Prof. Dr. Steffen Mischke

University of Iceland
Faculty of Earth Sciences
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
ehemaliger Mitarbeiter [2000-2010]
Askja / N-236
101 Reykjavík - Island
101 Reykjavík - Island
Curriculum vitae
- born in November 16, 1969 in Berlin
- courses of geography, geology and geophysics at Freie Universitaet Berlin and University of St. Andrews (Scotland), Diploma in 1996
- PhD scholarship of DAAD 1998-2000
- scientific assistant at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Branch Paleontology, Freie Universitaet Berlin (2000 - 2002)
- PhD degree in June 2001, thesis: Mid and Late Holocene palaeoenvironment of the lakes Eastern Juyanze and Sogo Nur in NW China, based on ostracod species assemblages and shell chemistry
- self-employed collaborator of the Interdisciplinary Center for Ecosystem Dynamics in Central Asia (March 2002 – December 2002)
- Juniorprofessor at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Branch Paleontology, Freie Universitaet Berlin from March 2003 to March 2010
- Heisenberg Fellow at University of Potsdam since April 2010
Scientific research
- Quaternary environment and climate of Central Asia, especially NW China & Mongolia, uplift of Tibetan Plateau and environmental response
- water availability in the Near East in the Pleistocene and its role for humans on their way out of Africa
- Holocene climate history of northern Africa: rapidity and amplitude of environmental change
- reconstruction of aquatic environments based on ostracod assemblages and shell chemistry, sedimentological and geochemical parameters
- ecology of recent nonmarine ostracods and its application in palaeoecology
- geochemistry: stable O & C isotopes, trace-element ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca)
- ostracod taxonomy: problems in identification of the species of Ilyocypris
- Study sites: western and northern China, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Libya, Morocco
Funded projects
- DFG-Project: Upper Cenozoic palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate of the Qaidam basin (Schu 694/13-1 and Schu 694/13-2, Juni 2000 – April 2004, together with PD Dr. M. Schudack)
- Sino-German Centre for Advancement of Science: Holocene Climate and Environment of the Qilian Mountains (2002, together with Ulrike Herzschuh)
- DAAD research fellowship: June – September 2002 in China
- Forschungskommision (research commission) of the Freie Universität Berlin: Establishment of a chironomid, ostracod and pollen based training set for Holocene environmental and climatic reconstructions of NW China. (2003)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/1-1 „Transfer-function based palaeoenvironmental and climatic reconstructions for the Holocene of Central Asia“ (since December 2003)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/2-1 "A high resolution climate reconstruction from annually laminated tufa deposits of the Qilian Mountains, NW China“ (since March 2005)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/5-1 "Dating of Middle Pleistocene sediments from a large freshwater lake in the Qaidam Basin, NW China to reveal the climatic and environmental differences to the conditions of the last 30 ka.“ (since January 2006)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/8-1 " Vegetation, Climate, Man -- Holocene Variability in monsoonal Central Asia." (with Ulrike Herzschuh and Claudia Kubatzki, since May 2007)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/1-2 "Quantitative environmental reconstructions for the Holocene of Central Asia." (since January 2007)
- DFG-Project: " Effective moisture changes and landscape development on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 50 ka inferred from Lake Donggi Cona lake sediments." (with Ulrike Herzschuh, Bernd Wünnemann, Bernhard Diekmann, since February 2007)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/9-1 "Establishment of ostracod-based transfer functions for environmental and climate reconstructions at low and moderate altitudes in Central Asia." (since February 2008)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/11-1 " Microfossils as indicators of aquatic ecosystem evolution and monsoon dynamics." (together with Antje Schwalb, since February 2008)
- DFG-Project: Mi 730/12-1 " Age, development and limnology of extant Tibetan Plateau lakes: A reconstruction based on phylogeography and palaeoecology of the gastropod genus /Radix/." (with Frank Riedel, Christian Albrecht, Uwe Wiechert, Thomas Wilke, Andreas Winkler, since February 2008)
- DAAD-research fellowship: "The potential of Lake Karakul as long-term climate archive in the Pamirs (Tajikistan)." (since February 2008)
- DFG Heisenberg Fellowship (3 years, since April 2010)
- DFG project: Mi 730/13-1 “Understanding Quaternary variations in water availability in the Near East as a key for future projections of regional environmental change” (since December 2009)
- DFG project: Mi 730/15-1 “Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in the most continental part of Central Asia” (since October 2010)
- DFG project: Mi 730/16-1 “Microfossils as indicators of aquatic ecosystem evolution and monsoon dynamics” (together with Antje Schwalb, Peter Frenzel and Sebastian Wagner, since July 2011)
- DFG project: Mi 730/17-3 “Age, development and limnology of extant Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau lakes: A reconstruction based on phylogeography and palaeoecology of the gastropod genus Radix" (with Frank Riedel, Christian Albrecht, Uwe Wiechert, Thomas Wilke, Andreas Winkler, since July 2011)
- Lev, L., Almogi-Labin, A., Mischke, S., Ito, E., Ben-Avraham, Z., Stein, M., 2014. Pa-leohydrology of Lake Kinneret during the Heinrich event H2. Palaeogeography, Pa-laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, accepted January 7.
- Wang, Y., Herzschuh, U., Shumilovskikh, L.-S., Mischke, S., Birks, H.-J.-B., Wisch-newski, J., Böhner, J., Schlütz, F., Lehmkuhl, F., Diekmann, B., Wünnemann, B., Zhang, C., 2013. Quantitative reconstruction of precipitation changes on the NE Ti-betan Plateau since the Last Glacial Maximum – extending the concept of pollen source-area to pollen-based climate reconstructions from large lakes. Climate of the Past 10, 21-39.
- Zhang, C., Fan, R., Li, J., Mischke, S., Dembele, B., Hu, X., 2013. Carbon and oxy-gen isotopic compositions: how lacustrine environmental factors respond in north-western and northeastern China. Acta Geologica Sinica 87, 1344-1354.
- Mischke, S., Chen, F., 2013. Introduction to ‘‘Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in continental Asia’’. Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-013-9750-6.
- Mischke, S., Wünnemann, B., Appel, E., 2013. Proxies for Quaternary monsoon re-con-struction on the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International 313-314, 1-2.
- Wischnewski, J., Herzschuh, U., Rühland, K., Bräuning, A., Mischke, S., Smol, J.P., Wang, L., 2013. Recent ecological responses to climate variability and human im-pacts in the Nianbaoyeze Mountains (eastern Tibetan Plateau) inferred from pollen, diatom and tree ring data. Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-013-9747-1.
- Opitz, S., Ramisch, A., Mischke, S., Diekmann, B., 2013. Holocene lake stages and thermokarst dynamics in a discontinuous permafrost affected region, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 76, 85-94.
- Zhang, W., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., Gao, D., Fan, R., 2013. Ostracod distribution and habitat relationships in the Kunlun Mountains, northern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 313-314: 38-46.
- Kalbe, J., Sharon, G., Porat, N., Zhang, C., Mischke, S., 2013. Geological setting and age of the Middle Paleolithic site of Nahal Mahanayeen Outlet (Upper Jordan Valley, Israel). Quaternary International, accepted June 2013.
- Tian, F., Herzschuh, U., Dallmeyer, A., Xu, Q., Mischke, S., Biskaborn, B.K., 2013. Environmental variability in the monsoon-westerlies transition zone during the last 1200 years: lake sediment analyses from central Mongolia and supra-regional syn-thesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 73: 31-47.
- Lai, Z., Mischke, S., Madsen, D., 2013. Paleoenvironmental implications of new OSL dates on the formation of the "Shell Bar" in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-013-9710-1.
- Mischke, S., Weynell, M., Zhang, C., Wiechert, U., 2013: Spatial variability of 14C reservoir effects in Tibetan Plateau lakes. Quaternary International, 313-314: 147-155.
- Mischke, S., 2013. I. Karanovic. Recent Freshwater Ostracods of the World: Crusta-cea, Ostracoda, Podocopida. Journal of Paleolimnology, 49: 707-708.
- Mischke, S., Lai, Z., Zhang, C., 2013: Re-assessment of the paleoclimate implica-tions of the Shell Bar in the Qaidam Basin, China. Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-012-9674-6.
- Taft, L., Wiechert, U., Zhang, H., Lei, G., Mischke, S., Plessen, B., Weynell, M., Winkler, A., Riedel, F., 2013. Stable isotope patterns archived in shells of the aquatic gastropod Radix: Hydrologic and climatic signals across the Tibetan Plateau in sub-monthly resolution. Quaternary International, 290-291: 282-298.
- Opitz, S., Wünnemann, B., Aichner, B., Dietze, E., Hartmann, K., Herzschuh, U., IJm-ker, J., Lehmkuhl, F., Li, S., Mischke, S., Plotzki, A., Stauch, G., Diekmann, B., 2012. Late glacial and Holocene development of Lake Donggi Cona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, inferred from sedimentological analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatol-ogy, Palaeoecology, 337-338: 159-176.
- Aichner, B., Herzschuh, U., Wilkes, H., Schulz, H.-M., Wang, Y., Plessen, B., Misch-ke, S., Diekmann, B., Zhang, C., 2012. Ecological development of Lake Donggi Cona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, since the late glacial on basis of organic geo-chemical proxies and non-pollen palynomorphs. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatol-ogy, Palaeoecology, 313-314: 140-149.
- Felauer, T., Schlütz, F., Murad, W., Mischke, S., Lehmkuhl, F., 2012. Late Quater-nary climate and landscape evolution in arid Central Asia: A multiproxy study of lake archive Bayan Tohomin Nuur, Gobi desert, southern Mongolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 48: 125-135.
- Mischke, S., 2012. Quaternary ostracods from the Tibetan Plateau and their signifi-cance for environmental and climate-change studies. In: Horne, D.J., Holmes, H., Viehberg, F., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. (eds.) Ostracoda as proxies for Quaternary cli-mate change. Elsevier, Developments of Quaternary Science, 17: 265-281.
- Mischke, S., Ginat, H., Al-Saqarat, B., Almogi-Labin, A., 2012. Ostracods from water bodies in hyperarid Israel and Jordan as habitat and water chemistry indicators. Eco-logical Indicators, 14: 87-99.
- Mischke, S., Schudack, U., Bertrand, S., Leroy, S., 2012. Ostracods from a Marmara Sea lagoon (Turkey) as tsunami indicators. Quaternary International, 261: 156-161.
- Van der Meeren, T., Mischke, S., Sunjidmaa, N., Herzschuh, U., Ito, E., Martens, K., Verschuren, D., 2012. Subfossil ostracode assemblages from Mongolia – Quantifying response for paleolimnological applications. Ecological Indicators 14, 138-151.
- Wang, Y., Liu, X., Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., 2012. Environmental constraints of lake sediment mineral composition from the Tibetan Plateau and implications for pa-laeoenvironmental reconstruction. Journal of Paleolimnology 47, 71–85.
- Zhang, C., Zhang, W., Feng, Z., Mischke, S., Gao, X., Gao, D., Sun, F., 2012. Holo-cene hydrological and climatic change on the northern Mongolian Plateau based on multi-proxy records from Lake Gun Nuur. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Pa-laeoecology 323-325, 75-86.
- Aichner, B., Herzschuh, U., Wilkes, H., Schulz, H.-M., Wang, Y., Plessen, B., Mischke, S., Diekmann, B., Zhang, C., 2011. Ecological development of Lake Donggi Cona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, since the late glacial on basis of organic geochemical proxies and non-pollen palynomorphs. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, accepted for publication in October 24.
- Bertrand, S., Doner, L., Akçer Ön, S., Sancar, U., Schudack, U., Mischke, S., Cagatay, M.N., Leroy, S.A.G., 2011. Sedimentary record of coseismic subsidence in Hersek coastal lagoon (Izmit Bay, Turkey) and the Late Holocene activity of the North Anatolian Fault. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12, Q06002, doi:10.1029/2011GC003511.
- Wang, Y., Liu, X., Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., 2011. Environmental constraints of lake sediment mineral composition from the Tibetan Plateau and implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Journal of Paleolimnology, accepted for publication (23 August 2011)
- Wischnewski, J., Kramer, A., Kong, Z., Mackay, A., Simpson, G., Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U. Terrestrial and aquatic responses to climate change and human impact on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past two centuries. Global Change Biology, 17: 3376–3391.
- Wischnewski, J., Herzschuh, U., Mackay, A.W., Appleby, P.G., Mischke, S., 2011. Modest diatom responses to regional warming on the southeast Tibetan Plateau during the last two centuries. Journal of Paleolimnology, 46: 215-227.
- Aichner, B., Wilkes, H., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2010. Biomarker and compound-specific 13C evidence for changing environmental conditions and carbon limitation at Lake Koucha, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43: 873–899.
- Dietze, E., Diekmann, B., Wünnemann, B., Aichner, B., Hartmann, K., Herzschuh, U., IJmker, J., Jin; H., Kopsch, C., Lehmkuhl, F., Li, S., Mischke, S., Niessen, F., Opitz, S., Stauch, G., 2010. Basin morphology and seismic stratigraphy of Lake Donggi Cona, north-eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Quaternary International, 218: 131-142.
- Herzschuh, U., Birks, H.J.B., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., Böhner, J., 2010. A modern pollen-climate calibration set from the Tibetan Plateau and its application to a Late-Quaternary pollen record from the Qilian Mountains. Journal of Biogeography, 37. 752–766.
- Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Meyer, H., Plessen, B., Zhang, C., 2010. Using variations in the stable carbon isotope composition of macrophyte remains to quantify nutrient dynamics in lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43: 739-750.
- Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Meyer, H., Plessen, B., Zhang, C., 2010. Lake nutrient variability inferred from elemental (C, N, S) and isotopic (13C, 15N) analyses of aquatic plant macrofossils. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29: 2161-2172.
- Kramer, A., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2010. Holocene treeline shifts and monsoon variability in the Hengduan Mountains (southeastern Tibetan Plateau), implications from palynological investigations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 286: 23-41.
- Kramer, A., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2010. Late glacial vegetation and climate oscillations on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the Lake Naleng pollen profile. Quaternary Research, 73: 324-335.
- Mischke, S., Aichner, B., Diekmann, B., Herzschuh, U., Plessen, B., Wünnemann, B., Zhang, C., 2010. Ostracods and stable isotopes of a late glacial and Holocene lake record from the NE Tibetan Plateau. Chemical Geology, 276: 95-103.
- Mischke, S., Almogi-Labin, A., Ortal, R., Schwab, M.J., Boomer, I., 2010. Quantitative reconstruction of lake conductivity in the Quaternary of the Near East (Israel) using ostracods. Journal of Paleolimnology. 43: 667-688.
- Mischke, S., Bößneck, U., Diekmann, B., Herzschuh, U., Jin, H., Kramer, A., Wünne-mann, B., Zhang, C., 2010. Quantitative relationship between water-depth and sub-fossil ostracod assemblages in Lake Donggi Cona, Qinghai Province, China. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43: 589-609.
- Mischke, S., Rajabov, I., Mustaeva, N., Zhang, C., Herzschuh, U., Boomer, I., Brown, E.T., Andersen, N., Myrbo, A., Ito, E., Schudack, M.E., 2010. Modern hydrology and late Holocene history of Lake Karakul, eastern Pamirs (Tajikistan): A reconnaissance study. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 289: 10-24.
- Mischke, S., Sun, Z., Herzschuh, U., Qiao, Z., Sun, N., 2010. An ostracod-inferred large Middle Pleistocene freshwater lake in the presently hyper-arid Qaidam Basin (NW China). Quaternary International, 218: 74-85.
- Mischke, S., Schudack, U., Bertrand, S., Leroy, S., 2010. Ostracods from a Marmara Sea lagoon (Turkey) as tsunami indicators. Quaternary International (accepted for publication in November 22)
- Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2010. Holocene cold events on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 72: 155-163.
- Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2010. Ostracod distribution in Ulungur Lake (Xinjiang, China) and a reassessed Holocene record. Ecological Research, 26: 133-145.
- Mischke, S., Zhang, C., Börner, A., Herzschuh, U., 2010. Lateglacial and Holocene variation in aeolian sediment flux over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by laminated sediments of a saline meromictic lake. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25: 162-177.
- Wischnewski, J., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., 2010. Reconstructing climate variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau since the last late glacial - a multi-proxy, dual-site approach comparing terrestrial and aquatic signals. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30: 82-97.
- Herzschuh, U., Kramer, A., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2009. Quantitative climate and vegetation trends since the late glacial on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau deduced from Koucha Lake pollen spectra. Quaternary Research, 71: 162-171.
- Kramer, A., Herzschuh, U., Mischke, S., Zhang, C., 2009. Late Quaternary environmental history of the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the Lake Naleng non-pollen palynomorph record. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 19: 453-468.
- Zhang, C., Mischke, S., 2009. A late glacial and Holocene lake record from the Nianbaoyeze Mountains and inferences of lake, glacier and climate evolution on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28: 1970-1983.
- Zhang, C., Mischke, S., Zheng, M., Propopenko, A., Guo, F., Feng, Z. 2009. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of surface-sediment carbonate in Bosten Lake (Xinjiang, China) and its controlling factors. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83: 386-395.
- Zhang, C., Zheng, M., Prokopenko, A., Mischke, S., Guo, X., Yang, Q., Zhang, W., Feng, Z., 2009. High-resolution records of the Holocene palaeoenvironmental variation reflected by carbonate and its isotopic compositions in Bosten lake and response to glacial activities. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83: 1101-1115.
- Mischke, S. Zhang, C. 2008: A laminated tufa carbonate from the mid Holocene of the Qilian Mountains and its potential for palaeoclimate inferences. Episodes, 31, 401-407.
- Mischke, S., Holmes, J. 2008: Applications of lacustrine and marginal-marine Ostracoda to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. (Introductory paper of a special issue) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 264, 211-212.
- Mischke, S., Holmes, J. (Special issue guest editors) 2008: Applications of lacustrine and marginal-marine Ostracoda to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 264, 211-340.
- Mischke, S., Kramer, M., Zhang, C., Shang, H., Herzschuh, U., Erzinger, J., 2008: Reduced early Holocene moisture availability in the Bayan Har Mountains, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, inferred from a multiproxy lake record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 267: 59-76.
- Mischke, S., Zhang, C., Börner, A., 2007: Bias of ostracod stable isotope data caused by drying of sieve residues from water. Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI 10.1007/s10933-007-9160-8
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Massmann, G. & Zhang, C., 2007: An ostracod-conductivity transfer-function for Tibetan lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI 10.1007/s10933-006-9087-5
- Mischke, S. & Wünnemann, B. 2006: The Holocene salinity history of Bosten Lake (Xinjiang, China) inferred from ostracod species assemblages and shell chemistry: Possible palaeoclimatic implications. – Quaternary International, 154-155: 100-112.
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Sun, Z., Qiao, Z., Sun, N. & Zander, A.M. 2006: Middle Pleistocene Ostracoda from a large freshwater lake in the presently dry Qaidam Basin (NW China). - Journal of Micropalaeontology, 25: 57-64.
- Mischke, S. 2006: The 15th International Symposium on Ostracoda. – Episodes, 29: 55.
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Sun, Z., Qiao, Z., Sun, N. & Zander, A.M. 2006: A late Middle Pleistocene large inland lake in a contemporary hyperarid desert. Episodes, 29: 34-38.
- Herzschuh, U., Kürschner, H. & Mischke, S., 2006: Temperature variability and vertical vegetation belt shifts during the last ~50,000 yr in the Qilian Mountains (NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau, China). Quaternary Research, 66: 133-146.
- Wünnemann, B., Mischke, S. & Chen, F. 2006: A Holocene sedimentary record from Bosten Lake, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234: 223-238.
- Mischke, S., Demske, D., Wünnemann, B. & Schudack, M.E. 2005: Ground-water discharge to a Gobi desert lake during Mid and Late Holocene dry periods. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 225: 157-172.
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Zhang, C., Bloemendal, J., Riedel, F. 2005: A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China): lake level and salinity changes inferred from sediment properties and ostracod assemblages. - Global and Planetary Change, 46: 337-359.
- Mischke, S. 2005: New evidence for origin of the Badain Jaran Desert of Inner Mongolia from granulometry and thermoluminescence dating. – Journal of Paleogeography, 7: 79-97.
- Herzschuh, U., Zhang, C., Mischke, S., Herzschuh, R., Mohammadi, F., Mingram, B., Kürschner, H., Riedel, F. 2005: A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China), part two: evolution of the primary production and the water depth reconstructed from macrofossil, pollen, biomarker and isotope data. - Global and Planetary Change, 46: 361-379.
- Mischke, S., Hofmann, J. & Schudack, M.E. 2004: Ostracod ecology of alluvial loess deposits in an eastern Tian Shan palaeo-lake (NW China). – In: Smykatz-Kloss, W. & Felix-Henningsen, P. 2004: Palaeoecology of Quaternary Drylands. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences (102), Springer, Berlin: 219-231.
- Mischke, S., Demske, D. & Schudack, M.E. 2003: Hydrologic and climatic implications of a multidisciplinary study of the Mid to Late Holocene Lake Eastern Juyanze. - Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 1411-1417.
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Kürschner, H., Fuchs, D., Zhang, J., Meng, F. & Sun, Z. 2003: Sub-Recent Ostracoda from Qilian Mountains (NW China) and their ecological significance. – Limnologica, 33: 280–292.
- Mischke, S., Herzschuh, U., Kürschner, H., Chen, F., Meng, F. & Sun, Z. 2003: Sub-Recent Ostracoda from Qilian Mountains, NW China. - Journal of Micropalaeontology, 22: 137-138.
- Demske, D. & Mischke, S. 2003: Palynological investigation of a Holocene profile section from the Palaeo-Gaxun-Nur-Basin. - Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 1418-1422.
- Wünnemann, B., Chen, F., Riedel, F., Zhang, C., Mischke, S., Chen, G., Demske, D. & Jin M. 2003: Holocene lake deposits of Lake Bosten, southern Xinjiang, China. - Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 1429-1432.
- Mischke, S., Fuchs, D., Riedel, F., Schudack, M.E. 2002: Mid to Late Holocene palaeoenvironment of Lake Eastern Juyanze (north-western China) based on ostracods and stable isotopes. – Geobios, 35: 99-110.
- Hofmann, J.; Mischke, S. & M. Schudack 2002: Formation, age and ostracod ecology of palaeo-lake deposits in the Gangou valley, eastern Tian Shan (NW-China). – Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 126: 115-129.
- Mischke, S. & Schudack, M.E. 2001: Sub-Recent Ostracoda from Bosten Lake, NW China. - Journal of Micropalaeontology, 20: 12.