Annual Workshop "Bridging Eurasia & Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project" Berlin
News from Jan 04, 2014
Despite all everyday problems and financial difficulties a group of environmental scientists and geoarchaeologists were able to meet in Berlin for the annual workshop of the "Bridging Eurasia & Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project". Thanks to a wonderful organization by Stefanie Müller (FU Berlin) and Dominic Hosner (German Archaeological Institute) and financial support of Center for International Cooperation (FU Berlin) we could assemble 14 scientists and PhD students from Berlin, Potsdam, UK and Russia in the lecture hall of the German Archaeological Institute for a very inspiring workshop on 10th December 2013. Current results and nearest plans have been discussed during the meeting and also during the following three days. The photo (done by D. Hosner) shows workshop participants in the lecture hall. More info about Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project is available at
Prof. Dr. Pavel Tarasov
(Working group leader, FU Berlin)
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Baikal-Hokkaido Archeology Project (BHAP)