairly continuous. The project is presently under process (field work was completed in the time-span of 15.03.1999 and 30.04.1999). Five students were appointed to geologically map the southern margin of the basin, to the boundary with the Preneogene strata and to find out the type of geological contacts between the Neogene and the Preneogene. A synthetic publication is in press together with Prof. H. Keupp: see publications list. The geologic-facies map (scale 1:25,000) of the two studied Neogene basins and of a third new one is also going to be published as a separate.
(1) Germany
Title: Sedimentation dynamic of the Neogene Kastelli Basin, NW Crete island
Funding: German Research Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Supported Projects: Ke 318/1 & 318/2)
Project Instructor-Leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut KEUPP
Main Participant and Representative (FU-Berlin side): Dr. S.M. BELLAS
Objective: Geologic and stratigraphic analysis and correlation of neogene deposits of NW Crete. Developmemt of a sequence stratigraphic model for the last 8.5 Ma. Country: Greece
Studied sediments age: Upper Miocene and Pleistocene
Duration of my participation: Two years (01.03.1997 to 28.02.1999)
Comment: Task of this project, which runs in the frame of the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP-KTB), was the study of the first transgressive sequences, initiation of sedimentation in relation to the preneogene srata surrounding the basin margins, estimation of the age of the transgression (pre-Messinian-event), development of the Neogene sedimentary Kastelli Basin from Late Miocene to Recent in time-intervals (slides) in steps of ca. 0.5my, and subsequently localisation of the Drilling in order to get best data at a minimum cost (subduction zone between the Aegean microplate and the African Plate, Southern Aegean Island Arc). For further details see under Career Experience. Numerous papers and posters were published during the project. A summary of the basin development is in press under Keupp & Bellas in collab. with Frydas & Bartholdy (2000), see publications list.
Cooperation partnersH. Keupp (Berlin), G. Fechner (Berlin), O. Ferreira (Faro), D. Frydas (Patras), U. Kienel (Potsdam), R. Kohring (Berlin), E. Manutsoglu (Berlin), D. Mertmann (Berlin), A. Racey (Reading), J. Bartholdy (Oranienburg), E. Seidel (Koeln), B. Stoeckhert (Bochum), E. Spyridonos (Berlin), R. Prissang (Berlin)