Dr. Tengwen Long

ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Tengwen has a broad interest in using sediment-based methods to understand past environmental change and human-environment interactions. Initially he was trained (through an MSc in Shaanxi Normal University, China) as a fluvial geomorphologist with specialism in reconstructing Holocene palaeoflood history in the Yellow River basin. He expanded his skillset to micropalaeontology through completing his PhD in Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the University of Dublin, Ireland, having developed expertise in analysing Quaternary pollen and spores, diatoms, and phytoliths. His PhD project focused on Holocene human-environment interactions on the southern Yangtze Delta in China, notably environmental context for the origin and development of rice-based agriculture in this global centre for rice domestication. He is keen to use his skills in microfossil analysis to further explore the intriguing relationships between prehistoric societies, their domesticated plants, and environments, currently carrying out a postdoctoral project in relation to early history of hemp (Cannabis spp.) -- a versatile plant used widely in textile production, medicine, and religious rituals by prehistoric and historic societies. This interdisciplinary project is jointly hosted by Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute (host: Prof. Mayke Wagner) and Institute of Geological Sciences at Free University of Berlin (host: Prof. Pavel Tarasov). Tengwen also holds a one-year research fellowship from Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Tengwen’s research experience further extends to areas such as loess stratigraphy in China, palaeopedology, and application of GIS in geomorphology. With a completed PGDip in Statistics from TCD, he is also interested in applying statistical methods to large and complex Earth science datasets.
Current project
- Domestication and Spread of Hemp: A Palaeoecological Investigation
- Silk Road Fashion Project (http://www.bmbf.de/de/25765.php and http://pt-dlr-gsk.de/de/1171.php )
- Baikal Hokkaido Archaeology Project (http://bhap.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ )
Main topics of research interest
- Understanding past environmental change and human-environment interactions using palaeoecological methods
- Application of GIS and statistical methods in Earth science
- Human ecology, palaeoethnobotany, and geographical links in Neolithic and Bronze-age Eurasia
- Long, T., Taylor, D., 2015. A revised chronology for the archaeology of the lower Yangtze, China, based on Bayesian statistical modelling. Journal of Archaeological Science 63, 115-121.
- Long, T., Qin, J., Atahan, P., Mooney, S., Taylor, D., 2014. Rising waters: new geoarchaeological evidence of inundation and early agriculture from former settlement sites on the southern Yangtze Delta, China. The Holocene 24 (5), 546-558.
- Zhao, J., Long, T., Wang, C., Zhang, Y., 2012. How the Quaternary climatic change affects present hydrogeological system on the Chinese Loess Plateau: A case study into vertical variation of permeability of the loess-palaeosol sequence. Catena 92, 179-185.
- Zhao, J., Long, T., Chen, Y., 2010. Scale and Temporal Properties of Flood Sequence of Guanzhong Reach of Weihe River during the Last 400 Years. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation 30 (2), 5-8 (In Chinese with English Abstract).
- Long, T., Zhao, J., 2008. A study on fractal properties of a typical drainage basin in Loess Plateau with DEM analysis. Earth and Environment 36 (4), 304-308 (In Chinese with English Abstract).
- Long, T., Zhao, J., 2008. A study on fractal structure of flood sequence in Luohe River Basin in Ming Dynasty. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 28 (3), 115-119 (In Chinese with English Abstract).
- Long, T., Zhao, J., 2008. Analyses of the snow disaster in Hunan from middle Jan. to early Feb. of 2008. Journal of Huazhong Normal University (Natural Sciences) 42 (2), 314-319 (In Chinese with English Abstract).
- Zhao, J., Wang, N., Long, T., 2008. Research on flood disasters of Jinghe River Valley in Tang Dynasty. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology 28 (3), 109-113 (In Chinese with English Abstract).