Prof. Jens Zinke

Royal Society Wolfson Fellow
School of Geography, Geology and the Environment
University of Leicester, Bennett Building
ehemaliger Mitarbeiter [2016-2019]
LE1 7RH Leicester, UK
- Apr 16 -
Senior Researcher, Dept. Paleontology, Working group on Geobiology and Anthropocene Research, Free University Berlin - Apr 16 - Oct 17
Associate Professor (Adjunct), Dept. Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6102 - Jul 15 - March 16
Senior Research Fellow (Coastal and Marine Science): Dept. Environment and Agriculture, Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6102 - Jun 11 - May 14
Assistant Professor: School of Earth Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia, WA 6009 - Jun 09 - Apr 11
Postdoctoral Research Fellow: INATEX and CLIMATCH Indian Ocean paleoclimate projects. Royal NIOZ, Den Burg, Netherlands. - May 06 - Apr 09
Postdoctoral Research Fellow: SINDOCOM - Indian Ocean paleoclimate project. VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. - May 03 - Apr 06
Postdoctoral Research Fellow: EU-STOPFEN – a European paleoclimate network. VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. - Sep 00 - Apr 03
Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Climate on historical time scales – a paleoclimate-modelling network of Germany. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany. - Aug 97 - Jul 00
Research Fellow, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany
My research expertise focuses on tropical coral reef ecosystems and how they response to changing sea levels and tropical climate variability, over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Particular areas of research interest relate to climate change and human impacts on coral reefs, and palaeoclimate reconstructions for the recent past (100-100kyr).
For most of my career, I have worked on Indian Ocean coral and sediment records. This work is motivated by the need to produce reliable, long-term basely ne data of sea surface temperature, ocean currents and the hydrological cycle over the tropical/subtropical oceans and how they shape patterns of biodiversity in our oceans and adjacent coasts.
Major research interests:
- Geochemical proxies in coral carbonate
- Indian Ocean climate change
- Global climate teleconnections
- Human impact on coral reefs
- Coral Reefs and Climate Change
Dr. Zinke leitet das Korallen-Labor. Im Korallen-Labor der FU Berlin Palaeontologie werden Korallenkerne aus den Tropen und dem Mittelmeer zur geochemischen Analysen gebohrt und aufbereitet. Wir benutzen ein Unterwasserbohrsystem angetrieben durch Druckluft aus Tauchflaschen welches eine 30cm lange und ca. 4 cm im Durchmesser Bohrkrone mit Diamanten antreibt. Wir benutzen bis zu 1m lange Metallstangen um bis zu 4.5m lange Kerne aus massiven Korallen zu bohren. Die Aufbereitung der Kerne beinhaltet das Sägen der Kerne zu 0.7mm dünnen Scheiben, deren chemische Reinigung um organische Kontaminationen zu entfernen, sowie die hochauflösende (0.5-2mm) Beprobung der Korallen mit einem speziell gebauten Zahnarztbohrer. Das gewonnene Pulver aus den Korallen wird spaeter am Leibniz Institut des Museums fuer Naturkunde (Prof. Struck) auf seine isotopische Zusammensetzung untersucht. Zudem werden am selben Pulver noch die Spurenelemente untersucht welche Rückschlüsse auf Umweltveränderungen ermöglichen sowie die Rekonstruktion der Oberflaechentemperaturen, des Salzgehaltes der tropischen Ozeane und klimatologischer Veränderungen. Im Korallen-Labor werden ausserdem Röntgenbilder und UV-Fluorescenz Bilder von Korallenkernen sclerochronologisch bearbeitet um die jährlichen Wachtumsbaender auszumessen und zudem noch die Dichte des Skelettes und die Kalzifikationsrate zu bestimmen. Letzteres spielt eine grosse Rolle um die Auswirkungen der steigenden Meerestemperaturen und des sinkenden pH Gehaltes im Meer auf das Wachstum der Korallen zu ermitteln. Die UV Bilder sind geeignet um organische Einschlüsse im Skelett der Korallen sichtbar zu machen und somit Hinweise auf sedimentären Flusseintrag durch anthropogene Entwaldung und Bodenerosion zu erlangen. Die Korallen gelten als Schlüsselarchiv der marinen Palaeoklimatologie in den Tropen. Korallen eignen sich auch um das Klima des Holozaens und anderer Warmzeiten in den vergangenen 30 Millionen Jahren zu untersuchen. Zudem sind Korallen auch Baumaterialien in archäologischen Fundorten wodurch eine Verknüpfung von Klimavariabilität und menschlichem Handeln möglich sein kann.
Current Projects
Developing a 200 year index of Indo-Pacific climate connectivity
Lack of long instrumental climate records from the eastern Indian Ocean and Indo-Pacific warm pool, the heat engine of the global climate system and an essential player in Austral-Asian rainfall/drought cycles, is the main problem for reducing uncertainties in model-based climate change process studies and projections for Australia and to successfully plan for the future. This project will fill this key knowledge gap in long-term marine climate variability in the south-eastern Indian Ocean off the coast of Western Australia (WA) on the western extension of the globally important Indo-Pacific warm water pool. It will use state-of-the-art analytical approaches to obtain unique paleoclimatological reconstructions from massive corals dating back to ~1800 AD. These new datasets will improve our understanding of shifts in the climate system that are often caused by relatively small-magnitude ocean temperature changes. These climate shifts can persist for many decades and strongly affect the vulnerability and resilience of the unique marine and terrestrial socio-ecological systems along the western coast of Australia and the wider Indo-Pacific.
This project is a collaboration with Curtin University and the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
The role of the Western Pacific sea surface temperature gradient in global hydrology
The Maritime Continent (MC) is the hydrological power house of the planet being collocated within the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool, where sea surface temperatures (SST) exceed 28°C associated with strong convective rainfall year-round. The Maritime Continent includes the archipelagos of Indonesia, New Guinea, and Malaysia, and the surrounding shallow seas. As such the MC is the crucial part of the global hydrological variability through its influence on the Indo-Pacific Walker circulation. New research has shown that the temperature gradient between the westernmost Pacific and the Nino4 region of ENSO variability (hereafter West Pacific Gradient= WPG) plays a pivotal role in the global climate teleconnections (Hoell and Funk, 2103). This project will fill this key knowledge gap in long-term marine climate variability from the globally important Indo-Pacific warm water pool. It will use publically available paleoclimatological reconstructions from massive corals dating back to ~1800 AD. These datasets will improve our understanding of shifts in the climate system that are often caused by relatively small-magnitude ocean temperature changes.
This project is a collaboration with Macquarie University Sydney, Australia.
A geospatial assessment, long term monitoring and environmental reconstruction of marine habitats within the Miri-Sibuti National Park, Borneo, Malaysia
The tropical marine fauna diversity in South East Asia, particularly that off Sarawak East Malaysia has been described as ‘greater than any other on earth’ and is considered one of the world’s biodiversity “hot-spots”. The coastline of the largest state Sarawak which extends approximately 1035 km, lies within the Indo-Malay-Philippine archipelago, and is located on the northern side of the Island of Borneo. This area of coastal reefs sustains a rich assemblage of marine life including fish, corals, molluscs, crustaceans and marine mammals. Our current knowledge of marine habitats within the marine park comes from a small number of Reef Check sites that have been monitored since 2009. However, long-term data are seriously lacking.
Changing river runoff into marine catchments is recorded by giant corals that incorporate soil-derived humic acids in their carbonate skeleton. We developed novel, rapid techniques of spectral geochemistry to fingerprint skeletal growth banding in cores taken from giant, centuries old Porites with unprecedented, weekly resolution.As a primary objective, we will determine natural levels of seasonal river runoff (TE; organics) and sea surface temperature signals due to climatic base level changes over the past ~100 years, foremost of interannual to decadal-scale variability (El Niño/La Niña) and intermittent extreme erosion events along the path of heavy monsoon weather events. As a secondary objective, we will assess anthropogenic impacts on river runoff impacting the Miri-Sibuti Marine Park as offsets from the climatic baseline levels.
This project is funded through Curtin University Sarawak in Malaysia in collaboration with Curtin University Perth, Australia. International students are welcome to join the research activities as part of overseas Masters thesis studies.
Evaluating current responses and projecting the effects of climate change on WIO coral reef ecosystems from historical environmental variability (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA– MASMA grant)
Projecting and predicting the future effects of climate change is the first step in preparing a response that can evaluate the potential impacts on coral reef social-ecological systems. The opportunity to improve future projections is based on the accumulating information contained in coral cores and satellite data that have been collected during the past decade, which can form a basis for determining the temporal and spatial variability and how this is likely to change in the coming years. These data can, in principle, be priors in Bayesian predictive models that can be used to make predictions on future states of the environment. Additionally, the ability to predict current temperature stresses and bleaching has improved such that the probabilities of bleaching can be predicted for certain places at periods of 2 to 3 months before the impact. The proposed work will use these sources of information to develop a map of the projected changes in environmental conditions and to undertake field research in areas prior to and after the temperature anomalies to determine the impacts of current stresses on key metrics of the coral reef ecosystem including coral health, symbionts, reproduction, recruitment, and fish populations. These two studies, when combined, can be used to parameterize an existing coral reef ecosystem model to generate projections of regional ecosystem responses to future climate change scenarios.
This project is a collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association WIOMSA, as well as the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
Scholarly Publications (Complete list)
International (peer reviewed) journals
(Google Scholars Citations: 1702; H-index: 23; i10index: 37)
- Zinke, J., Gilmour, J.P., Fisher, R., Maina, J., Darling, E., Stat, M., Puotinen, M., Richards, Z., Mcclanahan, T.R., Beger, M., Moore, C., Graham, N.A.J., Feng, M., Hobbs, J.P.A., Evans, S., Field, S., Shedrawi, G., Babcock, R., Wilson, S.K. (2018) Gradients of disturbance and environmental conditions shape coral community structure for south-eastern Indian Ocean reefs. Diversity & Distributions, doi:10.1111/ddi.12714.
- Hennekam, R., Zinke, J., ten Have, M., Brummer, G.J.A. andReichart, G.-J. (2018) Cocos (Keeling) corals reveal 200 years of multi-decadal modulation of southeast Indian Ocean hydrology by Indonesian Throughflow. Paleoceanography, 33, DOI: 10.1002/2017PA003181.
- Pfeiffer, M., Zinke, J., Dullo, W.-C., Timm, O., Cahyarini, S.Y., Latif, M.and Weber, M. E. (2017) Indian Ocean corals reveal crucial role of World War II bias for twentieth century warming estimates. Scientific Reports 7, 14434, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14352-6.
- PAGES2K Consortium (2017) Data descriptor: A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era. Scientific Data, 4, 170088, doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.88.
- Zhang, N., Feng, M., Hendon, H.H., Hobday, A.J. & Zinke, J. (2017) Opposite polarities of ENSO drive distinct patterns of coral bleaching potentials in the southeast Indian Ocean. Scientific Reports, 7, 2443, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02688-y.
- Clarke, H., D’Olivo, J. P, Falter, J., Zinke, J., Lowe, R. and McCulloch, M. T. (2017) Differential response of corals to regional mass-warming events as evident from skeletal Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 18, doi:10.102/2016GC006788.
- Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W.-Chr., Zinke, J., Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2016) A change in coral extension rates and stable isotopes after El Niño-induced coral bleaching and regional stress events in coastal Venezuela. Scientific Reports, 6, 32879, doi:10.1038/srep32879.
- Zinke, J., Reuning, L., Pfeiffer, M., Wassenburg, J.A., Hardman, E., Jhangeer-Khan, R., Davies, G.R., Ng, C.K.C., Kroon, D. (2016) A sea surface temperature reconstruction for the southern Indian Ocean trade wind belt from corals in Rodrigues Island (19S, 63E). Biogeosciences 13, 5827-5847.
- Abram, N.A., McGregor, H.V., Tierney, J.E., Evans, M.N., McKay, N.P., Kaufman, D.S. and the PAGES 2k Consortium (Thirumalai, K., Martrat, B., Goosse, H., Phipps, S.J., Steig, E.J. Halimeda Kilbourne, K., Saenger, C.P., Zinke, J., Leduc, G., Addison, J.A., Mortyn, P.G., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Sicre, M.-A., Selvaraj, K., Filipsson, H.L., Neukom, R., Gergis, J., Curran, M.A.J., von Gunten, L. (2016) Early onset of Industrial-era warming across the oceans and continents. Nature 536, 411-418.
- Hoell, A., Funk, C., Zinke, J., Harrison, L. (2016). Modulation of the Southern Africa precipitation response to the El Niño Southern Oscillation by the subtropical Indian Ocean Dipole. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-00016-03220-00386.
- Ong, JJL, Rountrey, AN, Zinke, J, Meeuwig, JJ, Grierson, PF, O’Donnell, AJ, Newman, SJ, Lough, JM, Trougan, M and Meekan, MG (2016) Evidence for climate-driven synchrony of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in northwest Australia. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13239.
- Cahyarini S.Y., Zinke, J., Troelstra, S., Suharsono, Aldrian, E., Hoeksema, B.W. (2016) Coral Sr/Ca-based sea surface temperature and air temperature variability from the inshore and offshore corals in the Seribu Islands, Indonesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 110 (2), 694-700.
- Zinke, J., Hoell, A., Lough, J., Feng, M., Kuret, A., Clarke, H., Ricca, V., McCulloch, M.T. (2015) Coral record of southeastern Indian Ocean marine heatwaves with intensified Western Pacific temperature gradient. Nature Communications 6, doi: 10.1038/ncomms9562.
- Smodej, J., Reuning, L., Wollenberg, U., Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Kukla, P. A. (2015) 2D-X-Ray Diffraction as a Tool for the Rapid, Non-destructive Detection of low Calcite Quantities in Aragonitic Corals. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 16, doi:10.1002/2015GC006009.
- Ong, J.J., Rountrey, A., Meeuwig, J.J. Newman, S.J., Zinke, J. and Meekan, M.G. (2015) Contrasting environmental drivers of adult and juvenile growth in a marine fish: implications for the effects of climate change. Scientific Reports 5, 10859; doi: 10.1038/ srep10859.
- Douglass, K. and Zinke, J. (2015) Forging Ahead By Land and By Sea: Archaeology and Palaeoclimate Reconstruction in Madagascar. African Archaeological Review, Special Issue on African Palaeoclimate, doi:10.1007/s10437-015-9188-5.
- Tierney, J. E., N. J. Abram, K. J. Anchukaitis, M. N. Evans, C. Giry, H. Kilbourne, C. P. Saenger, H. Wu, J. Zinke (2015) Tropical sea-surface temperatures for the past 450 years reconstructed from coral archives. Paleoceanography 30, doi:10.102/ 2014PA002717.
- Hoell, A., Funk, C, Magadzire, T., Zinke, J. and Husak, G. (2014) El Nino - Southern Oscillation Diversity and Southern Africa Teleconnections During Austral Summer. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2414-z.
- Zinke, J., Loveday, B., Reason, C., Dullo, W.-C., Kroon, D. (2014) Madagascar corals track sea surface temperature variability in the Agulhas Current core region over the past 334 years. Scientific Reports 4, 4393; DOI:10.1038/srep04393.
- Neukom, R., J. Gergis, D. Karoly, H. Wanner, M. Curran, J. Elbert, F. González-Rouco, B. Linsley, A. Moy, I. Mundo, C. Raible, E. Steig, Tas van Ommen, T. Vance, R. Villalba, J. Zinke and D. Frank (2014) Inter-hemispheric temperature variability over the last millennium. Nature Climate Change 4, doi:10.1038/nclimate2174.
- Zinke, J., Rountrey, A., Feng, M., Xie, S.P., Dissard, D., Rankenburg, K., Lough, J. and McCulloch, M.T. (2014) Corals record long-term Leeuwin Current variability during Ningaloo Niño/Niña since 1795. Nature Communications 5, 3607, doi:10.1038/ncomms4607.
- Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Park, W., Schneider, B., Reuning, L., Dullo, W.-Chr., Camoin, G. F., Mamgini, A., Schroeder-Ritzrau, A., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Davies, G. R. (2014) Seychelles coral record of changes in sea surface temperature bimodality in the western Indian Ocean from the Mid-Holocene to the present. Climate Dynamics 43 (3), 689-708.
- Rodrigues-Ramirez, A., Grove, CA, Zinke, J., Pandolfi, J.M., Zhao, J.X. (2014) Coral luminescence identifies the Pacific Decadal Oscillation as a primary driver of river runoff variability impacting the southern Great Barrier Reef. PLOS One 9(1), e84305, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084305.
- Neukom, R., Nash, D.J., Endfield, G. H., Grab, S., Grove, C.A., Kelso, C., Vogel, C.H., and Zinke, J. (2013) Multi-proxy summer and winter precipitation reconstruction for southern Africa. Climate Dynamics 42, 2713-2726, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1886-6.
- Maina, J., de Moel, H., Zinke, J., Madin, J., McClanahan, T. and Vermaat, J.E. (2013) Human deforestation outweighs future climate change impacts of sedimentation on coral reefs. Nature Communications 4:1986, doi:10.1039/ncomms2986.
- Grove, C. A., Zinke, J., Peeters, F., Park, W., Scheufen, T., Kasper, S., Randriamanantsoa, B., McCulloch, M. T. and Brummer, GJA (2013). Madagascar corals reveal multidecadal modulation of rainfall since 1708. Climate of the Past 9, 641-656.
- Grove, C. A., Kasper, S., Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Brummer, G.-J. A. (2013), Confounding effects of coral growth and high SST variability on skeletal Sr/Ca: Implications for coral paleothermometry, Geochem., Geophys. Geosyst., 14, doi:10.1002/ggge.20095.
- Nagtegaal R, Grove CA, Kasper S, Zinke J, Boer W, Brummer GJA (2012) Spectral luminescence and geochemistry of coral aragonite: effects of whole-core chemical treatments. Chemical Geology 318-319, 6-15.
- Maina, J., de Moel, H., Vermaat, J., Bruggemann, H. J., Guillaume, MMM, Grove, C. A., Madin, J., Mertz-Kraus, R., Zinke, J. (2012) Linking coral river runoff proxies with climate variability, hudrology and land-use in Madagascar catchments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, 2047-2059.
- Grove, C. A., J. Zinke, T. Scheufen, E. Epping, W. Boer, B. Randriamanantsoa and G-J. A. Brummer (2012) Spatial linkages between coral proxies of terrestrial runoff across a large embayment in Madagascar. Biogeosciences 9, 3063-3081.
- Bruggemann H, Martine Rodier, Mireille Guillaume, Serge Andréfouët, Robert Arfi, J Cinner, Michel Pichon, Frédéric Ramahatratra, Faravavy Rasoamanendrika, Zinke J, Tim McClanahan (2012) Social-ecological problems forcing unprecedented change on the latitudinal margins of coral reefs: the case of southwest Madagascar. Ecology and Society 17 (4), 47.
- Grove, C. A., Zinke, J., Peeters, F., Park, W., Scheufen, T., Kasper, S., Randriamanantsoa, B., McCulloch, M. T. and Brummer, GJA (2012) Madagascar corals reveal Pacific multidecadal modulation of rainfall since 1708. Climate of the Past Discussion 8, 787-817.
- Beal, L. M., Ruijter, W. P. M. D., Biastoch, A., Zahn, R., Cronin, M., Hermes, J., Lutjeharms, J., Quartly,G., Tozuka, T., Baker-Yeboah, S., Bornman, T., Cippolini, P., Dijkstra, H., Hall, I., Park, W., Peeters, F., Penven, P., Ridderinkhof, H. & Zinke, J. (2011). On the role of the Agulhas system in ocean circulation and climate. Nature 472, 429-436.
- Rijsdijk, K.F., J. Zinke, P. G.B. de Louw, J. P. Hume, H. J. van der Plicht, H. Hooghiemstra, H.J.M. Meijer, H. Vonhoff, N. Porch, V. Florens, C. Baider, B. van Geel, J. Brinkkemper, A. Janoo (2009) Dodo mass-mortality during megadrought ca. 4200 years ago: will insular vertebrates cope with future climatic extremes? The Holocene, doi:10.1177/0959683611405236.
- Cahyarini, S.Y., M. Pfeiffer, W.-Chr. Dullo, J. Zinke, S. Hetzinger, S. Kasper, C. A. Grove, D. Garbe-Schönberg (2011) Comment on ’A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310,’ by K. L. Delong, T.M. Quinn, Chuan-Chou Shen and Ke Lin (2010). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 12, doi:10.1029/2010GC003377.
- U. Fallet, G.J.A. Brummer, J. Zinke, S. Vogels, H. Ridderinkhof (2010) Contrasting seasonal fluxes ofplanktonic foraminifera and impacts on paleothermometry in the Mozambique Channel upstream of the Agulhas Current. Paleoceanography 25, doi:10.1029/2010PA001942.
- Grove, C.A., Nagtegaal, R., Zinke, J., Scheufen, T., Koster, B., Kasper, S., McCulloch, M.T., van den Bergh, G. and Brummer, G.J.A. (2010) River runoff reconstructions from novel spectral luminescence scanning of massive coral skeletons. Coral Reefs, 29:579–591, DOI 10.1007/s00338-010-0629-y.
- Cahyarini, S. Y. and Zinke, J. (2010) Geochemical tracer in corals as a sea surface temperature proxy: records from Jukung coral. ITB Journal of Science 42 (1), 65-72.
- C. A. Grove, R. Nagtegaal, T. Scheufen,B. Koster, J. Zinke, G.-J. Brummer (2009) Luminescence patterns in tropical coral skeletons revealed using a novel technique. Geochimica at Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13), A 470.
- Zinke, J., M. Pfeiffer, G. Davies, O. Timm, W-C. Dullo and Camoin, G. F. (2009) Tracking the movement of the ITCZ from the Last Interglacial to the present: evidence from Seychelles corals, western Indian Ocean. Geochimica at Cosmochimica Acta 73 (13), A1537.
- Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Timm, O., Dullo, W.-Chr. and Brummer, G. J. A. (2009) Western Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: a review and new concepts on land-ocean interaction since A.D. 1660. International Journal of Earth Sciences 98, Special Volume. doi:10.007/s00531-008-0365-5.
- Crueger, T., Zinke, J. and Pfeiffer, M. (2009) Dominant Pacific SLP and SST variability recorded in Indian Ocean corals. International Journal of Earth Sciences 98, Special Volume. doi:10.007/s00531-008-0324-1.
- Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W.C., Zinke, J. and Garbe-Schoenberg, D. (2009) Three monthly coral Sr/Ca records from the Chagos Archipelago covering the period of 1950 to 1995.: Reproducibility and implications for quantitative reconstructions of sea surface temperature variations. International Journal of Earth Sciences 98, Special Volume, doi:10.007/s00531-008-0326-z.
- Zinke, J., Timm, O., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W.-Chr., Kroon, D. and Thomassin, B. A. 2008. Mayotte coral reveales hydrological changes in the western Indian between 1865 to 1994. Geophysical Research Letters 35, L23707, doi:10.1029/2008GL035634.
- Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W.-Chr., Keenlyside, N., Latif, M. and Zinke, J. (2008) Caribbean Brain coral tracks the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Past Hurricane Intensity. Geology 36 (1), 11-14, doi:10.1130/G24321A.1.
- Zinke, J., Reijmer, J. J. G., Taviani, M., Dullo, W.-Chr. & Thomassin, B. A. 2005. Facies and faunal assemblage changes in response to the Holocene transgression in the lagoon of Mayotte (Comoro Archipelago, SW Indian Ocean). Facies 50 (3-4), 391-408.
- Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Timm, O., Dullo, W.-Chr. And Davies, G. R. (2005) Atmosphere-Ocean dynamics in the western Indian Ocean recorded in corals. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society A 363, 121-142.
- Zinke, J., Dullo, W.-Chr., Heiss, G. A. & Eisenhauer, A. (2004) ENSO and subtropical dipole variability is recorded in a coral record off southwest Madagascar for the period 1659 to 1995. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 228 (1-2), 177-197.
- Zinke, J., Reijmer, J. J. G. & Thomassin, B. A. (2003) Systems tracts sedimentology in the lagoon of Mayotte associated with the Holocene transgression. Sedimentary Geology, 160, 57-79.
- Zinke, J., Reijmer, J. J. G., Thomassin, B. A., Dullo, W. Chr. (2003) Postglacial flooding history of Mayotte Lagoon (Comoro Archipelago, southwest Indian Ocean). Marine Geology, 194, 181-196.
- Zinke, J., Reijmer, J.JG. & Thomassin, B. A. (2001) Seismic architecture and sediment distribution within the Holocene barrier reef-lagoon complex of Mayotte (Comoro archipelago, SW Indian Ocean). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 175, 343-368.
- Zinke, J., Reijmer, J.JG., Dullo, W-Ch. & Thomassin, B.A. (2000) Paleoenvironmental changes in the lagoon of Mayotte associated with the Holocene transgression. GeoLines, 11, 150-153.
- Zinke, J. (1998) Small theropod teeth from the Upper Jurassic coal mine of Guimarota (Portugal). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 72 (1/2), 179-189, Stuttgart.
- Zinke, J. & Rauhut, O. W. M. (1994) Small theropods (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Penninsula. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, E 13, 163-177, Berlin.
(Contributions to) books (peer-reviewed)
- Grove CA, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Merschel G, Tjallingii R, Zinke J, Macia A, Brummer G-J 2015. UV-spectral luminescence scanning: technical updates and calibration developments. In: EDS: Croudace, Ian W., Rothwell, R. Guy, Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores - Applications of a non-destructive tool for the environmental sciences series. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, Vol. 17, pp. 563-582, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York.
- Zinke, J., von Storch,H., Mueller, B., Zorita, E., Rein, B., Mieding, B., Miller, H., Luecke, A., Schleser, G. H., Schwab, M., Negendank, J. F. W., Kienerl, U., Gonzalez-Rouco, J.-F., Dullo, W.-Chr. And Eisenhauer, A. 2004. Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data and model simulations available within KIHZ. In: von Storch, H., Raschke, E. and Floeser, G. (eds.) The Climate in Historical Times - Towards a synthesis of Holocene proxy data and climate models. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,pp.397-414.
Policy/Opinion/White papers
- Zinke, J, McGregor, H, Lough, J, Abram, N, Webster, J, O’Leary, M, Gagan, M, McCulloch, M, Woodroffe, C. and I Goodwin (2015) Dealing with climate change through understanding tropical ocean-atmosphere climate interactions and their impacts on marine ecosystems. White paper for Australia’s National Marine Science Plan 2025, Quaternary Australasia 32(1), 25-31.
- Meissner, K., Chase, Z., McGregor, H., Phipps, S., Webster, J., Abram, N., Armand, L., De Decker, P., Ellwood, M., Exon, N., Gagan, M., Goodwin, I., Howard, W., Lough, J.M., McCulloch, M., Moy, A., O’Leary, M., Skilbeck, G., Welsh, K. Zinke, J., (2015). Dealing with Climate Change: Paleoclimate research in Australia. White paper for Australia’s National Marine Science Plan 2025. Quaternary Australasia 32(1), 19-24.
- Santoso, A., W. Cai, G. Meyers, J. Brown, M. Feng,D. Dommenget, H. Hendon, J. Zinke, J.-J. Luo, P. McIntosh, S. J. Marsland, S. McGregor, A. Sen Gupta, S. Power (2015). Dealing with Climate Change – Tropical Oceanography research in Australia. White paper for Australia’s National Marine Science Plan 2025.
- Church, J., Slangen, A., Zhang, X., King, M. A., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., McGregor, S., Domingues, C. M., Marsland, S. J., Watson, C., Woodroffe, C. D., Zinke, J., O’Leary, M., Hobbs, W., Legresy, B., Feng, M., Sloyan, B., Lambeck, K., Spillman, C. (2015) Dealing with Climate Change - Sea level and ocean heat and freshwater content. White paper for Australia’s National Marine Science Plan 2025.
- Maina-Mbui, J. and Zinke, J. Manage the Land to protect the Reefs. The Conversation. 12th June 2013.
Articles submitted/under preparation
- Zinke, J., Browning, S., Hoell, A., Goodwin, I. The Western Pacific gradient as a novel index for ENSO system variability over the past Millennium. In Preparation for Nature.
Conference presentations (since 2009)
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J. (2017) Lessons learned from PAGES2K. GeoBremen2017, Coral Paleoclimate workshop, 28th Sept. 2017, Bremen, Germany.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J. (2017) Corals as environmental change indicators – river runoff, nutrients, pollution – how well are they constrained? GeoBremen2017, Coral Paleoclimate workshop, 28th Sept. 2017, Bremen, Germany.
- Poster titled: Zinke, J., Browning, S. A., Hoell, A., Goodwin, I. D. (2017) Assessing the role of the West Pacific Gradient for global climate teleconnections over the past Millennium. GeoBremen2017, 25-29th Sept. 2017, Bremen, Germany.
- Poster titled: Gey, C. J., J. Zinke, J., P. D’Olivo, H. Bruggemann, MMM. Guillaume (2017 Sea surface temperature reconstruction for Europa Island (W Indian Ocean) from coral geochemistry. GeoBremen2017, 25-29th Sept. 2017, Bremen, Germany.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J., Browning, S. A., Hoell, A., Goodwin, I. D. (2017) Assessing the role of the West Pacific Gradient for global climate teleconnections over the past Millennium. EGU General Assembly, Abstract EGU2017-4639, 23-28th April 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Poster: Hetzinger, S.; Pfeiffer, M. Dullo, W. C.; Zinke, J., Garbe-Schönberg, D. A change in coral extension rates and stable isotopes after El Niño-induced coral bleaching and regional stress events in coastal Venezuela. ICP12 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 29th – Sept. 5th 2016.
- Poster: Hennekam, R., Zinke, J., ten Have, M., Brummer, G.J.A. and Reichart, G.-J. Corals reveal two centuries of Pacific decadal climate variability controlling the Indonesian Throughflow conveyer. ICP12 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 29th – Sept. 5th 2016.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J. et al. Coral record of southeast Indian Ocean heat waves with intensified Western Pacific temperature gradient during ENSO. ENSO Symposium, UNSW, Sydney, Feb 4-6th 2015.
- Poster: Grab, S., Engelbrecht, F., Harvey, P., Holmgren, K., Zinke, J. Volcanic Forcing: impacts on climates of the Southern Hemisphere? Abstract 226. The 11th meeting of the International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, Santiago, Chile, 5th to 9th of October 2015.
- Lecture titled: Abram, N.J., Tierney, J.E., Anchukaitis, K.J., Evans, M.N., Giry, C., Kilbourne, K.H., Saenger, C.P., Wu, H.C., Zinke, J. Progression of Recent Warming Trends Across the Continents and Oceans (Abstract PP33A-1211), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 15-19th Dec 2014.
- Lecture titled: Neukom, R. et al. Evidence of inter-hemispheric temperature contrasts over the last millennium from a new Southern Hemisphere multi-proxy reconstruction. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 29th April 2014, EGU2014-6708
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J., Rountrey, A., Feng, M.Xie, S.P., Dissard, D., Rankenburg, K., Lough, J., McCulloch, M.T.; Leeuwin current variability (Western Australia) since A.D. 1795 – A footprint of past La Niña (Abstract ID:13176). AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, US, Feb 23-28th 2014.
- Poster: Hetzinger, S.; Pfeiffer, M.; Dullo, W. C.; Zinke, J.; Garbe-Schönberg, D.; A Reduction In Coral Extension Rate And A Baseline Shift In Stable Isotopic Composition: Reaction To El Nino-Induced Coral Bleaching? (Abstract Id:13221). AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, US, Feb 23-28th 2014.
- Lecture titled: Zinke J., McClanahan, MacNeil, A., Ruiz, C. Pfeiffer, M. Thermal stress prediction for the next 50 years in the western Indian Ocean. 8th WIOMSA Symposium, Maputo, 28-30th Oct 2013.
- Lecture titled: Maina, J., de Moel, H., Zinke, J., McClanahan, T., Vermaat, J. Human deforestation outweighs climate change for sediment delivery to coral reefs. 8th WIOMSA Symposium, Maputo, 28-30th Oct 2013.
- Lecture titled: Nicolas, A., Zinke, J., Reason, C.J.C. Accumulated thermal stress for coral proxies in the western Indian Ocean. 8th WIOMSA Symposium, Maputo, 28-30th Oct 2013.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J., Rountrey, A., Feng, M., Dissard, D., Rankenburg, K., Lough, J. and McCulloch, M.T. 2013. Ningaloo Niño forcing of the Leeuwin Current (West Australia) since 1795. 12th Australasian Isotope Conference, July 10-12th 2013, UWA, Perth.
- Poster titled: J. Tierney, N. Abram, K.J. Anchukaitis, C. Gyri, K. Halimeda Kilbourne, C. Saenger, H. Wu, J. Zinke and the PAGES/Oceans2K working group 2012. Recontruction of tropical ocean SST tends during the last millennium: results from the PAGES/Oceans2K project. PP21B-2004, AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, USA.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J, Park, W, Guillaume, MMM, Bruggeman, H, Reason, CJC, Nicolas, A, Grove, CA, McClanahan, T and Kroon, D 2012. Interannual and decadal variability in the greater Agulhas current region over the past 350 years from coral paleothermometry. AGU Chapman conference Oct8-12th 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Poster titled: Park, W., Biastoch, A. and Zinke, J. 2012. Spectrum of the Agulhas Current as simulated by a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. AGU Chapman conference Oct 8-12th 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Lecture titled: Zinke J., Pfeiffer M., Grove, C.A., Jhangeer-Khan, R. Hardman E., and B. Randriamanantsoa 2012. Reef-scale temperature and growth relationships in the southwestern Indian Ocean. ICSR Cairns 2012, Abstract Book, page 181.
- Lecture titled: Grove, C. A., Maina, J, de Moel, H., Vermaat, J. E., Madin, J., Brummer, G. J. A and Zinke, J. 2012. Linking coral river runoff proxies with climate variability, hydrology and land-use in Madagascar catchments. ICSR Cairns 2012 Abstract Book, page 487.
- Lecture titled: Brooks, K., G. Skrzypek, Dissard. D., Zinke, J., Thomson, D., Keesing,J., McCulloch, M.T. 2012. High-latitude coral: assessing the impacts of climate change. ICSR Cairns 2012, Abstract, pg 153.
- Lecture titled: Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M. Grove, C. A. Jhangeer-Khan, R., Brummer, G. J. A. J., Bruggemann, H., Guillaume, M. M. M. and SHOALS Rodrigues. Proxy records of historical reef scale temperatures from western Indian Ocean corals. WIOMSA Symposium Mombasa, Kenya, 24-29th October 2011.
- Lecture titled: Maina, J., de Moel, H., Zinke, J., Vermaat, J. E. Effect of future climate change and land-use management on runoff and sediment discharge into coastal coral reef zones in Madagascar. WIOMSA Symposium Mombasa, Kenya, 24-29th October 2011.
- Lecture titled: Maina, J., de Moel, H., Zinke, J., Vermaat, J.E., Grove, C. A., Bruggemann, H., Mertz, R. Linking coral river runoff proxies with hydrology and land use in Madagascar catchments. WIOMSA Symposium Mombasa, Kenya, 24-29th October 2011.
- Lecture titled: Grove, C. A., Scheufen, T., Zinke, J., Epping, E., Boer, W., Randriamanantsoa, B. and Brummer, G. J.. Seasonal linkages between coral proxies of terrestrial runoff across a large embayment in Madagascar. WIOMSA Symposium Mombasa, Kenya, 24-29th October 2011.
- Lecture titled: Bruggemann, J.H., Guillaume, M.M.M., Arfi, R., Andrefouet, S., Cinner, J., Ramahatratra, F., Rasoamanendrika, F., Zinke, J., McClanahan, T.. Wicked social-ecological problems forcing unprecedented change on the latitudinal margins of coral reefs: the case of southwest Madagascar. WIOMSA Symposium Mombasa, Kenya, 24-29th October 2011.
- Lecture titled: M Pfeiffer, J Zinke, WC Dullo, O Timm, SY Cahyarini, M Latif and ME Weber. Evaluating Twentieth Century Warming Trends with Modern Porites Corals from the Tropical Indian Ocean. ISRS Eurpean Meeting, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Lecture titled: Zinke J., Pfeiffer M., Crueger T., Wassenburg J. and Hardman E.. Indo-Pacific teleconnections on decadal time-scales assessed by multiple Sr/Ca and oxygen isotope records from the southwestern Indian Ocean. ISC 2010, Mainz, Germany.
- Lecture titled: Coral reefs and global change: a historical perspective spanning the western Indian Ocean. 6th WIOMSA meeting, Reunion, France.
- Poster titled: C. A. Grove, R. Nagtegaal, T. Scheufen,B. Koster, J. Zinke, G.-J. Brummer. Luminescence patterns in tropical coral skeletons revealed using a novel technique. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, A470.
- Lecture titled: J. Zinke, M. Pfeiffer, O. Timm, W. Dullo & S. Cahyarini,Tropical Indian Ocean temperatures from modern Porites corals – evaluating 20th century warming trends. 5th EGU Humboldt Conference Cape Town, South Africa.
- Lecture titled: J. Zinke, M. Pfeiffer, O. Timm, W. Dullo & G.J. A. Brummer, Western Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: a review and new concepts on land-ocean interaction since AD 1660. EGU Humboldt Conference Cape Town, South Africa.
- Lecture titled: J. Zinke, M. Pfeiffer, G. Davies, O. Timm, W-C. Dullo and Camoin, G. F. – Tracking the movement of the ITCZ from the Last Interglacial to the present: evidence from Seychelles corals, western Indian Ocean. Goldschmidt conference, Davos, Switzerland.