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Arrival by public transport (BVG)

  • Bus X83: Station “Emmichstrasse”
  • Bus 283: Station “Am Gemeindepark”
  • S2: “Marienfelde” station and bus 283: “Am Gemeindepark” station

You come from the city center via subway line U9

Subway U 9 to the final stop “Rathaus Steglitz”; change to bus X83 in the direction of “Lichtenrade” to the “Emmichstrasse” stop

You come from the city center via S-Bahn line S2

S-Bahn line S 2 towards “Blankenfelde” or “Lichtenrade” to the “Marienfelde” station

You come from the city center via S-Bahn line S26

S-Bahn line S 26 in the direction of “Lichterfelde Ost” to the “Lankwitz” station; change to bus X83 in the direction of “Lichtenrade” to the “Emmichstrasse” stop

They come from Dahlem

Bus X83 from U-Bahn station. "Dahlem Dorf" in the direction of "Lichtenrade" to the "Emmichstrasse" stop