M.Sc. Joscha Pültz

Institute for Meteorology
WG Tropospheric Environmental Research
PhD Candidate
Room 132
12165 Berlin
Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit
Since 2017 Research Assistant, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin, WG Tropospheric Environmental Research
(Tasks: Cause analysis of particulate matter, courses, organizational matters)2019 Collaboration in the project Wexicom (Weather Warnings: from EXtrem event information to COMmunication and Action),
Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin, WG Statistical Meteorology.
(Tasks: Instruction for the construction of a student weather station with LOW-COST sensor technology & supervision of a student workshop).2013-2016 Student Assistant, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin, WG Atmospheric Dynamics
(Project SHARP - Stratospheric Change and its Role for Climate Prediction)
Academic education
Since 2017 PhD student (focus on particulate matter and nitrogen oxides)
2016 M.Sc. (Meteorology), Department of Geosciences, Freie Universität Berlin
"The impact of climate change on the dynamic coupling of stratosphere and troposphere - a study with EMAC."2013 B.Sc. (Meteorology), Department of Geosciences, Freie Universität Berlin
"Blocking weather patterns and their description with point vortex dynamics in the plane and on the sphere"
Research Interests
Origins of air pollutants and processes leading to observed pollutant concentrations; Blocking weather patterns and their influence on weather & pollutant concentrations; Climate: past, present & future, changes in vertical stratification of the atmosphere; Deployment and installation of LOW-COST sensor technology.
Fields of expertise
Air quality and pollution, allocation of air pollutants (PM, NOX, dust, ozone, et al.); Weather and meteorology: weather forecasting & synoptics (in the form of teaching); Climate change; Numerical modeling.
Müller, A., Névir, P., Schielicke, L., Hirt, M., Pueltz, J., Sonntag, I. (2015), Applications of point vortex equilibria: blocking events and the stability of the polar vortex, Tellus A, 67, 29184, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v67.29184
Pültz, J., Thürkow, M., Banzhaf, S., Kranenburg, R., and Schaap, M.: Source attribution of Particulate Matter for Berlin 2016-18, a study using the LOTOS-EUROS CTM, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12991, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12991, 2021.
Thürkow, M., Pültz, J., and Schaap, M.: A mitigation study for air pollution management across Germany for NOX (NO + NO2) with the LOTOS-EUROS CTM – Part I: Comparing the labeling and brute force technique for source attribution., EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-5862, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-5862, 2021.
Pültz, J., Banzhaf, S., Thürkow, M., Kranenburg, R., Schaap, M. (2019): Source attribution of PM for Berlin using LOTOS-EUROS, HARMO 2019 (Brügge, Belgien)
Pültz, J., Langematz, U., Meul, S., Ayarzagüena, B., and Oberländer-Hayn, S. (2016): Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Kopplung von Stratosphäre und Troposphäre - eine Studie mit dem Klima-Chemiemodell EMAC (Präsentation), Dach 2016 (Berlin, Deutschland)
Pültz, J., Langematz, U., Meul, S., Ayarzagüena, B., Oberländer-Hayn, S.(2016): Impact of climate change on stratosphere-troposphere coupling –a study with the chemistry-climate model EMAC (Poster), SPARC Workshop SHARP2016 (Berlin, Deutschland)