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Support our Crowd funding initiative to study Borneo's robust corals!

News from Mar 06, 2017

Help us to rise $5000 US to fund our dive campaign planned for May 2017 as part of a Masters study

Our project focuses on the coral reefs of the Miri-Sibuti Coral Reefs Marine Park in the Malaysian province Sarawak in Borneo. Last year we successfully conducted the first surveys of coral cover, coral diversity, bleaching and disease prevelance at 4 reefs in the marine park. With limited funding from Curtin Sarawak University and Curtin University (Perth, Australia) we managed to implement a series of monitoring equipment (SST loggers, sediment traps, light loggers) and tagged many corals, bleached and unbleached.  Now, we like to expand our program, collect the instruments and put new equipment in place. A Masters student from the FU Berlin (Germany) together with student volunteers from Curtin Sarawak is trying to raise awareness to safeguard the forgotten reefs of Borneo.  We need the help of the coral reef science and volunteer community to fund our field campaign in this unique spot where coral reefs seem to have persisted despite the many pressures from local and global stressors. Help us to find out if Borneo's reefs are bright spots in light of climate change.

Donate here: Borneo's robust corals

Take a glimpse at our work: https://youtu.be/rGmZ0MWhHNk

Thank you very much in advance for your support!

Christina Braoun (Masters Student), Jens Zinke (FU Berlin) and Nicola Brown (Curtin University) 

Dr. Jens Zinke

Senior Researcher and Lecturer
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften
FR Paläontologie
AG Geobiologie und Anthropozänforschung
Malteserstrasse 74-100, Haus C, 105,
12249 Berlin, Germany
+4930 838 61034

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