Study advice
Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel
Malteserstrasse 74-100, Haus D
Raum D.025
12249 Berlin
To make an appointment with the student advisory service, please contact the tutors first.
Tutors help with questions on the following topics, among others:
- Simple study advice
- Is my schedule too full?
- Where does the chemistry internship take place?
- What are ABV courses and what are they used for?
- Where do I order a hammer and a magnifying glass?
- Do I need a geology compass in the first semester?
and much more.
Moritz Hinze
Raum D.014
+49 30 838 70277
Theresa Kutzner
Raum D.006
+49 30 838 70282
Lisa von Nolting
Raum D.006
+49 30 838 70282
- Berlin
- Biofazies
- Biofaziesanalyse
- Fossilien
- Fossillagerstätten
- Geschiebekunde
- Isotopenstratigraphie
- Klassifikation
- Klimageschichte
- Leitfossilien
- Mikropaläontologie
- Paläoanthropologie
- Paläobiogeographie
- Paläobiologie
- Paläochemie
- Paläoklimatologie
- Paläoklimatologie
- Paläontologie
- Paläophysiologie
- Palökologie
- Phylogenetik
- Präparation
- Rekonstruktion
- Riffkalkstein
- Sedimentologie
- Stratigraphie
- Taphonomie